Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1395 Ji Ying Was Punished

Chapter 1395 Ji Ying Was Punished
Chen Zhi slept on the plane all the time, the deeper he slept, he seemed to be in a coma, and he had no concept of time at all. In the end, the ghost knife shook him awake, but Chen Zhi felt like he was in another world It's like being fished out.

They had already arrived in City Z, and the old somersault was picking them up at the airport. After setting his feet on the ground, the first thing Chen Zhi did was to immediately make a personal phone call to Bao Ping.

Chen Zhi was very anxious at this time, and that kind of ominous feeling made him feel hairy. However, with Bao Ping's current status, it was not so easy to talk to him directly. There were many checkpoints in the middle, but Bao Ping got through quickly. his phone.

On the phone, Chen Zhi told him everything about meeting Mu He, including Mu He's decadent appearance, strange conversation, and Chen Zhi's own worries.
Bao Ping remained silent the whole time without any response, and then hung up the phone without even saying goodbye.

But after more than half an hour, Bao Ping returned a private call to Chen Zhi, saying that he had just called some important friends and asked about Mu He's current situation and status.

Mu He made too much of a mess some time ago. No one can save it at all. It may be a little troublesome. A team was sent from above to conduct an interrogation session with him, asking him to answer some questions, mainly asking him The purpose of this behavior is to see if there is any background behind the scenes.

But the situation is not as bad as Chen Zhi thought. Mu He did not lie. He has grown up in the top all these years, and he has become popular. It is not so easy to move him. Just now the rumors spread, there are many heavyweights Speaking for him, there will not be too much trouble now.

And when the critical moment came, some of Bao Ping's friends would speak up for him!
On the contrary, the organization side must not contact him now. This will show that Mu He is indeed supported by forces behind him.

Including Chen Zhi; Fat Wei; and all the relevant personnel of the old somersault, intervening in this matter in the past would be tantamount to giving others a handle and creating new troubles.

Bao Ping's friends have already assured Bao Ping that this matter is safe and sound, at least it will not involve life, so don't worry, just wait for their news quietly.

Bao Ping's words have always been very accurate, and his friends are also very important, so Chen Zhi is no longer so worried.

Sure enough, on the second night, a friend sent news from above that Mu He had really been investigated internally, and was secretly sent to a place that was hidden and not announced to the outside world.

Accepting internal scrutiny is a hassle, and most of the questions are psychological warfare. Many people will break down and spit it all out in the process, and many people will even commit suicide in prison.

This kind of censorship looks menacing and very dangerous, but in the later stage, it is actually not harmful. After all, modern interrogation of high-level officials does not allow torture and confession, and those friends of Bao Ping came out to speak at this time. Moo-hyul lends a helping hand.

This matter was basically settled in the end. Although it was dangerous, it would not hurt muscles or bones.

Mu He's freedom of access must be restricted now, but in other respects, it is said that it is not too bad. For Mu He, who is a soldier, he can handle it completely.

Hearing this news, everyone also relaxed their hearts, and Chen Zhi's heart that had been hanging over him finally fell down, but for some reason, when he thought of Mu He's decadent face, he still felt anxious.

The matter of Mu He has come to an end. To be honest, although his behavior is a bit radical, it is very effective.

This method of eradication has completely defeated the external forces of Anbu. Any seed that Anbu has sown all over the country since ancient times, no matter how small, has been completely pulled out. The current Anbu is just Like a flying dragon whose wings have been cut off, it can only be coiled in the headquarters.

And that legendary headquarters should be hidden in a special space.

There are completely different rules from the outside world. They are all the most primitive ghost people. No matter their appearance or shape, they are far away from this human world. Only the organization can defeat the headquarters this time. , disappeared completely in history.

In the past few days, Chen Zhizhi felt that even the air outside was much purer, and the power of the organization was everywhere, and those god descendants who were about to move disappeared, and the world suddenly became quiet like this.

As the most powerful force group, the organization no longer has any disputes...

Now that everything has been prepared, all that needs to be done is to wait. The time for action has been determined. On that day, they will organize a team to escort Bao Ping to Yamo's appointment first, and then shoot him in Anbu's headquarters. kill!

The samurai in the organization have done all kinds of rigorous training these days. Asuo, as the highest-level samurai, has temporarily acted as the chief samurai. He has rehearsed various types of formations and can deal with various In emergencies, the most important task is to select warriors!

This task is too great, it is simply a milestone and iconic task, and the meritorious service in this task can be recorded in Xiqi's history forever.

All the warriors are eager to try and try their best to show their strength in front of Asuo, hoping that they can be selected.

And Asuo only picks the best, and then the samurai with the most team experience.

During this time, Chen Zhi also heard the news that Ji Ying was captured by the Blood Talisman Camp!
The reason is that in this task of the Baiqi God's Tomb, she violated the order of the leader and released the teenagers of the Bai family privately, but it is estimated that there will be a new task soon, and Ji Ying's physical condition is very important, so she was only sentenced to a very light punishment.

She was sent to the Blood Talisman Camp, where she was hung on a wooden frame, and she was not allowed to drink or eat for three days, so that she could meditate on her own past.

After Chen Zhi learned that Ji Ying was punished, he did not mention it to Bao Ping. Warriors have their own rules, and Chen Zhi understood this very well. But on the last day Ji Ying was punished, Chen Zhi walked into the blood rune camp by himself. Go inside and see Ji Ying,
The warriors of the Blood Talisman Battalion are very special, they never listen to anyone's orders, they only listen to Bao Ping's orders.

However, they all knew Chen Zhi, and when they saw Chen Zhi coming, no one came to stop him, and after a while, all these warriors went out at the same time.

In the dark blood rune camp, only Chen Zhi was left.

And Chen Zhi walked in along a small path, passed one interrogation room after another, and finally saw Ji Ying hanging there on the human-shaped wooden frame in the deepest part.

Ji Ying was originally a warrior from the Blood Talisman Battalion, so he didn't really care about this kind of punishment.

But after all, she hasn't touched her teeth for three days, so her strength is a little weak!

The moment Chen Zhi came in, she already knew,
Ji Ying's hair was wet, mixed with sweat, and stuck to her forehead and neck. Her face was pale and swollen, and she didn't look as beautiful as before.

However, she didn't look up, and only said softly:
"Patriarch, you are here!
Sorry to let you see me now! "

(End of this chapter)

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