Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380
After Chen Zhi and the others got off the helicopter, they walked less than 500 meters ahead, and immediately saw the bustling crowd.

It is hot summer at this time, and it is around 10 o'clock in the morning, which is the most lively time in this scenic spot.

Wunv Spring is a famous scenic spot and historic site there. The spring water there is groundwater that gushes out from the spring in the middle of the pool. It is clear and pleasant, clean and transparent, and rich in minerals. It is said that drinking it can eliminate all diseases.

The caliber of the spring water is not large, but there are bustling crowds gathered there, most of them wear tourist hats of various colors, and there are tour guides holding tourist flags.

Many people hold water bottles here to pick up spring water, or wash their hands or drink directly, laughing and laughing, it looks very lively.

After seeing Chen Zhi and the others passing by, several local wild tour guides came over to say hello to Chen Zhi and the others with leaflets.

Speaking of the front, there is a film and television shooting base. The famous movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was filmed. Then your scenery is very beautiful. You can go there for 120 yuan. Ask Chen Zhi if they need to lead the way ?
Chen Zhi looked at these tour guides, and then chose one among them.

This person is not very old, he is a young man, the kind of wild tour guide often seen in tourist attractions.

Because of his dark face, this young man couldn't tell how old he was. He was estimated to be between 18 and 28 years old. With a mouthful of white teeth, he smiled sincerely.

Chen Zhi chose him because he speaks a strong local accent, and he wears shoes with thin soles and casual clothes.

It can be seen that the family lives near here and is an authentic local.

Fat Wei took out a red ticket from his wallet and gave it to the wild tour guide, then pointed to the valley in front of him,
"The movie you mentioned was filmed there, right?
Let's go, take us to see it!We happen to be going there too! "

The little tour guide responded repeatedly,
"Don't worry, everyone, you're right to find me.

That's the scenic area I just mentioned. The bamboo sea there is connected one by one, which is very beautiful!
Back then, Zhang Ziyi and Chow Yun-fat flew on the bamboo, and I saw it with my own eyes!
They picked bamboo leaves, and they all flew into the sky, as if they had become immortals! ",
While talking, the little tour guide stuffed the red notes into his satchel. Few people who come to travel do not pay back the price.

Seeing that people like Chen Zhi spend a lot of money, and they don't talk too much, I feel very happy.

After stuffing the money into the bag, he took his broken horn and set off with Chen Zhi and the others.

This road is really lively, and all tourist attractions are inevitably in this state, and there are shadows of artificial excavation everywhere.

Because it was summer, there were shops selling popsicles and souvenirs around, and you could see all kinds of pennants, most of which were Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon shooting locations.

In fact, Chen Zhi still knows a little about the filming locations of these movies.

Because of budgetary issues, few films will be filmed in several provinces and cities. The film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won an international award, and the green bamboo forest in it left a deep impression on people.

After becoming famous, many places claim that there are movie shooting locations in them.

But in fact, it is impossible for the crew to move around so many places. This may be just one of the locations selected at the time, but in the end it became a gimmick for their publicity.

But Ding Ning's interest was very high, he ran faster than the little tour guide, and kept asking the little tour guide various questions.

When they entered the valley and walked into this forest, they realized that this place really lived up to its reputation.

It is verdant and green, surrounded by mist and emerald green. If there are gods running out in this bamboo forest, probably no one will be surprised.

Anji Bamboo Sea is a large area, spanning two mountains in the middle and connecting a large valley in the middle.

And in the direction to the east of the valley, there is a pothole area, where the bamboo forest is the densest, and the bamboo forests are connected one by one, which is called Mukeng Bamboo Forest.

Of course, because the area of ​​moso bamboo here is too large, and the scenery is the most beautiful, there are some that are directly called Mukeng Bamboo Sea.

The Mukeng Bamboo Sea completely falls into the valley. The valley is about 6 kilometers deep. It is surrounded by bamboo on all sides. It is lush and green.

It is said that there are still a lot of outsiders posted, and the houses inside are really not cheap.

The little tour guide told them that the bamboo forest they see now is not the most beautiful.

If they are interested, they can stay overnight in their village. This season is very redundant, and maybe the rain will fall after a while.

Arrive the next morning, after the rain, there will be a lot of smoke, the smoke is white, floating back and forth in this forest, the bamboo forest at that time is like a dream, the most beautiful.

And at night, they can enjoy the moon in this valley, with the unique food in this valley, and drink some wine.

It seems that Chang'e in the moon in the sky will also jump down to dance for them. The scenery is so beautiful.

And in this valley, many artists have come, and it is also a famous painter's village.

There are six valleys and ten sceneries in the valley, each of which is a source of inspiration for artistic creation.

These painters lived in the valley for many years, went out to paint during the day, and came back at night to eat and drink with the villagers, so the houses in the valley were basically converted into homestays.

After talking so much, the tour guide finally got down to the main point. He wanted Chen Zhi and the others to stay here for one night.

He also sold himself and boasted that the inn at home was clean and tidy, the price was fair, and his mother was famous for her good cooking skills in the village.

Chen Zhi and the others followed the little tour guide all the way forward, listening to him muttering endlessly, but they didn't talk to him.

It's just that Ding Ning was very excited. With his small bag on his back, he kept asking the tour guide about the legendary things in the valley, and he kept asking what happened to the mountain ghost?
But the little tour guide didn't seem to know much about the mountain ghost's story.

But at this time, it was actually a slight drizzle, and the raindrops were very light, patting on their bodies, like a girl's kiss.

A fresh air came over, and all the irritability and exhaustion on everyone's body seemed to be washed away at once.

And in the valley, bamboo buildings are exposed one by one, high and low, like dreams and illusions, looming.

It's really an old saying:
Viewing the scenery after the rain, deep in the green bamboo, white clouds, watching the sunrise on a sunny day, green waves and waves.

Although this paradise-like scene is fascinating, but in this valley, Chen Zhi smells a distinct smell.

It was a faint fragrance, a unique taste of the descendants of the gods...

(End of this chapter)

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