Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1379 Bamboo Sea [Add more rewards for babysong]

Chapter 1379 Bamboo Sea ([-]) [Add more rewards for babysong]

The location of this special bamboo forest is located on the east side of the scenic spot known as Anji Bamboo Sea.

Anji is a place name, located in the hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta, adjacent to Changxing County of Zhejiang Province, Wuxing District of HZ City, Deqing County, Yuhang District of HZ City, Lin'an City and Ningguo County and Guangde County of AH Province.

Due to the unique climate and location, between 119°14′-119°53′ east diameter and 30°23′-30°53′ north latitude, there are evergreen green bamboos everywhere, with fluttering bamboo leaves. , like a dream, with rising clouds and mist, the place left by the gods and couples, is the biggest feature of Anji.

According to the statistics of some experts, it is a miracle that one million mu of bamboo forest and 1886 million moso bamboos have accumulated on the vast land with a radius of 1.35 square kilometers.

Moreover, the location of that place is among the mountains, the terrain is steep, the scenery is beautiful, the momentum is magnificent, the scenery is magnificent, and the white clouds are floating around in the bamboo forest. From the plane, it looks like a green ocean. There are really fairies flying out of the bamboo forest.

It is known as a fairyland on earth that combines the majestic appearance of Huangshan Mountain, the steepness of Huashan Mountain and the strangeness of Shennongjia.

Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, accurately summarized the landscape of Anji:

"Spring comes to Hsinchu to meet the sky, the heat is cool and green, the maple leaves are red in the golden autumn, and the severe winter is still full of frost and snow!"

"Xiaofeng County Chronicle" also records the magic of this scenic spot. "Its mountains are steep, the bamboos are green, and people's clothes are shining."
These beautiful words describe this land of bamboo sea which is rich in bamboo leaves.

Due to the development of tourism in recent years, Anji Bamboo Sea has been developed in a large area, and most of the locations in front of it are national scenic spots open to the outside world.

And behind the mountain, the most precipitous area is the deadly private area.

And the area of ​​that area is not small, it can almost occupy the center of the entire valley.

But no one has ever lived in it. Even the local indigenous villagers live around it. Even if they occasionally need to cut bamboo shoots, they will not easily enter that area.

When someone asked the local villagers, those villagers would immediately wave their hands and say that there has always been a mountain ghost in this bamboo sea.

Wearing blue clothes, this mountain ghost has nothing to do with the world. He looks clean and benevolent, but he is very weird. A long time ago, he signed a contract with the local people, and they will not invade each other. It is best not to provoke him.

Chen Zhi flipped through these electronic materials on his mobile phone. The forest sea in the photo is really beautiful and makes people fascinated. The emerald green ocean makes people want to get away from the hustle and bustle of this world and live in seclusion there from now on.

However, the property rights records here are very vague. Almost all the records about the legal person are almost zero, and only the owner's surname is known here as Zhu.

Moreover, the record of the person in charge is quite vague, and all the places where traces can be found seem to have been erased by magic.

When he saw this place, Chen Zhi had already confirmed that this was the place they were looking for.

Because this kind of record is not due to the negligence of the case handler and the work is not detailed.

It was because someone cast a special spell that blurred the record.

This kind of spell is very advanced, and it can selectively lose people's memory. It is recorded in Jiang's library, and it is called "remembrance technique".

At this time, there is no need to wait, time is urgent, and they are about to leave immediately.

Mu He said that if Chen Zhi needs it, he can send a helicopter to go there directly tomorrow, and then send Chen Zhi and the others into the bamboo sea, saving the trouble of entering the door.

Chen Zhi discussed with Fat Wei, and they planned to take Ding Ning out tomorrow.

Ding Ning's side is easy to deal with, just a few casual words, but this time, they'd better take a samurai with them.

However, there should not be too many people with you. If you want to bring too many people, it will attract the attention of others, and the helicopter should not take too many people.

But in the middle of the night that night, someone suddenly rang the door of the Fate Hall.

When Chen Zhi and Fat Wei opened the door, they couldn't help being overjoyed, because they found that Ghost Sword was standing outside,
"The leader sent me!"

Ghost Knife's face was cold, and his voice was also cold, as if all the blood had been drained from his body.
"The leader ordered, I will still live here in the future, protect the patriarch, and obey orders!"

After Ghost Knife finished speaking, he nodded slightly to Chen Zhi, with a faint expression on his face,

Although this expression was not obvious, Chen Zhi and Fat Wei felt that this was the best-looking ghost knife they had ever seen.

They knew that after so many things and such a long time, Ghost Saber had completely let go this time.

The next morning, when it was just dawn, there was already a special car waiting for them at the door.

The person driving the car was still a small guy. Chen Zhi asked for this car from Bao's family, and he would take them directly to the airport as the Bao's private jet to Zhejiang Province.

There, Moo-hyul would arrange for a helicopter to take them directly down into the bamboo sea.

Chen Zhi and the others have taken the Bao family's private jet many times, and they can carry all the close-fitting cold weapons directly in a package.

However, it was the first time for Ding Ning to take a private jet. Apart from being extremely excited, he kept calling the stewardess and ate up everything in the freezer.

Along the way, except for him who kept making noises, everyone else was closing their eyes and resting their minds.

After Ghost Knife came back this time, he was more silent than before. He said very little. When he was free, he would often close his eyes, as if he didn't like to look at the world around him very much.

Chen Zhi always felt that Ghost Saber's aura at this time seemed to be more than ten years old.

After arriving at the private airport in Zhejiang Province, they were already very close to Anji Linhai.

Here Mooher prepared a medium helicopter for them.

This plane has a special license plate, and besides the driver, it can seat four more people.

The person who flew the plane was an active soldier, with no expression on his face, he didn't ask anything, he didn't say anything, and he didn't chat with them.

The order he received was to take them directly to Anji Linhai, and then stand by for orders.

Anji Dazhuhai is located in the South Gate Port of Anji, in Wuhe Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, HZ City, Zhejiang Province.

The species of bamboo forest here is very single, and the simple dense forest moso bamboo is the main one.

At the entrance of Dazhuhai, there is a cold spring named "Wunu Spring", where there is a flat land that can be used for helicopter landing.

After arriving at that place, the pilot told them that he will wait for them here. He got the order to wait for them here for seven days. If Chen Zhi and the others don't return, he will fly back by himself. Other things He doesn't have to...

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(End of this chapter)

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