Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1370 Where did Yamo come from?

Chapter 1370 Where did Yamo come from?

"The end of life..."

When Chen Zhi heard these four words, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

"I really dare not expect such things as the end of my life...

But I don't have the idea of ​​dying yet, and as the leader of Xiqi, you can't make any mistakes.

So since we decided to go to the appointment, we must be fully prepared. If there is any danger, I will not let you go.

During this period of time, I have been thinking, what is the trump card in Yamo's hand?
Now, I think I've figured it out! "

Hearing what Chen Zhi said, Bao Ping raised his head and slowly put the teacup on the tea table:
"What do you think!"

"Lord Leopard!",
At this moment, Chen Zhi looked at Bao Ping,

"Lord Bao, do you still remember the magic weapon that Ji Ying brought into the underworld?

It is the stone that can limit my strength! "

"of course I remember!",
Bao Ping said flatly:
"At that time, my adoptive father passed this thing to me before he died, and asked me to keep it properly.

He said, this is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by the Ji royal family. The leaders of all dynasties have firmly grasped this thing, because this thing can control your Jiang family's spells.

Your Jiang family's power is too powerful. From a certain point of view, it has already surpassed the power of the royal family.

So Jiang Ziya made this preparation at the time, in case the unworthy son wanted to usurp the throne.

With this thing, you can control your Jiang family in the hands of the royal family from generation to generation. There are two families, the Ji family and the Jiang family, and Xiqi is the real Xiqi.

But I remember, I have already returned that thing to you! "

Chen Zhi nodded and replied, and then looked at Bao Ping again.

"But now I know that in the hands of Yamo, there is very likely to be another magic weapon like this, which can also limit my spell power.

That is to say, apart from Ji's royal family, Anbu has also been able to limit Jiang's ability.

But I don't know why, they haven't used it, maybe it's not the right time.

But I think this time, he might really want to use it..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he took out the black little ring from his bosom and handed it to Bao Ping.

"This is what I found on the helmsman of Anbu, such a slender piece can control all my spells.

I've seen the edge of it, which was polished not too long ago, and from a large talisman.

In other words, there should be a bigger piece in Yamo's hand! "

"This is simply impossible!",
Bao Ping looked at Chen Zhi seriously and asked.


"Are you sure your piece hasn't been stolen?

Did you put it somewhere, and they have already taken it away without noticing it! "

"This is absolutely impossible!",
Chen Zhi said thanks softly, and then drew a circle in the air:

"I won't put this important thing anywhere, and I won't trust anyone. It's always by my side."

After Chen Zhi's voice fell, a circular magic weapon appeared in the air. This was the magic weapon that Bao Ping gave him back then that could limit power.

It was a circular stone with a hollow center, unpolished edges, and flat spots all around. At first glance, it looked like a rough bracelet.

"It doesn't make sense!",
When Bao Ping saw the bracelet, he couldn't help frowning.

"I heard my foster father talk about the source of this thing.

This magic weapon was made by Jiang Ziya himself, and the meaning he made at that time was to pass it on to Ji Fa's descendants.

Jiang Ziya poured the ability to limit his own spells into this magic weapon, and made this restrictive magic weapon.

Since he made it himself, it is impossible to make another piece for others, and let others restrict his descendants. Isn't he contradicting himself?

Unless this was originally a whole piece of magic weapon, and it was separated for some reason. "

"I think so too..." Chen Zhi nodded slightly.

And I suspect that this son of Fengdu may have a very deep relationship with Jiang Ziya.

In fact, after I came back from Mongolia, I met three light second gods by chance. They are all very old and remember things from a long time ago.

They told me a story...

But since things changed later, we were too busy, and I couldn't judge the authenticity of this matter, so I never had time to tell you.

But thinking about it now, the things that the Guangsecond Gods said at that time were very real.

I think this may be the true origin of this son of Fengdu, Yamo.

Or maybe this is why he hates us Xiqi so much,

The God of Light at that time said:
After King Wu overthrew Zhou, Jiang Ziya was granted a fiefdom, and this place was called Qi State.

Because Jiang Ziya governed the country well, and his descendants were all talented, Qi was the richest country at that time.

And Qi State also has a noble surname, surnamed Tian.

In the Qi State at that time, the Tian family was just a small family with few people, so there was nothing to fear. Later, a man named Tian Chang appeared among the descendants of the Tian family.

This Tian Chang has great ambitions, and he wants to destroy the Jiang family and usurp power to stand on his own, but the Tian family is not prosperous.

So he came up with a way that violated human ethics.

Among the people, Tian Chang selected many Qi women who were more than seven feet tall to be concubines in the back house, and the number of concubines reached more than 100.

Then he began to recruit guests and heroes from all over the world. He let his guests and attendants enter and leave the back house at will without prohibition.

There are also historical records in the documents we have left,

"Tian Chang chooses girls who are more than seven feet long in Qi State as the harem, and there are hundreds of them in the harem, so that the guests can't help but leave the harem. And Tian Chang died, there are more than [-] men."

It means that those guests and heroes wantonly promiscuous in Tian Chang's back house, and these women, leaving countless bastards, but Tian Chang did not stop them.

When Tian Chang died, his concubine Ji gave birth to more than 70 sons for him. Because the patrilineal names were not correct, they all took the surname Tian.

And these sons are all powerful and capable of fighting, they all regard themselves as the sons of the Tian family and are loyal to Tian Chang.

Under the subjugation of these sons, the Tian family soon became the second largest surname in Qi State, and successfully usurped the throne of Qi King!
Won the fief that the Jiang family should have at that time! "

"I've heard of this before!",
When Bao Ping heard this, he couldn't help laughing,
"This behavior of cuckolding oneself is just a joke!
The Ji family and the Jiang family at that time actually just took this opportunity to retire and were not defeated by these people.

Moreover, although the Qi State has been strong for a while, in fact, it did not end well in the end. What does this have to do with Anbu? "

"Whether Qi was defeated or not is a matter in the history books...",
Chen Zhi continued,

"But what I said is that what is recorded in the history books is not true.

Those guests and heroes that Tianchang recruited into the house at that time were not actually human beings..."

(End of this chapter)

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