Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1353 Midi Zhangyi

Chapter 1353 Secret Memories ([-])

[Thanks to Wanshang Dahao: lqySDR, 10000; book friend 20180706230524731, 10000]

The first message was from Asuo.

Asuo and the others quickly inspected all the urban areas during this time, and got information from the eyeliner. In a small city to the west, they found a person suspected of Anbu, and this was an old woman.

According to the situation reported by the local people, this old lady has no children, but she often goes to and from the market. There is only one large local market, so this old lady is easy to remember.

Her schedule of going back and forth is very fixed, she will come out every Monday to buy rice noodles, every Tuesday to buy medicine, and so on...

Her behavior aroused the suspicion of the eyeliner, because judging from the amount of these purchases, there should be more than a dozen people behind her, and she did not open a restaurant or other business, which is completely unreasonable.

Later, it was discovered that she had been buying supplies for others. After controlling the old woman, it was easy to find a connector. Immediately called me, using an internal line, to inquire about the next course of action.

I immediately gave him instructions to follow this clue and control the Anbu's sub-helm immediately, and told him that he must catch the alive,

Asuo and the others were very fast, and found the sub-helm within an hour, but when they got there, they found that the entire sub-helm had been blown up.

The metal casing of the entire sub-rudder was blown up and rolled over, just like an overturned iron pot. The explosives came from the outside, and they were all buried around the sub-rudder. The quantity was astonishing.

We deduced at one time that there is a considerable amount of explosives outside each sub-rudder of Anbu, and they should have a way to tap all the telephones in the country, including private lines. rudder.

Regardless of whether the person at the helm is willing or not, they will all disappear immediately...

"The patriarch is right, this is the difference between us and Anbu!"

A local sub-rudder immediately responded.

"Compared to Anbu, our organization's sub-rudder also has a complete destruction system, that is, when danger is discovered, in order to prevent the information in the sub-rudder from leaking, the people inside will press the self-exposure button and choose self-sacrifice.

But the entire button is placed inside the sub-rudder, and it is often too late when there is danger outside, and the sub-rudder of Anbu can be directly destroyed by external force without any time difference in between.

In other words, people in Anbu have no autonomy over their lives, and are all controlled by the upper echelons.

During this period of time, we are also looking for Anbu around the local area to prevent their sudden attack. Since the sub-rudder was blown up last time, we have become more rigorous. All items are dispatched by the organization and transported from the underground passage. No trace can be seen outside.

We can do this, and so can Anbu, and we will never make the low-level mistake of asking the old lady to buy supplies, so I guess that the one that the Aso warrior found should not be a sub-helm, maybe it is just a temporary foothold.

And we also found that Anbu seems to be very powerful, able to monitor all phone and network information, which is very fatal. Regarding our communication, try not to contact us by phone in the future to prevent leaks. "


Chen Zhi nodded slightly,
"What I want to tell you now is the second news, which is from warrior Ji Ying.

Warrior Ji Ying brought the most powerful blood rune battalion into the mountains these days, and they also brought in many god hounds at the same time.

These are god hounds, which have been nursed by Xuefu Ying himself. Their sense of smell and sensitivity are by no means comparable to ordinary dogs.

When we fought last time, we left some bodies of black warriors, and they all have a special smell.

These divine hounds sniffed these smells, and then looked for traces of Anbu in the mountains. Facts have proved that this method is very effective.

They quickly found an underground path in a remote mountainous area in the north. There was no human habitation there, and even wild animals were hard to find. After they entered through that path, they found a natural patio.

At the bottom of the patio, a metal person asked, because the situation was urgent at that time, warrior Ji Ying jumped directly from there with the blood rune battalion.

As expected, there is a metal area below, with many computers and equipment, it should be a very small sub-helm, with only a few people in it.

When it was discovered that Ji Ying jumped down, most of the people had committed suicide by biting the poison in their molars, and there were only two people left in the end.

They quickly took the two people to the patio, and within two seconds there was an explosion, and everything was gone.

Of the two people brought back, one of them did not cooperate at all and died under the severe punishment.

There is another person who doesn't know much. From what he picked out, it turns out that they are all technicians. Their main task is to transmit and analyze the above information. In the end, they don't even know who they are serving.

The person said that they directly contacted the main rudder in the northeast region, and every time they contacted, the main rudder sent people over, and the supplies and food were also delivered directly. He didn't know where the main rudder was at all?And who is the helmsman of the main rudder?

As for how many small sub-rudders are around and where they are, he is even less clear. In other words, the main sub-rudders are all in a single-line connection with them, and even if they copy one, they will not be able to find the others.Abolished is also abolished.

This man died the next day, and the torture in the Blood Talisman Camp was very severe, so he probably wasn't lying at the time.

But that's all the information we got out. The only thing of value is that there is indeed a branch in the northeast region. I believe there should be an important person there. This important person should know some top secrets that others don't know, such as... ..., where is Anbu's headquarters. "

"The subordinates think so too!"

Another sub-ruler also said,
"Because my sub-helm is in the northeast region, I can often sense that there must be a large organization around us, but I can't see it!"

In the past few years, I have sent a large number of people every year to find this large sub-rudder, but it is too difficult to find any clues at all, they seem to be transparent. "

"So, you can't find it in the original way!",
Mu He suddenly interrupted everyone's conversation, then he lit a cigarette, took a puff lightly, then leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the helmsmen,

"You should all be warriors, right?

When I was young, you were all heroes in my eyes. At that time, I dreamed of becoming one of you.

I'm different, I'm not talented, I haven't learned physical skills all day, I only learned some bluffing tricks, but relying on these tricks, sometimes I really bluff people.

I heard from everyone just now that Anbu is as transparent as it is completely invisible, and it seems impossible to find them.

But I know that as long as people live in this world, they will leave traces, no matter whether the traces are noticeable or not, as long as we calm down, we will be able to find them, because even ghosts will leave ghost shadows ..."

Since there is nothing you can do now, let me try...

 [Thanks to Wanshang Dahao: lqySDR, 10000; book friend 20180706230524731, 10000]

  Thanks for the reward: ?Maple chestnuts? , 1000; after reading for many years, it is difficult to find books now 200; book friends 160824181802335
(End of this chapter)

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