Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1396 About Love

Chapter 1396 About Love
"I'm here to see you...",
Chen Zhi walked up to Ji Ying and looked at her chapped lips:

"I've already asked you, you will be free tonight. If you haven't been in the water for three days, can you still hold on?"

"It's nothing...",
Ji Ying looked down at the ground with a stiff expression on her face.

"In our past missions, there were often days without food and drink, and we're used to it!"

Chen Zhi nodded slightly,
Know why punish you? "

Chen Zhi looked at Ji Ying and asked.


Ji Ying replied in a deep voice:
"It is a crime of disobedience to violate the principles of the organization and release Wuhougu's people without authorization!"

"It's not because of this...",
Chen Zhi shook his head lightly, and looked at Ji Ying softly:

"The leader punishes you to let you know, don't change yourself because of anything!
You turned out to be a person who would not disobey orders under any circumstances, even to the point of paranoia, which is the best quality for a warrior.

What the leader wants to know is, that time, why did you let the boys of Baijia go?

Especially Bai Ke, why did he treat him extrajudicially?
Did he tempt or coerce you with something? "

"No!" Ji Ying replied softly.

"Why is that?

People like you, so stubborn.

What is the reason that made you secretly let them go against the order of the organization? ",
When Chen Zhi said this, his expression suddenly became very serious. He looked into Ji Ying's eyes seriously, not to mention every detail of her expression, any word Ji Ying said now, he could easily Hear the truth.

"Warrior Ji Ying, let me ask you, do you have love for Baike?

It's the kind of love between a man and a woman! "


When Ji Ying answered this question, she didn't hesitate, her eyes were steady, obviously there was no factor of lying in it.

"That's just a boy much younger than me!"

"A boy? Hehe~~~",
Chen Zhi smiled, pulled a crimson chair beside him, and sat on it,
"He doesn't think he is a child, and he probably will die with me in the end, with his ability.

Or maybe, he won, he killed me and walked out!
Then the world may change because of him, and all of us will go back to that era of enslavement.

So in the end, you saved the world? "

"These have nothing to do with me!",
Ji Ying still hung her head, her long eyelashes covered with beads of sweat,

"Please forgive me for not having the heart of the leader and patriarch. I am just an ordinary person. I help him because I feel sorry for him!

It was a sympathy between warriors, those children are so kind, they have exquisite bones, and they are all good seedlings who are rare to learn gymnastics.

And they don't have those miscellaneous things in their hearts, and they don't have any desires, don't want to get any honor, and they won't do anything to become stronger. We are all far behind in this regard.

It is estimated that my father had the same idea as me at that time, he didn't want to lose these teenagers, he couldn't bear to do it.

Patriarch, you should persuade the leader to take these teenagers for his own use in the future!

They may become the strongest warriors in our order! "

"The innocent boy you see now, under certain circumstances, if certain conditions are given, it may become your reminder",
Chen Zhi looked down at Ji Ying's face,

"We can let some people go, but we can't be kind to women!
Not to mention benevolence in principle, the price of benevolence in a bloody storm is very high.

Sometimes it takes countless lives to make up for a wrong step, so the wrong kindness is a crime.

Also, I hope you can return to the way you used to be. As a warrior, you don't need to ask about these upper-level matters. "

"Yes!" Ji Ying answered silently, lowering her eyes.

Chen Zhi still looked at Ji Ying's pale face,

"So, what about Bai Ke?
How do you recall him now? "

"No memories!"

When Ji Ying heard this name, she trembled like an electric shock, as if she really didn't want to mention this name.

"Before he died he said,
let me forget about him!
Then forget about it..."

"Forget, it's not something that people can do if they want to!
And as far as I know, the more you try to forget something, the easier it is to remember it.

You have to understand one thing, don't easily generate feelings of guilt, let alone be influenced by guilt.

Ji Ying, did you understand what I said?
Don't turn guilt into your demon! "

"Heart demon?"

Ji Ying suddenly raised her head to look at Chen Zhi, her eyebrows suddenly stood upright, and after being thirsty for three days, tears glistened in her eyes.

"It was you who turned guilt into a demon, right?"

After Ji Ying finished speaking, tears began to fall. These rolling tears, on her dry and beautiful face, looked extremely distressing, as if her heart was pulled.

Her chapped lips trembled, and after staring at her sanity for a long time, she tremblingly said:

"Patriarch, your inner demon is still there, isn't it?"

After Ji Ying finished speaking, she looked at Chen Zhi with extremely deep eyes. In front of these eyes, it seemed that all the lies were meaningless.

Looking at Ji Ying at this moment, Chen Zhi really wanted to tell a lie, a lie that all men would tell.

It is a kind of white lie, which can make people's hearts less heavy, and can make the other party have hope.

However, Chen Zhi couldn't say it, especially when facing Ji Ying's eyes at this time, no matter what, he couldn't say it.

Chen Zhi didn't give Ji Ying any answer, then turned and left.

He could feel Ji Ying's tears flowing down like a fountain behind him, breaking Chen Zhi's heart.

Humans are truly wonderful creatures who can neither control nor understand their emotions.

Sometimes you will have feelings for people inexplicably, and you can't extricate yourself.

Sometimes even if you try hard to make yourself love someone, no matter how good the other person is, no matter how good the reason is, you can't do it.

Therefore, human love is the only thing that cannot be controlled by others, including oneself.

Love or not love, without any reason.

After coming out of the Blood Talisman Camp, Chen Zhi did not participate in the training activities of the warriors in the organization, but went directly to the Dafa Temple, and then prepared to go home tonight.

He needs to have an online interview with his father today, to talk about the new gadget his father made for him, that weapon unique to humans...

(End of this chapter)

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