Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1349 Yamo's gift

Chapter 1349 Yamo's gift

It was a very weird wooden box, the outside was covered with bronze sheets, and the structure was very fine. At first glance, it looked like a music box made of iron sheets, but there were no gaps on the entire surface of the box~~~~
Chen Zhi had seen a sample of this kind of casket in the "Tong Jian of Antiquities" in Jiang's Book Collection Pavilion.

It is recorded in the book that this was a container used by the gods and nobles to deliver letters and gifts in the age of gods a long time ago.

The gods and people at that time liked to give gifts to each other. Some gifts were very expensive and required special containers. This kind of wooden box is like a safe today. After putting the valuables in it, close the lid, and only the recipient I can only open it by reciting a mantra, otherwise others will not be able to pry it open even with a knife~~~, just like the current fingerprint verification.

And on the top of this kind of box, there is a separate mezzanine, and there is a letter in the mezzanine. Before the gods and people open the gift inside, they will see this letter first~~~, so that when the box arrives in the hands of the recipient , There are also gifts and blessings, very complete! ! !

Generally, letters are written with polite words of blessing, such as congratulations on your birthday, or congratulations on the birth of your precious son~~
However, it is recorded in ancient books that the description form of this kind of letter is very special, which can make people have the feeling of "being there in person"~~~
When Chen Zhi read this material, he felt very strange. How could a letter give people the feeling of "being there in person", even the current video can't do it~~~
However, it is also recorded in the data that this kind of box needs to be shaped by some special spells, which is very troublesome. If it is not a very expensive gift, this kind of vessel is generally not used, so it was gradually abolished later. ~~, there is almost no one left in the human world. Chen Zhi only recognized this kind of box from the hand-drawn drawings he saw on the materials.

I never thought that such an ancient thing would be preserved in Yamo's hands~~~
After the box touched Bao Ping's hand, Chen Zhi silently read the opening spell.

A gap immediately appeared around the box, and the top cover was slowly opened, and according to the description in the information, what should be seen at this time is a letter.

However, a cloud of gray-blue smoke appeared in the box, and the smoke was dotted with stars, as if the entire night sky was packed into the box.

Then the smoke spread out, turning the entire room into night in an instant, and everything around them disappeared, replaced by a dark world.

There is a dead silence here, with a strong smell of blood and sulfur floating around, and you can even see the icy mist of the Wangchuan River spreading in all directions. This dark area is very familiar to Chen Zhi, because he has been there before. .

Chen Zhi will never forget the experience there. It is the end of the legendary Huangquan Road - Fengdu Ghost Town.

In this death-like darkness, Chen Zhi couldn't help but think of that death-like face, Yamo!
In this darkness, there is a place to focus on. At the deepest point, there is a shadow appearing there faintly, emitting white light.

"Crack~~, creak~~~", a strange sound came.

The sound pierced into the bone marrow, as if grinding teeth, which made people feel fear from the deepest part of their hearts, and made their whole body numb.

And soon, the shadow in front gradually became clear, that white shadow was lying there, it was a naked woman, her back was facing Chen Zhi, and she was wearing a red wedding gown like blood, Her hair was long and soft, her body was thin, her skin was pale, and there was blood everywhere below her arms, mixed with the red wedding dress.

The woman was motionless and was obviously dead, but she must have struggled in great pain before she died. There were obvious bruises on her body, and her own scratch marks on her neck and arms.

However, on her left ankle, there was a shining black gold shackle, and that shackle locked her firmly into the ground, making it impossible for her to break free.

When he saw that scene, Chen Zhi's heart seemed to be ignited, and it immediately boiled. He didn't expect that Yamo would send this scene to him. , is Qin Yueyang's body.

Chen Zhi immediately turned his head to look at Bao Ping, only to see that the corners of Bao Ping's eyes were cracked, and it was the first time that his eyes were widened so wide, those gray eyes flashed red, and the blazing fire burst from his eyes. Burned out.

"Crack~~, creak~~~",
The strange sound sounded again, drawing attention to the position behind the corpse.

It was only then that Chen Zhi discovered that behind Qin Yueyang's body, there was not a simple darkness, there was a person hiding there...

It was a person wearing a big black cloak, with a big hood on his head, and he made a "creak~~, creak~~~" sound, as if he was grinding his teeth.

Chen Zhi's heart tightened immediately, he knew that it was Yamo!

But Chen Zhi didn't immediately prepare to fight, because he knew that all these were just images, this is the way of displaying the so-called letters...

Yamo slowly raised his head, his familiar face was revealed under the huge black hood.

His eyes are bright and big, different from all demigods and sons of gods, his aura is very proud, just like the most noble god in the world, he has a majesty that cannot be seen directly.

There is a round totem on his forehead, soaked in blood, it is bright red, like a blooming flower, in this dark hell, it is delicate and charming, reflecting his perfect face very vividly.

"What is he doing?",
Bao Ping stared straight at the image in front of him, and asked Chen Zhi beside him.

"I don't know!",
Chen Zhi answered in a low voice:

"This is just an image of the past, and it should have been left before, no matter what we do now, this image will not have any response!

It appeared in front of us just to convey the message of Yamo.

We just have to listen to what he has to say now! "


Yamo in front of him was panting heavily, his huge and strange eyes moved downward, looking at Qin Yueyang's corpse with a strange expression.

Then, he stretched out his long hands from under the black cloak, placed them on the snow-white body, and stroked every inch of Qin Yueyang's skin from the soft hair down.

The way he strokes is quite greedy, and the corners of his long mouth are hooked up, as if he is smiling.

He stroked Qin Yueyang from head to toe, stroking every private part, his face full of enjoyment, just like touching an extremely soft and interesting work of art.

In the end, he suddenly raised his huge eyes and looked at Bao Ping accurately. It felt as if he really saw Bao Ping.

In the end, the corners of his mouth were cracked high, revealing a mouth full of perlite shell-like teeth. The banter on his face was enough to irritate all men.

Then he grabbed Qin Yueyang's snow-white ketone body, as if grabbing his own personal belongings, and said provocatively to Bao Ping,

"Come find me!"

Yamo's voice was hoarse and heavy, and there was a sound of falling to the ground. Qin Yueyang's snow-white skin immediately shed blood under his claws.

At this time, Yamo pointed straight forward with his other hand, pointed at the box and said,
That is my gift to you!
come to me!
I'm waiting for you! "

 [Thanks to the evildoer brother for the reward and update]. . . . . .I'm confused about something, why are you still scolding me in the middle of the night?Suspect me more?

(End of this chapter)

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