Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1346 Chapter Xiqi [Thanks to the evil brother for the reward and more]

Chapter 1346 Returning to Xiqi

At 11 noon, the black Audi appeared in front of the Fate Hall on time. Chen Zhi got into the car as usual and returned to the organization smoothly.

After entering the Xiqi King City, Chen Zhi originally wanted to go directly to the King's Court.

But the lamp boy told him that the leader suddenly changed suddenly when he was about to die, and asked Chen Zhi to wait for a while. After a while, a lamp boy would take Chen Zhi directly to the leader's private room to meet him.

This happened to coincide with Chen Zhi. At this time, he first went back to Jiang's Dafa Temple. Since the last incident where the sub-helm was attacked, the black arrow has been kept in the hands of the witch. .

Chen Zhi asked the big witch to take out the black arrow, and then studied it alone for a long time. He peeled off the magic spell on the black arrow layer by layer, and after removing the external illusion, he finally found the expected arrow on it. s things!
And this thing is the culprit of Bao Ping's abnormal performance!

In the following time, Chen Zhi went to the warriors' permanent training area. He wanted to see the recovery of those injured warriors.

Those warriors who entered the God's Tomb with Chen Zhi were indeed here, and this time the atmosphere in the training ground was not as good as before.

When the warriors saw Chen Zhi coming in, they immediately surrounded him. They are recovering well, but they still haven't recovered. Most of them are still wrapped in white bandages.

They looked at Chen Zhi's expression with great respect, even admiration.Chen Zhi knew that these warriors worshiped him very much, just like worshiping the ancient Xiqi. Everyone needs a spiritual leader. They hope that this leader is perfect, strong and wise, and can lead them to the infinite peak.

After chatting, Chen Zhi learned from these blue-belt warriors that after Ji Ying returned to the organization, he immediately made a rubbing copy of the fish-scale tooth book that Bai Ke gave him, and then published it completely.

From then on, this extremely precious body art book has become the common content of the warriors in the Xiqi King City, which will greatly strengthen Xiqi's overall combat effectiveness.

Everyone praised Ji Ying's selfless behavior, saying that this was the purest spirit of the Ji family's royal family.

In fact, the purpose of Chen Zhi's coming here this time was to visit Ji Ying. Since the trip to the tomb of the gods, Ji Ying has been very indifferent. She never said anything to Chen Zhi. She also kept silent about what happened to the guest.

This made Chen Zhi very worried. He knew that Ji Ying couldn't get over that test.

Regarding the power of guilt, Chen Zhi has a deep understanding. He knows that it is difficult for human beings to grasp the feeling of guilt. Sometimes people will keep digging into the horns under the guilt, doubt themselves, and even fall into the soul hell in the end.

At that time, this guilt will turn into a demon, which can never be shaved off!
But after entering the red belt warrior's rest area, Chen Zhi didn't see Ji Ying and Asuo and others. On the contrary, she saw Xia Lao warrior and Bao Jiu sitting on the exclusive seats for red belt warriors, lowering their heads. talking about something.

Bao Jiu is very happy~~
When the two saw Chen Zhi coming in, they immediately ran over and knelt down on one knee, put one hand on their chest, and saluted Chen Zhi.

Then Bao Jiu stood up, excitedly showing the bright red strap on his wrist to Chen Zhi.

"Patriarch, look!

This subordinate's wristband really turned red, right?
The subordinate once promised to my father that he would definitely become a red belt warrior...

At that time, the subordinate's wristband turned red overnight, and then turned back the next day. I was so annoyed!

After changing color again this time, I was really afraid of changing back again, so I ran to the elders' house overnight and asked Great Elder Ji Hu to witness for me.

Haha, Great Elder Ji Hu told me that this subordinate has really advanced!Promoted to the red belt warrior!

Patriarch, do you know?

The subordinate family has served in Xiqi for generations and practiced martial arts for generations, and it has been more than 300 generations now.

I am the first red belt warrior, the first in our family, if my father were alive..."

Bao Jiu said while looking at Chen Zhi with joy.

Bao Jiu, a samurai, is a little different from other samurai. He doesn't always put on a poker face like others, which probably has something to do with his age. He sometimes behaves like a samurai and like an impulsive teenager.

At this moment, he held up the wristband high, his aura all over his body was high-profile, and he wished the whole world could see his glory.


The old warrior Xia looked at him with both eyes, and said calmly:
"Don't be arrogant in front of the patriarch, be careful of the patriarch's punishment!

These days, you talk about these things with everyone.

This is not a big deal, why make it so public!I only think you are shallow!
There is a saying that honor and disgrace are not to be surprised, we are the red warriors of Xiqi, and the example of all warriors. If the words are so frivolous, where is the dignity?

Stormtrooper, you should be more cautious in the future! "

"alright, I got it@"

Bao Jiu respected the old warrior Xia who was much older than him, and he was not so arrogant after hearing what he said.

At this moment, Chen Zhi looked at the scarred face of old warrior Xia, and said with a smile:
"Warrior Xia, congratulations!
I have long heard it said that you are the most experienced of all warriors, alert and capable.You deserve this honor long ago, and you deserve it! "

"It's just luck~~~, it's just luck~~~",
The old warrior Xia immediately waved his hands humbly, and continued to put on his poker face:
"The patriarch was joking, how can a subordinate have any ability!
Xia has no virtue and incompetence, it's just some years of hard work, it's nothing more than the organization's current lack of red weapons, and his subordinates got it by luck.

This is not a skill, thanks to everyone's love, it really makes the patriarch laugh. "

When the old warrior Xia said this, he hesitated again, and then he smiled and hugged Chen Zhi,
"Hmm... Actually, there is still something I want to ask the patriarch to fulfill!"

"Please tell me!",
Chen Zhi was very polite, and said to Old Warrior Xia with a smile,

"As long as it is within my ability, I will try my best!"

"Ah! Then thank the patriarch first!",
At this time, I saw the old warrior Xia, who seemed to be very casual but actually very deliberately, raised his arm with a bright red tape and moved it, and then said:

"Since being promoted to Hongwu by the leader and patriarch's wrong love, the subordinates have been planning for the past two days, always leaving something for future generations to let them remember the kindness of the two.

Therefore, the subordinates always want to take some pictures. This is not an urgent matter, but you said that the subordinates are already over half a hundred years old. The red straps don't look good either!
But in Xiqi, we are not allowed to take pictures, and the samurai are not allowed to leave the city without authorization, so I have been trying to see the leader for the past two days and let me go out privately, but the leader has been seriously ill and cannot see him.

Since the patriarch is here, it is the same, please allow the subordinate to go out of the city privately once, there are many places to take pictures in the outside world.Moreover, some special technologies will be done outside to make the image more decent! "

"Oh... you mean art photos, right?"

Chen Zhi suddenly wanted to laugh, but he immediately replied to Old Warrior Xia:
"Don't worry, old warrior, I'll approve you to leave the city right now!

Then I will arrange special people to take you to the best photo studio, and I will definitely take pictures of your current glory and pass it on to your future generations. "

"Oh, thank you patriarch!",
The old warrior Xia immediately smiled, his face was redder than the red band on his wrist.

After Bao Jiu heard what Old Warrior Xia said, he immediately said that he would follow!
Chen Zhi naturally agreed. They were chatting here when suddenly the door creaked behind them, and a lantern boy got in, and bowed deeply to Chen Zhi.

"The Patriarch is above!
The servant girl passed on the leader's order, and invited the patriarch to go to the living room for a gathering! "

 [Thanks to the evildoer brother Wan reward for adding more]

(End of this chapter)

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