Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1390 The True Identity

Chapter 1390 The True Identity


Zhu Lin seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, and suddenly laughed maniacally.

And the laughter became louder and louder, and his body was constantly twisting, as if something inside was tightly strangling her body. In the end, the aura behind him changed accordingly. The aura is looming, it seems that it can explode at any time,

"What did you say?
Seal me for what?Call me a god?

Seduce me with this?

You kid has a big tone, Jiang Ziya's descendants really have a big tone!


Zhu Lin was still laughing wildly, like a mental patient who suddenly had a seizure!
However, he smiled and smiled, but suddenly changed his face, and pushed down with one hand, the big stone plate fell to the ground with a bang and shattered.

Chen Zhi immediately took a step back vigilantly, the stone qin was smashed to pieces, and the broken stones fell out.

Chen Zhi felt that the shattered stone was icy cold, touching it would turn his whole body into ice!

"Have you thought about it?

Your ancestor Jiang Ziya is just a mere son of god, what kind of ability does he have to be able to seal the gods of Zen?

Who gave him the ability?Who made the promise to him?

Hehe, relying on my father's love for him, do you really think you can do whatever you want?

How foolish of you to tempt me with your little magic!
If I'm not wrong, you haven't mastered the ability to seal the gods yet, have you?You don't even know how to become a god!
What do you think Fengshen is?Is it a spell?Can a witch turn into a god with just one set of spells?
Haha~~, have you ever thought about it?Why has your Jiang family been around for thousands of years, and no one can confer Zen gods except Jiang Ziya?Is it because they don't understand this set of spells?

Let me tell you right now, conferring the gods is not a spell, but a promise, a promise from the god king.


Zhu Lin suddenly became furious, and slapped his palm on the table,

"Open your eyes and see who I really am!"

In an instant, an infinite aura erupted from behind Zhu Lin, that deep and majestic aura, as vast as the sea, instantly covered the world.

In his aura, Chen Zhi was like a small ant in the sea, which was rushed into the air and floated with the wind.

At that moment, Chen Zhi's heartbeat stopped instantly, and he knew that in the next second, his body was going to die.

However, he saw something that he never thought of. In a trance, he seemed to see a strange scene, and he was not sure whether this scene was real.

The Zhu Lin who was like a mortal just now has become extremely huge and magnificent at this time, the entire sea is contained in his body.

From him, Chen Zhi smelled a kind of aura, a kind of supreme and pure aura, just like the aura of Bai Qian's noble son-in-law!

It was also at that moment that Chen Zhi completely understood, who was the man in blue in front of him?


Chen Zhi did not die, and was thrown to the ground. The moment he landed, his heartbeat resumed again.
And the aura on Zhu Lin's body also retracted in an instant, like a flying phoenix suddenly retracting its wings.

He was still like a human being, sitting upright behind the stone table. The stone harp just now had been intact as before, and it was still in front of him.

But Zhu Lin's expression was extremely cold, he waved to Chen Zhi impatiently,

"Let's go, don't bother me anymore! It's really boring!"

Then he muttered a few words silently, and a whirlwind actually blew up on the ground. This whirlwind was extremely powerful and could blow Chen Zhi away at any time.

However, Chen Zhi exhausted all his strength, poured air into his fingers, and grasped the land with his ten fingers.

Then he quickly grabbed the stone platform in front of him to prevent himself from being blown up.

"Wait, I have another question for you,

With such a noble status, why did he stay here all the time?Your name is not left in the history of China.

Ji Fa said that you were punished by thunder nine times because of your greed for human love. Is this true?
With an identity like yours, is it true that you will be restrained by the love of mortals?
tell me the truth!
I don't believe what Ji Fa said!
I don't believe you can make such a mistake! "

After Chuanzhi said these words, Zhulin's aura exploded again, and this time the destruction was simply explosive.

The surrounding bamboo forest was destroyed by the storm in an instant, and Chen Zhi saw the air current like a torrential sea wave, and it suddenly slapped down.

That kind of airflow is very familiar, it shattered the protection around Chen Zhi, and Chen Zhi was blown high into the air.His whole body was imprisoned so tightly that he couldn't move at all.

He felt like a leaf drifting in the sea now, as long as Zhu Lin thought silently, he could instantly be crushed to pieces.

But in the next second, the wind and sea suddenly calmed down, and Chen Zhi landed lightly on the ground.

Zhu Lin in the blue dress in front of him gradually dissipated all the anger.

For some reason, the blue robe on his body became more bloated, and there seemed to be something moving inside, as if it was alive.

"Do you want to ask me the truth?

Well, I'll tell you right now, what you've heard is true! ",
Zhu Lin's beautiful eyes looked at Chen Zhi, and his long eyelashes drooped down. He looked at Chen Zhi, and his voice was very thin, like water.

"Are you puzzled?

Think I'm stupid?
And yet, I tell you, short-lived mortals can be really funny sometimes!

Also cute! "

After Zhu Lin finished speaking, he stretched out a hand, which shone like white jade, and pointed fingertips stretched out in front of Chen Zhi.

At that moment, Chen Zhi seemed to realize what Zhu Lin wanted to do, he hurriedly grabbed that hand, and opened his own barrier!
In an instant, a sacred and moist aura, like slippery water, slipped into Chen Zhi's body.

This is also a mantra, but this method of operation is even more perfect!

This is a reverse mantra, which can invite others into your memory!

At that moment, Chen Zhi entered the momentary memory of Zhulin, but in those memories, Chen Zhi replaced Zhulin and became the protagonist in the story...

And that seemed to be a very old story, so old that it was impossible to tell the age!

In that world, except for the blue sky, the world is full of killings, and the levels are divided into cruel rules!

As a low-level creature, human beings are like cows, horses, pigs and sheep, speaking a language that gods don't bother to listen to, living humblely like food...

(End of this chapter)

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