Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1347 Meet Bao Ping

Chapter 1347 Meet Bao Ping

This time, Chen Zhi was taken directly by the lamp boy to a very remote road.

It was the close-fitting lantern boy next to Bao Ping. This lantern boy couldn't tell the gender, but he was obviously older, and his gestures were obviously more arrogant than the other lantern boys.

Chen Zhi originally thought that he was going to the big bedroom of the chief, which was the place where the old chief lived before his death. Xiqi's generations of chiefs have all lived there, but what he didn't expect was that this time they went to another place. Road.

This road is also very familiar, Chen Zhi has been here once, and at that time Bao Ping was just the adopted son of a leader, an ordinary human being.

He has a place of his own in this royal city, which is completely modern in design, very secluded, not surrounded by any areas, it is considered a hidden place.

Chen Zhizhen hadn't been here for a long time, and it reminded him of many things in the past. At that time, there were still many colorful things in Chen Zhi's mind.

There was some dust in the corridor. It seemed that Bao Ping hadn't been here for a long time since he became the leader, and no one cleaned it.

When I arrived at the familiar room, I saw a few Lan Wu standing close to Bao Ping's body outside. The door was slightly open, as if someone had just left.

Chen Zhi pushed lightly, and walked in.

As soon as I entered, I smelled a very strong smell of spirits, which are all Nordic purity whiskey, which can make people dizzy.

The light in this room is very dim, there are crumpled papers everywhere, and there are scattered empty wine bottles; cigarette butts and the like, except for a bed and a few simple pieces of furniture, there is only a modern The multi-person sofa is placed in the main hall, and beside the sofa is a black military stick, the leather handle on which has been worn out.

And Bao Ping was sitting on the sofa. Chen Zhi saw that Bao Ping's eyes were sunken, his face was thin and his hair was a little disheveled, and his eyes were chaotic. unstable state.

But his gray eyes were still deep, reason still held him,
"come in!"

Bao Ping waved his hand at Chen Zhi, then pointed to the sofa next to him.

Chen Zhi responded lightly, then walked over and sat on the sofa opposite Bao Ping. He could clearly see that there were many long hairs on the sofa, which belonged to women.

In fact, there are traces of women everywhere in this room. There are obvious marks of red lipstick on the bed sheets, and some women's private items are left behind, but in some details, bloodstains that have not been wiped can be seen. Bao Ping During this time, he was still vomiting blood.

"Are you in a hurry to find me something?",
Bao Ping tidied his hair slightly, then leaned on the sofa and asked softly.

His voice was obviously weak, and it felt like his energy had been drained.

Chen Zhi responded softly, and then looked at the things on the coffee table. The coffee table was very messy. Apart from some things left by the woman, there was also a set of tea sets used by Bao Ping, and a jar full of bright red tea. Roar blood crystal.

"I want to tell you about my father!",
Chen Zhi scanned the jar of Howling Blood Crystals, then raised his head to look at Bao Ping:
"He made something for me, some useful information! You need your permission before he can send it to me through the Internet."

"Oh, these things, you can decide for yourself!",
Bao Ping said weakly, and then went to unscrew the cap of the blood crystals, and then put those bright blood crystals into the hot water.

Those blood-red crystals melted as soon as they touched boiling water, just like a glass of thick blood.

Chen Zhi clearly saw that Bao Ping's hands were trembling at this time, his brain and body were close to collapse, but he still tried hard to force himself to calm down, and he blew the bright red blood crystal , and then drank it like a treasure.

After drinking the blood crystals, Bao Ping seemed to be much better. After taking a few deep breaths, he raised his eyes to look at Chen Zhi again. This time his eyes were fixed, and his dark gray eyes returned to their original state. calm.

"Not only these? You should have other things...

Say it!

There is no need to be rigid between us! ", Bao Ping said flatly.

Not just these...",
Chen Zhi didn't prevaricate too much, and said straight to the point:

"I'm here to see what's wrong with you. Uncle Jin came to see me last night and he told me everything.

There seems to be something wrong with you now! "

Bao Ping responded lightly again, and then moved his hands on the chaotic coffee table to find cigarettes and lighters. After lighting them up, he flicked lightly on the ashtray:

"It's not as serious as you think, you don't have to think too much!

Uncle Jin is worried about those women, right?
It's okay, I'll have someone send them back today.

You also know that we had too many things to do a while ago, and I was a little out of breath, so I asked Uncle Jin to arrange these!
I will pay attention to restraint in the future, and I will not bring people to the organization, it's no big deal!Don't think too complicated! "

"That's not what I'm worried about!",
Chen Zhi was still looking at Bao Ping, looking at his seemingly calm face,
"I'm not worried about what you think!

What I am worried about is that the red medicine on your body may be revived again. "

Bao Ping's face immediately turned blue, and he stared at Chen Zhi's eyes with dark gray eyes:
"Are you saying that woman gave me the poison?
Didn't they all have been pulled out last time?
The witch said that the Gu poison in my body has been cleaned up, even if there are residues, the blood crystal will get rid of those residues, how could it be repeated? "

"Because red medicine is not something that can be easily removed.

Also because, you got hit by their backstab! ",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he opened his luggage bag, took out a cloth package from the middle, and peeled off the cloth on it, revealing the black arrow inside.

"Do you still remember this arrow?" Chen Zhi pointed to the arrow and said,
"At that time, Anbu put so much power into burning the sub-rudder, massacring the sub-rudder personnel, and luring you out. The purpose was actually to shoot this arrow into your blood.

I have just used the separation technique to separate all the illusions on it. This one looks like the venom of an unknown beast, which can paralyze people's limbs and make them unable to walk!
But because it didn't cause you too much harm at that time, and there was nowhere to find this kind of beast, so I didn't investigate it further.

Thinking about it now, it's actually very simple. The reason why this kind of beast poison can't be found is because it comes from Fengdu Difu.This is fundamentally the arrogant animal poison. This poison is connected with the blood of the caster of your original red medicine. It has only a small amount of content, but it can play a special role, that is, to catalyze the rebirth of the red medicine in your body.

In other words, since you were injured by this arrow, the red medicine on your body is like withered grass after the rain, and it has come back to life, and it has come back to life tens of thousands of times!

The influence that the caster once had on you has become even stronger..."

(End of this chapter)

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