Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391
In those images, Chen Zhi saw a lot of things, but those things were very one-sided, like a peeping through a tube, and he could only see a blurry one-point image, and most of them were black and white, just like an old video camera The same bad quality movies that were taped.

Chen Zhi knew that it was the part that Zhu Lin allowed him to see.

Zhulin was very noble at that time, and Chen Zhizhi felt his recognition of his nobility from his thoughts.

At that time, he seldom landed on both feet, and was always carried high above by numerous god slaves.

He is cruel, and has an extraordinary desire for human flesh and blood. He disdains to eat ordinary flesh and fat, and is only very greedy for the internal organs of young humans.

But at that time, such cruel behavior was not considered a crime, but a powerful expression.

In these images, Chen Zhi saw that Zhu Lin devoured many human internal organs greedily. It was a cruel scene that modern people could not imagine.

Swallowing is actually just a word, but when it really happens, the reality picture will always be more cruel, and blood and bones are the eternal smell in the sky at that time.

This green bamboo sea was still a virgin forest at that time, with all kinds of plants and tree trunks that Chen Zhi didn't know growing, and beside it was the vast ocean.

This is a small island where it often rains. Huge waves hit this small island, and there are water shadows everywhere. The scenery is very beautiful.

Colorful fruits hang down from the tree, like strings of crystal clear gems, tempting to pick.

And Zhulin was the owner of this place at that time, and he raised a lot of humans here. Those humans were sent here as slaves during the day, and at night they were bound by thorns and thrown into cages as food.

Chen Zhi couldn't see Zhu Lin's appearance at that time, but he knew that he would eat a few humans every day.

But among these captured human beings, there is a shadow of a woman. Among all the black and white shadows, I have this woman in color.

The woman is not tall, her forehead is not as protruding as that of primitive people, she is very similar to modern humans.

Compared to the descendants of the gods, she looks really ordinary, with a gray face and long hair with a lot of grass roots.

However, as a human being, this woman has a unique cuteness, it feels like the sun shining on the snow, always smiling, always smiling, as if she is a little silly.

She doesn't quite know the level of creatures, and she can't tell the difference between gods and humans. She is different from other human beings who are trembling. She never thinks that she is in danger, and she doesn't know her low status. .

Moreover, she actually had an absurd feeling, she actually fell in love with Zhu Lin, who had a perfect appearance.

At that time, Zhulin felt that the human woman was stupid and ridiculous, and would tease her from time to time, just like teasing a cute pug.
But maybe it was because of this feeling that he never ate this woman.

In this way, human beings were eaten one by one, and the number of human beings on this small island became less and less.

Zhulin likes to keep these humans in a shack on weekdays, and there is a separate door in front of the shack.

He didn't like to use God slaves when eating, but opened the door by himself, grabbed a person from inside, and then ate this person tonight.

When catching human beings out, these human beings will scream, cry or struggle. These intense emotions will give him a hunting pleasure and increase his appetite.

But human beings are intelligent. They looked at the number of their companions kept in captivity in the shack, one by one, and they knew what happened.

They began to panic, howl, and run around, trying every means to get out of here.

But there are seas everywhere, it is completely impossible to escape from this area, and Zhu Lin at that time did not understand what mercy is at all.

So on this small island, the number of human beings decreased one by one, and Zhulin's food became less and less, and finally only the woman remained.

Chen Zhi did not see the woman's final fate.

But he saw a memory, which belonged to Zhu Lin.

At that time, he walked to the shack, opened the door as usual, and wanted to reach out to grab the woman inside, and he was ready to hear the woman screaming in his heart.

But the woman suddenly got out of the door by herself, with a smile on her face, as bright as the morning glow.

She spoke a very ancient language, slurred in the image.

But Chen Zhi understood it.

Here's what she said:

"You finally came to me!

These days, I have been waiting for you!You finally came! "

Then the woman pulled Zhu Lin in, and at that moment, the torrential rain fell from the sky, submerging everything in the world.

Ask Wolong how much
Continuous heavy rain in Sichuan

Dead bodies littered outside the pass
your smile is like a vicious dog

broke my heartstrings
Chen Zhi couldn't see the scene after that, but since then, it seems that Zhulin never ate human beings again.

But, don't know why?An extremely majestic golden thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Chen Zhi had never seen that thunderbolt before, it was extremely huge, golden yellow, falling from the sky like a golden dragon.

It hit Zhu Lin's body directly, and the pain was so terrible that it was beyond words.

As soon as Chen Zhi touched a little bit, the pain was so painful that he couldn't live without it, and he was woken up by the bomb.

And when Chen Zhi opened his eyes, he had already been freed from the mantra, and in front of him was Zhu Lin's perfect face.

"Is this Tianlei?"

Chen Zhi's heart was pounding, it was difficult to calm down his emotions!

Looking at Zhu Lin's clean face opposite him, he couldn't believe it.

[What kind of creature can face such a terrifying sky thunder?Most people would rather die if they had to endure such pain.

And I don't believe that someone will be as good as before after nine times of such thunder, because this thunder is enough to smash anything into pieces! ]

"Tell me, what have you been through?",
Chen Zhi panted heavily, staring at Zhu Lin's blue robe,

"What the hell is hiding in your robe? Why is it moving all the time?
Also, why did you live so long?Who was it that punished you?
Is it your father?

Then your father is..."

(End of this chapter)

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