Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1369 Trap [Add more updates for the evil brother]

Chapter 1369 Trap [Add more updates for the evil brother]

While doing all these things, Bao Ping has been watching silently through the single pane of glass in the next room.

When everything was over, he walked over from the next door, glanced at the corpse of Anbu Rudder, and asked Chen Zhi softly:

"Well, did you see the exact place?"

"No!" Chen Zhi shook his head gently,

"There should be a different space, we have been to that type of space, the emptiness and pattern are separated, there is no fixed position and search path.

It doesn't make any sense to look for it according to the ordinary path. "

"Then why did you kill him?"

Bao Ping looked at the bloody corpse and said:
"It's still useful to keep him, maybe after a while, with some guidance, he can vomit more!"

"Not anymore!",
Chen Zhi shook his head lightly:
"He has already said what he should say, and it doesn't matter whether he is alive or not. He is a stubborn person, so let's leave his whole body!

I have already seen the scene there in his mind, and I will find a way to find that place..."

Bao Ping nodded, then turned and left without saying anything, and the warriors of the Blood Talisman Battalion followed him.

At this moment, Chen Zhi lowered his eyes to the ground, looking at the scorched girl.

I saw her on the ground in pain and could no longer make any sound, her whole body was twitching slightly, like a dying bird.

Chen Zhi frowned, and gave instructions to the blue-belt warriors standing beside him:
"Send her to the medical room, and she must be revived.

To the witch doctor there, this is my order, you can use the elixir on her, don't let her leave any sequelae! "

After receiving the order, several blue-belt warriors carefully carried the girl out. During the process, the girl kept twitching, and it seemed that she was going to die soon.

However, the medical technology in the organization is very strong. The witch doctors have been in Xiqi all year round, and they are very good at treating this kind of injury.

After a few days, the girl recovered as before, the power of the elixir was astonishing, and her scorched skin grew back without leaving any sequelae.

But she became mute, no matter what anyone asked her, she wouldn't say anything, and she wouldn't say anything about his relationship with that Anbu helmsman.

Later, Chen Zhi ordered that the girl be sent abroad for proper resettlement, and left her a large sum of money to allow her to live a very prosperous life.

Then, the Anbu Helmsman was buried with the etiquette of an ancient warrior, his body was cleaned up, and then wrapped up decently, and given to the girl for her to settle by herself.

This time, the task of cleaning the dark part of the rudder was very successful, almost all the nails were eliminated, and there was no news of any demigod being harassed for a while.

The prestige of the organization was boosted, and the warriors all had a strong sense of honor. They worshiped Bao Ping and Chen Zhi infinitely, and were extremely proud of their identities. They seemed to have returned to the victory period when King Wu defeated Zhou 5000 years ago.

But now there is still a problem, that is, there are too many sub-rudders found all over the country.

That is the lives of many people, distributed in various locations across the country. With the current strength of the organization, it is not a problem to destroy the sub-rudders one by one, but the relevant personnel involved, like infinite branches, go deep into all walks of life. among the professional crowd.

Bao Ping was as firm as iron this time, leaving no trace of future troubles. Once the Anbu was involved, no matter men, women, old or young, they would all be eradicated.

It is not troublesome to carry out this task, but if so many human lives are to be completely suppressed, this is not a joke.

And Mu He's identity at this time has been completely inclined to the organization, and his relationship with Bao Ping can no longer be concealed.

It can be said that in the later stage, no matter what decision Bao Ping made, he would unconditionally help, and then unconditionally cover up the bloodstains for him.

During that time, even the moon in the sky seemed to be blood-colored, and countless lives just disappeared in the darkness.

One afternoon, when Chen Zhi was about to leave the organization and go home, he found a free time to drink tea with Bao Ping.

Bao Ping has always been very focused on the tea ceremony. Since he got used to drinking blood crystals, it has almost become a must for him every afternoon.

During this period of time, the brutal hunting and killing had already stained Bao Ping's hands dripping with blood.

In fact, many old people in Xiqi, including Great Elder Ji Hu, had already talked to Chen Zhi secretly, asking him to persuade the leader not to kill him like this again.

Everyone has a limit, and it is best not to break through this limit, otherwise it is easy to fall into the trap of others, and it is easy for me to fall into the abyss of human nature.

"Lord Leopard, have you thought about a question?"

Chen Zhi held the teacup in his hand, watching slices of green tea swell a little bit in the boiling hot water, just like blooming flowers.

"Have you thought about it?

Why did Yamo send you that box? "

"Think about it!
He is inviting me over!Then kill me! "

Bao Ping said without hesitation,

"That is to say, you know he is provoking you?",
Chen Zhi raised his head to look at Bao Ping, and put the teacup on the coffee table.

"Lord Bao, you have always been a safe person.

In fact, there is one thing I have always wanted to say, have you ever thought about why Yamota angered you?What good is it to lure you over?

He should know that the warriors of our organization are better than the warriors of their Anbu. Since he is so eager to lure you to a decisive battle, it proves that he must have a trump card in his hand.

After he has this trump card, he thinks that he has full confidence that he can wipe us out in one fell swoop.

This is a trap..."

"Trapping things depends on what the other party thinks!",
Bao Ping gently shook the teacup in his hand, without looking up at Chen Zhi:
"There is no trap for success, just being smart.

I am the leader of Xiqi, I am confident that my samurai will never lose to Anbu.

The rest is up to you! "

After Bao Ping finished speaking, he raised his head to look at Chen Zhi, and smiled faintly.

"What? Are you scared?
I think... we should give up the idea of ​​dying a long time ago! "

 [Add more updates for the evil brother]

(End of this chapter)

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