Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1354 Secret Meeting

Chapter 1354 Secret Meeting ([-])

After Mu He finished speaking, all the sub-rudder owners turned their eyes to him in unison.

The hierarchy within the organization has always been very strict, each level has its own dignity, and the dignity of the upper level is sacred and inviolable. For those inside the organization, outsiders are completely untrustworthy and have no rights. Participate in such a confidential meeting.

These helmsmen have always had extremely high prestige and prestige in the organization. They usually only have direct contact with the leaders and do not obey anyone.

In front of ordinary warriors, the rudder masters also belonged to the middle and high ranks, and they needed to salute them when they saw them. Some big rudder masters had a very high status, even the same as the elders.

Seeing Mu He's relaxed appearance, these rudder owners obviously didn't like it.

This ordinary person who has no identity and no physical skills is sitting at the front of the conference table at this time, sitting with the chief of the Jiang clan, and dictating them, which touches their noble self-esteem.

There are some older helmsmen, the evil spirit in the eyes has almost penetrated Mu He:

"Young man, what a breath!
Can you help me?
What way? ",
The speaking helmsman was named Guan Sheng. He was older, probably in his fifties. He had a large scar on his left eye, his entire eye was cut through, and he was already blind.

Chen Zhi had heard about this rudder master before, he was the person in charge of the largest sub-rudder in the entire Northeast region. He heard that he used to be a close-knit warrior by the old chief's side, and was also a member of the Blood Rune Warriors. During the operation, he partnered with Bao Ping.

Later, he was sent outside to take charge of the largest sub-rudder in the Northeast region. There are tens of thousands of people in his sub-rudder.

Guan Sheng has been in charge of such a large sub-rudder for nearly ten years, everyone acts in an orderly manner, everyone obeys his orders, and orders are prohibited. Up to now, this sub-rudder has made countless achievements, but has never made a mistake.

The old leader had praised him more than once during his lifetime, saying that he was worthy of great use and was a rare talent, and warned Bao Ping that in the future, he should discuss with Guan Duo more about outside matters.

And the old rudder master of Guan Sheng seemed very dissatisfied with Mu He's tone at this time,

"Young man, maybe you still don't know what search is. If you talk about search techniques, I ask myself how much I understand these years. In the past, the new leader and I searched for the blood of Aoruo all over the country, so that evil can turn into animals and beasts. Let us see through at a glance, relying on eyesight.

But these years, we have been searching for Anbu in various places for a long time, and it can be said that we have used everything to the extreme.

Some methods you have not even heard of, we have already thought of, just like what our other helmsman said just now, the clues found through a single old woman buying a lot of food outside are simply It couldn't be a real clue, because that was not a mistake Anbe could make at all.

Some of our technicians also master high-end network technology, and can also enter each system and carefully control the materials of each system, but they cannot analyze the problematic areas in these data.

Because after all, the Northeast is a very large area, and the population of each city is too large, and each situation is very different, and Anbu is not a fool, and their supplies should be delivered in a safe way, which will never arouse suspicion.Just like the situation where an old woman living alone suddenly buys a large amount of supplies in a certain place, it is completely impossible to happen.

However, the sensitivity of our samurai is the strongest, and sometimes it has surpassed the ability of vision. If even our samurai can't find someone, I don't believe you outsiders can do anything! "

After the old helmsman finished speaking, he folded his arms in front of his chest, leaned on the chair and looked at Mu He, his complexion was as black as the bottom of a pot.

At the same time, all the sub-masters resumed their poker faces, and they all looked at Mu He coldly, how did the person who "speaks wild words" smooth things over?
Mu He flicked the ash on the ashtray, looked at the proud helmsmen in front of him with his small but focused eyes, and then smiled softly,
"The data you see is only partial data of a certain area! And partial data is just a glimpse of the leopard, not comprehensive at all.

And these data are all obtained from the side, from the hands of some merchants, observed from the eyes of informants, and obtained from beating around the bush.

That is to say, these data are not objective and very limited.

Now let's talk about the search skills of the samurai!

Indeed, the organization's search technique is very powerful, but it is more suitable for tracking enemies and beasts in the deep mountains and old forests. It is a branch ability of physical arts, so what you do is often tracking, not information seeking. Sub-rudders hidden in cities or mountains are not very meaningful.

Also, the habits of the organization are too simple and rude, and they always like to use force to solve problems, often with a little impulsiveness. This is the reason why the foothold was blown up before it was found.

But my team is different. They are a group of real intelligence personnel. They are calm, very careful, and never miss a single detail. Even if this person just killed their parents, they can still laugh and eat with others. Show a little bit of emotion, this is what we do intelligence.

During these three days, you have searched your way.

And I also used my method to find, my method is to find loopholes among the upper-level personnel.

Anbu can achieve this level, it will definitely not be a unilateral force, because the source of their power is too mysterious, and they must find supporting figures on it, which is usually called a backer.

The power of these backers is often very strong, but they are all decent, living under the sun, and the things that can impress them in the dark part, in addition to some dark means, there is another indispensable thing, which is money.

You all tend to think about finding something that doesn't make sense in some data.

But they didn't think about it, they also have the ability to monitor all communication equipment, and they are also very sensitive to information. That is to say, they should already know that the organization is now frantically looking for the Anbu on a large scale.

And at this moment, what is Anbu's reaction?

Of course, it is low-key hiding, reducing all contact and material transportation, so as not to arouse suspicion.

In other words, what we should pay attention to now is not the increased data, but the suddenly decreased data in these three days..."

(End of this chapter)

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