Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1397 An Organization Burned by Passion 【Add more changes to the Silver League】

Chapter 1397 An Organization Burned by Passion 【Add more changes to the Silver League】

After Chen Zhi came out of the Blood Talisman Camp, he first went to Jiang's Dafa Temple. All the witches were waiting for him, and there were many things to deal with there.

The first thing to do is to make an overall arrangement for all the witches, group them, and put them in different positions.

Going to Anbu Headquarters this time is actually a dangerous move. It requires the use of witchcraft and Bao Ping's safety. If anything happens to Bao Ping, it will be a devastating blow to the organization.

Because the matter is very important, all the witches must follow this time, and everyone has their own tasks that must be done.

Practicing witchcraft is different from practicing warriors.

There are various types of witchcraft, each with different abilities and effects, but from a group perspective, the most powerful one is still formation!
A single spell, no matter how powerful it is, will always be a one-point area to exert its ability.

When witchcraft is combined, its power will be extremely strong, and the area will be very wide.

For demigods like Jiang's witches, they have long been used to uniting to cast spells, so this has become an advantage for them.

The number of people is large and unified, and when they are assembled, the power is overwhelming and unstoppable.

During this period of time, Chen Zhi drew a few diagrams of the formations for them, and asked the great witch Ni Ya to take all the witches to practice.

I don't know if it was the blood of the Xiqi warriors that affected them, but these wizards were a little too excited, knowing that they were going to go out to participate in the battle, and they were all full of energy and eager to try.

It seems that even a witch who has lived for hundreds of years still cannot get rid of the desires of ordinary people, so fond of winning and participating in wars! !
After coming out of the Dafa Temple, Chen Zhi returned to the Fate Hall. There was one more important thing to do today, and that was to have an online video with his father at night.

His father had previously said that he had researched some interesting new gadgets and wanted to show them to Chen Zhi. He also said that these novel gadgets could kill Yamo.

Chen Zhi sat in the organization's black Audi car and drove forward.

Niu Lu in front of him turned from a taciturn and slow-thinking orc into a slob.

Along the way, no matter how Chen Zhi ignored him or coughed, Niu Lu kept expressing his excitement, as if he had mad cow disease.

According to Niu Lu, recently all the people in the organization have been talking about eradicating Anbu, talking about it during meals, drinking water, and when they meet each other.

Everyone has heard that what happened in the past two days is simply gratifying. The masters organized outside have wiped out all the dark branches.

This is really a big deal, and the action is so fast that everyone did not expect it.

For thousands of years, the Anbu has been constantly developing, confronting the organization in secret, no matter what method they use, they are like weeds after the rain, and they will never be burned out.

Most of the outstanding warriors in the organization and the leaders of the past dynasties died because of Anbu. No one can forgive this kind of hatred passed down from generation to generation!
But now that the new leader took office, he won several beautiful victories in a row, and then quietly, the branches in Anbu were uprooted.

This makes everyone feel a complete victory, this kind of victory belongs to the collective, and this sense of collective honor makes people extremely proud.

Now it's only the last moment, as long as the last step is to destroy Anbu's lair.

Everyone was extremely excited and actively joined in the intensive preparations.

Many people are so ready for victory that they don't even think about the possibility of failure.

Everyone crazily praised the shrewdness and ability of the new leader and patriarch, saying that they were actually the former King Wu of Zhou and Jiang Ziya.

It is said that Xiqi is a place favored by the heavens, and it will always win. Even the gods can be trampled underfoot. Some people even say that Xiqi is the way of heaven...

Chen Zhi didn't like what Niu Lu said. These words gave him an inexplicable pressure, and made him have an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

In the past, when Chen Zhi was young, he often envied those high-ranking people, envied their majesty sitting on the clouds and commanding thousands of troops.

And when he really achieved this position, Chen Zhicai realized that it is actually very easy to be worshiped and admired when he is at the top.

However, at this time, people no longer care about these things. At this time, people often think about taking responsibility.

It is really not easy to control the overall situation and lead the whole group to win, because there is no logic of constant victory in this world, and any tiny mistake can lead to failure.

After Chen Zhi returned to Fate Hall, he still didn't see Pang Wei. According to this plan, Pang Wei was in charge of the deployment work outside, and he would not go into the Anbu with them.

But he is busier than Chen Zhi now, and he is too busy with trivial matters every day. Whenever he looks for him, he will yell and yell, with a face full of impatience.

Chen Zhi didn't bother to take the time to find him. Ghost Dao stayed in the organization to help Asuo these two days. They needed to select warriors and formulate a battle plan, so they didn't have time to come back.

In this way, Ding Ning was the only one left in the entire Fate Hall. Recently, Ding Ning was very dissatisfied with being thrown in the Fate Hall by himself. He was still afraid of having that nightmare, terribly afraid.

He was very happy when he saw Chen Zhi came back. In the past two days, he brought several classmates to accompany him here, and asked Chen Zhi to treat him to dinner at Liu Xiaohong's hot pot restaurant.

Chen Zhi gave him some money and asked him to go with his classmates. After the room became quiet, Chen Zhi went into the dark room, drew the curtains, and locked the door.

Then Chen Zhi made another sound-proof barrier around the surroundings. After confirming that the surrounding environment was absolutely fine, he dialed his father's dedicated internet line.

The Internet phone immediately rang, unexpectedly, his father was connected immediately.

When Chen Yiyang's face appeared in front of Chen Zhi again, Chen Zhi's heart that had been hanging over him finally let go.

It seems that Bao Ping didn't lie to him, his father is doing well now.

When he knew that Chen Yiyang was imprisoned in the past, he looked very miserable in Chen Zhi's heart.

Chen Zhi knew the way things were done in the organization, and the organization had always shown no mercy to the enemy, so it was an extrajudicial favor to save his father's life.

He thought that Chen Yiyang must have shackles on his hands and feet at this time, and his face and body must be in a state of desperation, just like those imprisoned prisoners he saw.

However, at this time, Chen Yiyang's clothes and face were very clean, and his hands were relaxed. It could be seen that there were no chains or shackles on his body.

In fact, he was still a little fatter, and his brows that had been tightly locked for many years seemed to be looser!
When he opened the video, he held a square plastic board in his hand, on which was...

 I am very excited today, thank you Dameng Baiyan, thank you for every love, I have been missing love for so many years, and it finally nourishes me.

  I decided not to go to sleep tonight, and strive for the fifth watch tomorrow, strive for it!


(End of this chapter)

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