Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1368 Torture Interrogation

Chapter 1368 Torture Interrogation ([-])

From the perspective of human nature, Chen Zhi two years ago never thought that one day he would do such a thing.

But now he actually did it, and when he did it, he didn't hesitate too much.

The Wind and Thunder Curse is a very cruel spell, which can change the composition of the surrounding air and release super-strength electricity.

When the electricity is at its strongest, it is a hundred times more powerful than the lightning and thunder in the sky. It cannot be produced by human beings. In theory, it can split a large creature tens of meters high with one move.

The delicate girl in Chen Zhi's hands looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, and she looks so weak that she is not an important person in the sub-rudder. Maybe she just lives here temporarily, maybe she is a relative of the Anbu helmsman. Or a lover.

But at this moment, after Chen Zhi catches this signal in the eyes of the big rudder master, Chen Zhi will cast the wind and thunder curse on the girl without hesitation.

But the Wind and Thunder Curse was ruthless, the girl only let out an ear-piercing scream, and then passed out.

The skin on her body, which was still white just now, has been burned red and half-cooked by the spell at this time, exuding a little burnt smell. This kind of cruelty is ordinary and unimaginable.

The helmsman of Anbu's eyes were bloodshot at that moment, he rushed towards Chen Zhi crazily, shouting at the top of his lungs, but all his limbs and joints were broken, and his body was tightly tied to the pillar.

In the end, he was powerless and limp, his hair was wet with sweat, sticking to his tired face, staring at Chen Zhi like a helpless and crazy beast.

Come at me, don't touch her!
Otherwise, I will kill you even if I am a ghost! "

"This is just the beginning!",
Chen Zhi raised his eyes lightly, and looked at the Anbu helmsman, allowing him to see the numbness and ruthlessness on his face.

Afterwards, Chen Zhi immediately turned his head, and gave instructions to the blood talisman warrior next to him,
"Wake her up!"

The blood rune warriors immediately surrounded and lifted the girl up.

There are no expressions under the cold masks of these warriors, but they seem to have escaped all human weakness. They have no mercy for anyone, including themselves. For them, obeying orders is everything.

They poured icy water on the girl, and the cold water reacted with the scorching skin immediately, and the girl's body that had just been scorched immediately let out a sound of "呲啦~~", bursting out white smoke.

The huge pain made the girl jump up with a bang~~, and then yelled crazily. Her vocal cords had been torn.

Immediately afterwards, a blood rune warrior went over to hold her down, and then gave her an injection in the arm, so that the girl would not die from a ruptured heart due to the severe pain.
"Does your heart hurt?",
Chen Zhi looked coldly at the leader Anbu in front of him, without any expression on his face,

"This is just the beginning!
Then, you will see what you don't want to see! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he turned his head and said lightly,
"Take her clothes off and throw them into the hot oil!"

The blood rune warriors walked over without hesitation, and tore all the clothes off the girl in a few strokes.

Then he carried her to the side of the boiling oil pan.

The hot oil rolling in the heat wave was only a dozen centimeters away from the girl, causing the girl's face to be burned. The girl's snot and tears all fell into the oil pan, and the sound was already tragic and indescribable. When people hear it, they will immediately go crazy.

And at this time, the rudder master of Anbu finally spoke.

And in his numb and slender eyes, since there was a little bit of watery light, the watery light was very faint, and he couldn't be sure what it was?
His voice was hoarse and trembling, and that feeling made people feel an inexplicable sense of sadness,
"I heard,

The patriarch of the Jiang family is a human being!
Now it seems that is not the case! "

After the helmsman finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes, and then all the aura behind him disappeared,

All the things that resisted the airflow disappeared in an instant.

The barrier was broken, his lips were tightly closed, and he didn't say a word, but what he wanted to express was very clear...

Chen Zhi then put his hand on his forehead, and the mantra broke in unimpeded. After entering his head, Chen Zhi found a separate place, which was reserved for him alone.

That location was very dark, where Chen Zhi saw Yamo's blurry face.

Yamo's form is very proud, sitting high on a black throne, that throne is carved from a whole piece of black rock, it is pitch black and shiny, it seems to be a huge spiritual stone.

And the totem on Yamo's forehead was bright red, and in the darkness, the face of the Son of God was very perfect.

However, Yamo has been talking to this Anbu helmsman, and Chen Zhi can't hear clearly, but he can feel that Yamo trusts him very much.

Chen Zhi couldn't see where it was, but what was certain was that it was very dark there, and there was absolutely no need for such things as light.

However, it seems that there seems to be a throne behind Yamo, which is even bigger than Yamo's.

On that throne, Chen Zhi saw a strange shadow, this shadow was indescribable, slim and vague, it seemed to belong to a woman, but it didn't seem to be...

Just after seeing these things, suddenly, the air current of the Anbu helmsman rose again, and bounced Chen Zhi's heart-entrance spell back heavily.

The helmsman opened his eyes again and looked at Chen Zhi. This time, his slender eyes stared at Chen Zhi. There was a curse of resentment in those eyes, but there was another kind of prayer .

He moved his lips and said softly...

"Patriarch Jiang, descendant of the gods, I beg you..."

His speech was slurred because his jaw had been dropped.

But Chen Zhi could still clearly see what he meant,

"Let her live!

send me away! "

After the rudder master Anbu finished speaking, he stared at Chen Zhi firmly, waiting for Chen Zhi's answer.

Chen Zhi stared at his slender eyes for a long time, and finally nodded seriously, "Okay!"

Chen Zhi then stretched out his thumb and middle finger, and shot a sharp airflow at him, shooting into the center of his eyebrows.

The Anbu helmsman, who was covered in blood, dropped his neck in an instant, lost all breath, and died completely...

 Thanks for the reward: Happy Anime 5000; Book Friends 141217201808537, 500; V~ Proverbs, 500; favorite; wind sense
(End of this chapter)

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