Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1348 See Bao Ping

Chapter 1348 Meet Bao Ping ([-])
Bao Ping's face was already pale and ugly at this time, he listened to Chen Zhi's words silently, and realized what happened to him.

In silence, he continued to smoke half a cigarette in his hand, thinking for a long time,

"What a troublesome woman, troublesome to live, and troublesome to die!

It's better to get rid of her earlier!

Now what?Continue to pull out the Gu poison?as usual? "

"This is the only way!",
Chen Zhi said with a serious face:

"I know, this is not easy for you, this kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people!
But you are the leader, you must not be manipulated, otherwise the whole Xiqi will be manipulated! "

"It's nothing..."
Bao Ping stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray, and said casually,

"Then let's do it like this, we'll do it later, you will host it!"

When Chen Zhi said this, he didn't know how to continue, he hesitated for a while, and finally said it out,
"Lord Bao, there is something you need to be prepared for.

In fact, during this period of time, I also have a certain understanding of such things as witchcraft.

The so-called Gu poison is a technique of mixing various ingredients. In fact, it is the chemical method of the ancients, and it is a kind of hallucinogenic drug. Will not make other mistakes.

But red medicine is different. After observing you during this period of time, I feel that red medicine is not such a simple thing at all!

It has life itself, knowing when to hide and when to expose, just like a living organism, this kind of thing is very troublesome~~"

"What do you mean?"

Bao Ping crossed his hands, looked down at the ground and asked, "Say it straight!"

"I mean..."

When Chen Zhi said this, he looked at Bao Ping's thin and pale face with both eyes, and felt a little unbearable.

"Lord Leopard, what I mean is that the red medicine is not just poison, it can really change people's mind, although I don't know how it does it, maybe it is really a kind of god things to understand.

Now I believe more and more that the nine-tailed sky fox at that time could really use it to confuse the gods of the world and get everything in this world.

I used to think that what it aroused was only the desire of human beings, making human beings mistakenly feel that they have adoration for the caster.

But now it is found that its real power is to arouse people's love, and this kind of love is uncontrollable. As this drug erodes deeper, people can no longer judge whether it is true or false.

In other words, the real becomes false, and the false becomes true!
Can you tell me truthfully about your current state of mind? "

What state of mind? ",
Bao Ping suddenly laughed, evoking his usual smile calmly, making people feel that he never took anything to heart,
"Are you worried that I'm thinking about that woman?
If that's the case, it's easy!

There are many women in this world, and there are many with good looks, just find a replacement!
As for the dead woman, there is no need to mention it!
I don't want to remember her very much. Her hypocritical appearance is just like her disgusting counterparts, which disgusts me! "

Bao Ping frowned when he said this, as if thinking of the most disgusting thing in the world.

Then he stood up and pushed all the messy women's things on the coffee table to the ground.

"Tomorrow I will have someone seal this room, and I will never bring women into Xiqi again!

As for those girls, I will have someone send them out today. They are all still alive, don't worry! "

"it is good!"

Seeing what Bao Ping said, Chen Zhi didn't say anything more.

He nodded gently, looked at Bao Ping calmly, and after a long silence, he finally said that thing:
"Lord Leopard!
In fact, I am looking for you today because of the most important thing!
There is one thing that has been placed with me for a long time, but I have not given it to you. This is my mistake.

Because I am worried that after showing you this thing, you will lose your mind and make wrong judgments!

So I want to keep procrastinating...

But now that the issue of God's Tomb has been resolved, I have no reason to delay any longer! "


Bao Ping raised his eyes and looked at Chen Zhi in front of him.

"Hiding things from me?
Patriarch Chen, this is not good for you!

But... what is it!

Would it be worth your while to go out of your way to hide it? "

"It's a gift...",
When Chen Zhi said this, he brought up the hand luggage beside him, then took out the black box, put it on the coffee table, and pushed it in front of Bao Ping.

"At the Genghis Khan Mausoleum in Mongolia, Ji Yang personally delivered this casket to Ji Ying and asked her to pass it on to you!

Said that this is a gift from Yamo, the leader of Anbu, to you alone! "

When Bao Ping heard the word "Yama", Bao Ping's eyebrows immediately twitched. Obviously, Bao Ping hated Yamo very much, and that hatred came from the bone marrow.

"It's interesting that he will give me a gift, what is it?",
After Bao Ping finished speaking, he reached out to open the box, but Chen Zhi immediately pressed the box down.

At this moment, Chen Zhi's face suddenly became extremely serious. He fixed his eyes on Bao Ping's and said in a very serious tone.

"Lord Bao, please promise me one thing first. After opening this box, no matter what you see,
Don't lose your sanity and don't make any impulsive decisions!

Because you are the leader of Xiqi, every decision you make involves many lives.

And you will regret it in the future!
would you promise me? "

Bao Ping listened to Chen Zhi's words without saying a word, his gray eyes kept looking at Chen Zhi's eyes, and after a few seconds of silence, he smiled faintly, then nodded,

"it is good!

I promise you! "

Then let me open it for you! ",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he pressed his hand on the box, closed his eyes, and silently recited the mantra.

The box that seemed seamless at first suddenly became full of aura, and a circle of crack-like gaps opened around it. Finally, the top cover slowly opened, revealing the contents inside...

(End of this chapter)

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