Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1389 Visit

Chapter 1389 Visit ([-])

"God honors his word..."
Chen Zhi spoke softly, but his heart was pounding uncontrollably, as if a person standing on the top of a cliff couldn't control himself to be nervous.

The Zhulin in front of him is very mortal in every move, like a passerby in ancient clothes, without any airs at all.

Unlike other demigods, he did not intentionally reveal his god-born aura to others to show his strength, nor did he have the nature of a beast.

This Zhu Lin is really very human-like, and he is really very strange, he deliberately suppresses all his aura, so that people can't understand his details.

If you don't pay attention, you really think he is an ordinary person.

Moreover, there is a special high-level spell cast on him, which can make himself very unobtrusive, just like a stone on the side of the road, making people have no desire to be curious.

If it was just a villager standing in front of him, he might just go over to ask him for a glass of water, or leave without seeing him.

But Chen Zhi was actually very frightened. This kind of fear came from his intuition, from his own heart, and from the blood of the demigod part of him as a demigod.

He knew that even though the person in front of him was thorough, he was quite extraordinary, to the point where he regretted provoking him.

"I'm just here to greet the god.

In the past, I know from the records of my ancestors that the gods once saved me Xiqi from the sky fire, and he is our benefactor of Xiqi.

Our leader has been saying recently that God has shown such great kindness to me, Xiqi, and saved us twice, but we have nothing to repay, it is really impolite!

So I prepared some small gifts, all of which are small worldly things, please don't laugh at the gods! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he drew a circle in the air, and a large wooden box immediately fell from that circle, and fell to the ground with a bang~~.

The box was as big as the current wardrobe, and it was an ancient golden silk wooden box handed down from Xiqi.

Chen Zhi unlocked the pure gold lock, and after opening the gold-thread wooden box, the inside was immediately radiant, revealing all kinds of treasures.

Those were the things he and Bao Ping had prepared before they came, and he and Bao Ping had put in a lot of effort to equip them.

There really aren't too many gold and silver objects here, but most of them are hard to find in the world.

There is a chain mail that is said to be hard to break through with a thousand swords, which is the treasure worn by Xiqi.There are also a few stone-controlling weapons, and even a few high-level spirit stones that Chen Zhi brought back from the underworld, which Chen Zhi put in last.

These are all things that demigods flock to.

However, just after the box was opened, Zhu Lin suddenly became impatient.

He suddenly frowned slightly, flicked his blue sleeves lightly, the box was suddenly closed with a bang, and rolled into Chen Zhi's circle with a grunt all the way, taking the gift backed away.

"There is no need for these!",
Zhu Lin is obviously very impatient:

"My place is relatively quiet, there is no place to put these sundries, please go back.

I've been a little upset recently, so I won't see off the guests, and don't bother me anymore. "

After Zhu Lin finished speaking, his head sank deeply, and in an instant, the air became tense.

Chen Zhi subconsciously took a step back, but did not leave.

I have now made it clear that this Zhulin is really different from other deities. These demigods are thirsty for knowledge, and they seem to be completely unattractive to him.

Zhu Lin didn't speak any more after that, his hands fell on the stone slab again, and then the mysterious sound of the zither sounded again, and his voice was also melodious, blending into the sound of the zither.

"Patriarch Jiang, please go back, I saved you, but it was all a matter of effort, I didn't go there on purpose!

So there is no kindness between us, and I will not stand by either of you.

The child born in Fengdu has been here a few times recently, and he really bothers me a little.

I don't want to be his enemy, he has raised a very big thing now, I don't want to provoke that thing!

Also, that piece of sour meat you brought to the bamboo forest, take it away quickly!
I haven't eaten these things for a long time, and you are smart enough to bring that food, and you can't tempt me.

It will only cause the demigods gathered in this area to covet it. If that piece of food is gone, I think your guilt will increase again!

The children of Jiang Ziya's branch are like this. They always have infinite compassion for human beings, and often blame themselves for the death of human beings. It's really interesting!
Of all the sons of God I have met, your lineage is the most interesting! "

After Zhu Lin finished speaking, he stopped talking, but lightly stroked the qin. His qin sound was beautiful and elegant, but every note seemed to be sending off guests!

"Do we have mercy on humans?

What about you? ",
Chen Zhi looked ahead and said softly,

"The note I saw said that you were exiled because of your love for humans! Could this be true? Such a situation is really rare!",
Chen Zhi asked tentatively, looking ahead vigilantly, but seeing that the face of the bamboo forest was as calm as water, it seemed that he had no intention of answering, nor did he respond in any way.

At this time, Chen Zhi's heartbeat could no longer be controlled, every pore on his body was open, and every inch of nerve was reminding him.

[Hurry up, he is going to lose his temper. If he wants to lose his temper, you will surely die. ]
Chen Zhi gritted his teeth and took a step back unconsciously, but he still didn't turn his head.

On the contrary, he took another step forward!
"What kind of thing does Yamo raise? It can make a god like you so scared?
how?Did falling in love with a human get you exiled and made weak? "

The sound of the zither stopped suddenly, and Zhu Lin's kind face suddenly turned cold, so cold that it made people feel chills in the heart.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Chen Zhi.

In an instant, the vast aura behind him, like a flying phoenix, exploded in an instant, flying all over the sky!


Child of the Jiang family, didn't you understand what I said?
Really ignorant! ",
After Zhu Lin finished speaking, he slapped his palm on the stone slab. At that time, the love split open instantly, and there were countless cracks.

Chen Zhi knew that he was finally angry.

"God, maybe I have something you want more here!"

Chen Zhi took a few steps forward and said quickly:

"The descendants of gods in this world all have one wish? That is to be canonized as a god.

All demigods do not want to be conferred as real gods, but there are no gods in this world anymore!

Now that I have mastered the method of conferring gods, the god-level spirit stone is by your side.

I dedicate it to you to tell you.

As long as you stand by our side, I can seal you as a real god!

How about it, don't you really feel moved? "

(End of this chapter)

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