Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1367 Torture Interrogation

Chapter 1367 Torture Interrogation ([-])

The divisions of Anbu in various cities have basically been demolished now, but very few people survived among them.

The people in these sub-helms, even a cook, have been trained and brainwashed.

They have done a lot of demonstration training before, and the first time they find danger, they will bite the poison bag on the back molars, and then die directly from the poison.

Therefore, when destroying those sub-rudders, due to the lack of control of Chen Zhi's enchantment, very few survivors survived this time.

But they still caught some people, most of them were handymen, some very young women and old people.

These people have not been tortured and interrogated, but after they were brought to the organization's blood rune camp, they were completely terrified.

Unfortunately, these people themselves have no use value, and most of them don't know what the organization they belong to.

They only know that they have to undergo rigorous training and do some dark work, but they will receive high monthly remuneration.

Some are even just some family members. They don't know where and where they have done what they have done. They don't even know where is the organization and which is Anbu!
But when these people were brought to the Blood Talisman Camp one after another, Chen Zhi noticed a subtle change suddenly appeared in the Anbu helmsman who had been tied to the stone tripod.

This change is reflected in his aura, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

From his restless aura, it can be seen that the helmsman Anbu is secretly worried about something, and his state of mind is very anxious.

But his worry did not stem from worrying about his own safety, but he was worried about others, and worried about the safety of one of these survivors.

And this worry is very strong, it can be seen that this person is more important than his own life in his mind.

Chen Zhi quickly grasped this detail, and then he looked keenly at those behind him, the captives. He asked people to bring those people in one after another, locked them in the same room as the Anbu helmsman, and ordered everyone all out.

The appearance of the interrogation room was very frightening, with horrible instruments of torture everywhere, red-hot irons, various types of corrosive liquids, and blue smoke rising from the side.

There are still a lot of broken bones on the ground, which were smashed alive on the mace bench, all of which look shocking.

After many women came in and saw all this, they were immediately frightened and cried bitterly.

The old people were ashamed, they looked around helplessly, as if they were looking for a shortcut to die quickly, but in this kind of place, it is completely impossible to seek death.

Chen Zhi was sitting in the control room outside. There was an invisible glass on the opposite side, which could monitor the situation in the interrogation room without being discovered by the other party.

Chen Zhi noticed that since the captives came in, the aura behind the helmsman became more and more anxious, which proved that he was getting more and more panicked, which didn't suit his personality and identity at all.

This kind of behavior is definitely not scaring oneself, but scaring others, and this person is among the survivors brought in.

Chen Zhi saw that some of these living people spoke to the helmsman, wailing and even scolding in pain.

But no matter what other people said, the helmsman did not respond.

He kept looking down at the ground with his eyes downcast, and sometimes he would suddenly raise his eyes to see where Chen Zhi was.

Chen Zhi knew that this kind of trick through the glass could not be hidden from the helmsman, he had already found that Chen Zhi was on the opposite side.

Just like that, Chen Zhi stood up suddenly after sitting in the next room for more than an hour, and then walked into the interrogation room.

He first walked up to the rudder master, who looked very embarrassed at this time, his upper body was naked, his skin surface was covered with bloodstains, and his jet-black hair was stained with sweat, as if he had been fished out of the water. His slender eyes were also bloodshot.

During this period of time, he suffered a lot and tried every means to end his life by himself, but there was no chance at all.

He refused to enter any water. If he hadn't been hanging on the bottle, he would have died of dehydration.

But because he hadn't slept all the time, his eye sockets were sunken and black, like a dying zombie, he stared blankly at Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi looked at him with his head down, and his two eyes met him. After staring for a long time, he said softly:

"Is that a concern?
Who are you worried about?

Someone behind you?

Is this person important to you? "

After Chen Zhi asked this series of questions, he caught a trace of imperceptible panic in the eyes of the helmsman.

The helmsman was indeed afraid, and he didn't want others to see his fear.

Chen Zhi then put his hand on his head, as usual, the mantra was immediately bounced back, this man's will is too strong, the mantra has no effect on him at all.

But Chen Zhiche saw a shadow on the outermost surface of his cerebral cortex. This shadow was very vague, but very special.

Chen Zhi then immediately turned his head and patrolled among the captives. Finally, his eyes fell on a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

The girl was quite handsome, with snow-white skin, a few freckles on her face, and a small pouting mouth. She looked playful and cute, but at this moment she was already shaking with fright, and was about to lose her mind and go crazy.

Chen Zhi walked over quickly, grabbed the girl's shoulder with his hand, and the girl immediately screamed like a spirit, struggling desperately, as if Chen Zhi would take her to see Hades at any time.

But Chen Zhi still carried the girl, pulled him in front of the helmsman, grabbed the girl's head with his hands, and put it in front of the warrior, forcing him to look.

"Are you worried about her?

Who is she?
Is it your relative?

your sister?Or your lover?
She is very important, right! "

When he saw the girl's face, Anbu Rudder's face immediately turned livid. He gave Chen Zhi a vicious look, but he didn't look at the girl, and then he still lowered his head.

Chen Zhi suddenly changed his face,

"Then just listen to her screams! Maybe it will remind you of something..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, the air flow from his whole body flowed out of his palms, and the extremely violent wind and thunder curse passed along his palms to the girl's body. For a moment, thunder and lightning flashed in Chen Zhi's palms.

At the same time, an extremely tragic scream came from the girl's mouth,


Then, there was a burning smell, and the girl's head drooped limply...

(End of this chapter)

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