Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1358 Take down the tower

Chapter 1358 Take down the tower
They are now about a few kilometers away from the top of the mountain in front of them.

When looking from this side, you can also see that it is the end of a hill. From this form, the distance in the middle should be very far.

But despite such a long distance, if it is really as the old helmsman guessed, that is where the sub-helm is located. With the sensitivity of the black warrior, he can already feel the voice here.

So now they must not make any conversational sounds, and everything can only be done by gestures and lip language.

After that, everyone didn't say a word, and everyone followed Guan Laozhuo's actions and sneaked forward quickly.

It was a real sneaking action, the arms were tightened, and the body became a cohesive force, quickly shuttling through the grass.

Chen Zhi clearly saw that the feet of all the warriors hardly occupied any land. They almost leaned on the grass and rebounded to move. Although there were nearly 200 warriors, they did not make any noise during the entire journey. sound,

Of course, in this forest, there are some wild beasts walking, and the birds in the sky will often fall down. It is normal to make noises, so the footsteps of Chen Zhi and the others can be completely ignored, and it will not make people suspect that there are large-scale troops go ahead.

In this way, they passed the forest above them smoothly all the way, and soon smelled the damp and dense forest area.

When we arrived at this place, it was already a remote mountain with no human habitation.

They walked forward for a long time, and the position in front of them was far from the end. It seemed that the top of the mountain was farther away than what they saw visually.

This is not a scenic area at all, the mountain road is rugged and steep, and there are no traces of artificial excavation. It should be a forgotten place.

However, here, Chen Zhi saw many traces of large wheels rolling, as well as some imperceptible artificial marks.

It seems that people often use trolleys to push a large amount of materials through here.

Sure enough, they found a place.

In this way, they traveled quickly through the mountains for a long time.

Suddenly, the old helmsman Guan who was walking in the front suddenly raised his right hand, and the team stopped in an instant. Chen Zhi knew that he had reached his position.

The peak of the mountain that looked sharp in the distance had already reached its peak. In front of them was a hill, and below the hill was a fan-shaped valley.

This kind of valley is in a semi-enclosed state. There is a gap-like passage in the middle of the valley, which is an excellent strategic position.

As for the hill as a whole, it can no longer be seen from the bottom to the top.

But there are many strange-shaped rocks in front of the valley, and those rocks are long strips, like stone sticks, inserted into the ground, tightly enclosing this area.

Chen Zhi saw that there were traces of moss removal on those rocks, which meant that the upper ends of those rocks were hollow and carved manually.

It is very likely that the heavyweight weapon Guan Laozhu said is placed in it, so that all the positions below are within range.

When Guan Laozhu came here, he made a stop gesture, looked around everyone, and then looked at the rocks.

The current situation is very clear. They have entered the control range of the sub-rudder. There must be a very strong surveillance system for such a level of sub-helm.

In the seemingly empty grass ahead, there may be infrared facilities. In this kind of place, you must not startle the snake.
Those tall rock groups are actually rows of towers. Once discovered, there will definitely be a large number of offensive weapons, such as submachine guns, shooting down from above.

At that time, this fan-shaped valley will be like a sealed fan, and they will be like birds in a net, and it will be difficult to escape.

After arriving here, the old rudder officer inspected all the warriors, then pointed to a few rudder masters, ordered a few blue-belt warriors, and pointed to the stone towers above.

What he means now is very clear. These towers are the biggest threat and must be removed as soon as possible.

Each of them is responsible for a tower, no matter how many heavyweight weapons are placed in those towers, and how many people are stationed, they must be killed quietly.

If you can't pass this level, it is simply impossible to sneak into the sub-rudder secretly.

Chen Zhi also looked around at the towers hidden in the stone pillars in front of him. There were more than [-] towers in total, like a circle of fortresses, enclosing the valley like a fortress.

Sneaking into these more than [-] towers at the same time, this process cannot be discovered by anyone, and then subdue the people inside without making a sound, this is an extremely difficult task to succeed.

Moreover, the current communication facilities are very developed, and it is only a matter of an instant to issue an alarm.

Among the thirty or so teams, as long as any one fails, the alarm bells will definitely ring out at that time, and the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Soon, more than forty helmsmen bit their own daggers on their mouths, each with a few blue-belt warriors, and got into the grass.

Just like what these young helmsmen said, sneaking into the enemy's camp and stealing the enemy's head without anyone noticing is the housekeeping skill that Xiqi warriors have inherited for thousands of years.

Chen Zhi saw that when the group of forty or so people entered the grass, they didn't even hear a sound, as if they had completely disappeared.

Later, Chen Zhi could even hear the sound of mountain snakes crawling in the grass, but he couldn't hear any human life.

Then, Chen Zhi clearly saw the black shadows jumping up from the edge of the tower at an incredible speed, and then jumped in from the black gap with lightning speed.

About five or six minutes later, the helmsmen came back one by one,
The daggers in their mouths were covered with blood at this moment.

Guan Laozhu quickly counted the number of people, and all the more than [-] teams have returned, and one of them is quite a few...

(End of this chapter)

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