Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1359 God's Perspective

Chapter 1359 God's Perspective

"Is everything resolved?",
Chen Zhi asked very concisely with his lips.

All the warriors and helmsmen nodded clearly, and took off the bloody dagger from their mouths.

From their expressions, it can be seen that although the process just took a few minutes, it was far from easy as imagined. There must be masters in those towers, and some warriors already had deep knife marks on their faces.

There are also some samurai with black bullet holes on their limbs, and a strong smell of gunpowder on their bodies. It is very obvious that they have also been shot just now, but they used extraordinary physical skills and bodies to hold the bullets. let out the sound.

At this time, the forts in front have been completely used up, and the monitors on the towers have also been secretly cut off by the warriors. Now the headquarters of the monitoring sub-helm should be invisible, but this situation must not last for more than 5 minutes , otherwise the manipulators outside will definitely become suspicious and ask the sub-rudder to send someone out to check.

Now this area is still as quiet as before, without any sound.

And next, it's the main event...

According to previous experience, there must be a large amount of explosives buried outside the sub-rudder. The amount of these explosives must be astonishing, and the control of the explosives should be in the hands of the outside monitors. Once there is any disturbance, the monitor will press the button to explode. Button, and then the entire sub-rudder will be blown up with everyone in it, not even a complete body, so it is of no value to them.

Chen Zhi didn't let everyone continue to move. On the contrary, he put his finger on his lips, muttered silently twice, and then waved towards the sky.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds rolled up in the sky, as if a strong wind suddenly blew up, but behind the clouds, a huge shadow with wings appeared dimly, just like a phoenix.

That shadow was very good at hiding the figure, and quickly wrapped itself in the clouds to hide itself. It was hidden in the white clouds and moved quickly. After circling the entire fan-shaped valley, it finally fell down like a cloud of smoke, standing Beside Chen Zhi, it turned into a young girl.

This kind of miraculous scene, even the rudder master of the sub-rudder, is not often seen, and everyone is obviously very shocked.

At this time, Jian Di's eyes were colored, and she was obviously in a state of preparation for battle. She went to the front, kissed Chen Zhi's feet and knelt down, then stood up and leaned against Chen Zhi's ear, and said a few words softly. sentence.

Chen Zhi knew it right away, he nodded slightly to Jian Di, and Jian Di disappeared like a gust of wind.

At this moment, Chen Zhi raised his palms together into the air, and slowly diffused the air in his body into the air.

Those airflows are like strands of silk. In an instant, a bird's-eye view map composed of airflows appears in front of everyone.
Just like the old curse chart, although this map is composed of airflow, it is very clear, just like a transparent LCD screen. Now all the layouts in the entire valley have been fully presented in front of everyone.

And the field of view of this bird's-eye view map is very detailed, it is the whole picture that only the eyes of demigods can see.

Those stone buildings have all turned dark at this time, which means that these things are completely harmless and can be ignored.

However, in the middle of this valley, there is a completely circular flat building. From the appearance, it should be made of metal, like a huge flying saucer.

Half of the flying saucer is exposed, and the other half is hidden in the ground. There is a large square crack at the main entrance, which should be a doorway.

But around the flying saucer, there is a circle of red areas, big and small, piled up in clusters, like piles of bubbles, surrounding the rudder as a whole.

Chen Zhi pointed to these red parts with his fingers, turned around and said to everyone with his lips:

"Attention everyone, this is explosives!
All are flammable liquid explosives, which explode when ignited, with amazing destructive power! "

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, everyone immediately gathered in front of the map, carefully observed the ground structure, and determined the location of the explosives.

The amount of explosives is simply amazing. It can be said that this kind of explosives buried deep in the ground, as long as they are completely detonated at once, not only the sub-rudders, but also the entire mountain can be blown upside down.

At that time, not to mention living, it is estimated that there will be no meat or bones, and no news will be leaked. Of course, Chen Zhi and others who are standing here will also be buried together.

"We have to find a way to get these things out of the way!"

The old helmsman echoed with his lips, and he pointed to the large explosive area behind, which looked different, like an eight-legged spider,
"Have you seen it? This should be the main explosives control zone. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a line connecting the surrounding areas.

Then each piece of explosives is connected with a guide line. As long as one place is ignited, the whole will detonate quickly without any relaxation time. All we need to do now is to cut these guide lines.

But in this process, you can't touch the sensitive area around the explosives. There is a strict monitoring network there. Once you touch a little bit, you will be discovered immediately, and the whole thing will be detonated at that time!
However, if we don't know the specific location of the underground, if we want to bypass these monitoring networks and cut off the leading lines, this is simply a life-threatening gamble, and the chance of winning is so small that it is simply impossible. "

"Humans can't achieve it, but demigods can!",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he threw off his coat, exposed his right arm, bit his fingertips with his teeth, quickly drew a picture on his arm, and then pressed his palm vertically on the ground.

With a sound of "bang~~", accompanied by a burst of white smoke, Wu Jia came out from the ground wearing a battle armor.


Wujia's voice was extremely soft.

But Chen Zhi still made a silent gesture, motioning him to keep quiet, and then said to Wu Jia with his lips: "Have you seen the surrounding terrain?
Got the wires for those explosives? "

Wujia has a sharp mouth with two teeth exposed, and he can't speak lip language very well, but he can understand lip language.

He kept nodding desperately, and then pointed to the area around the bombs.

Wujia was very short and kept jumping up, trying to touch the airflow map on it. It looked very funny. A rudder master couldn't stand it anymore, picked him up, and lifted him to the map.

At this time, Wu Jia used his long claws to change a few connecting lines between these red explosives. When the air flow flew up, those red lines stayed. Seeing this picture, everyone immediately understood.

It turns out that the connecting lines of those explosives are all buried deep underground, deeper than liquid explosives...

 【Chapter 3 yesterday, add more rewards for "Fu Ci and Orange"】

(End of this chapter)

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