Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1398 Chen Yiyang's Invention

Chapter 1398 Chen Yiyang's Invention

Chen Yiyang was holding a square plastic book with many patterns carved on it, while Chen Yiyang was surrounded by messy papers, all of which were scrapped drafts. It seems that this pattern template was studied by Chen Yiyang long final result.

Chen Zhi glanced at the pattern on the plastic board, those dense dots, lines and surfaces are very complicated, but Chen Zhizhi can see that the distance between those patterns and lines has been precisely calculated, and the area and scale have all been precisely calculated. Calculation, this rigorous pattern, can contain many sets of mathematical formulas, which is wonderful, just like those super Rubik's cubes that can never be solved.

Chen Zhi took a look at this thing, and didn't ask about the pattern directly, but looked at his father first, and saw that his father was a little excited at this moment, his face was full of joy of success, and he wished that Chen Zhi would ask him this right away. What is a pattern, and what is the power of this pattern?

Are you doing well? ", Chen Zhi asked, looking at his father's excited eyes.

"Fortunately, the scenery here is very good, there are many plants in the yard, as well as rockeries and waterfalls!

I love it here! ",
Chen Yiyang just said a few words casually, and then went to explain the pattern on the plastic board.


Are there guards around you? ", Chen Zhi asked softly again.

"Hmm..., that's right!"

When Chen Yiyang said this, he just paused lightly.

"There is a person who often comes to deliver meals and daily necessities to me. He is very kind to me. Don't worry!"

"What kind of person?" Chen Zhi asked,
"Is it a man or a woman, what age? Have you received any special training?"

"Oh..., she must be a woman in her 50s or [-]s!

Others can not see it! ",
Chen Yiyang was obviously a little impatient, he replied a few words casually, and then said,
"What are you asking these for?
These are all irrelevant things, look at this thing in my hand, this is..."

Chen Zhi then looked at Chen Yiyang on the screen, hesitated for a moment, and said:
"Dad, have you ever thought that maybe you are useless to be imprisoned, you can try to leave, that is, leave your position, go outside, and regain your freedom as before."

"How is that possible!",
Chen Yiyang's complexion suddenly became very ugly, even gloomy,
"I'm a felony and I'm imprisoned here.

I am now a prisoner who has betrayed a life sentence. If I escape without authorization, once I am caught, the organization will definitely sentence me to death. I will not make such a low-level mistake.I will never leave~~~”

"Are you sure you are in captivity?",
Looking at his father's face called a genius, Chen Zhi couldn't help feeling a little distressed and absurd,
"Since there are no guards around and no shackles on your body, how can you be sure that you are being imprisoned?
If I'm not mistaken, you should just live in a remote location, right?
The person who usually brings you food should not have much attack power, right?
Did you not try to get out of there? "

"Of course I'm imprisoned!",
Chen Yiyang's face was so ugly that he was about to die:
"Can we stop talking about this!

Maybe there is someone among me listening in. It is not good to let your leader know about this matter. He will think that I want to collude with you to escape from here. This is not good for your relationship. Don't mention this matter again!

When Chen Yiyang said this, his eyes suddenly turned. He looked at Chen Zhi on the opposite side of the video, and began to detect the expression on Chen Zhi's face with his sharp eyes:
"Xiaozhi, why did you suddenly mention this?
Is..., did the leader mention me to you?

He He……",
When Chen Yiyang said this, his voice trembled a little, it was a kind of worry from the bottom of his heart,
"He..., does he think I'm useless?

Don't want me anymore?
In fact, these days I seem to be leisurely, but in fact I don't have a minute to rest.

I have been helping you with this formula all the time. These formulas are too complicated and take a long time. I can guarantee that no scientist in this world will spend less time than me except me!

And rely on them~~, hum!Maybe they can't make such a perfect thing in their whole life!

Xiaozhi, you have to tell the leader that it's not that I'm useless, but that this thing is too troublesome..."

"Dad, don't be nervous, I didn't say you are useless, neither did the leader...",
Chen Zhi looked at his father's worried face with a smile:
"I just said, don't be too tired, don't always be so tense, you can go out for a walk!
Also, don't think about the past!

Whether it's about my grandfather or about the grandparents of the Chen family, in fact, many of them have nothing to do with us. Moreover, we can't tell the truth about what happened hundreds of years ago, right? "

Chen Yiyang didn't seem to have any interest in the second part of Chen Zhi's words. After making sure that Bao Ping didn't want him to leave, he didn't want to listen to Chen Zhi's rambling anymore, so he picked up the plastic board in his hand and pointed it to Caizhi.

"Xiaozhi, look, this is the result of my time!

Do you remember what I told you?The power of gods is often beyond our reach, but human beings have their own magic power, which is science, and the mathematics in science is the most magnificent gem in our magic. The most fascinating thing about it is that there is never a maximum limit.

Xiaozhi, you should understand that mathematics is endless, right? "

Chen Zhi nodded,

"Assuming that 100 is used as the base number, if it is multiplied by the doubled amount, then theoretically, it can be doubled endlessly. The number will never end!"

"now it's right!"

Chen Yiyang laughed very proudly, as if he had become the God who manipulated everything. He proudly pointed to the pattern on the plastic board:

"see it?
This is our greatest weapon!

No matter how powerful those gods are, no matter how long their lifespan is, they all have limits, while spells strengthened by mathematics have no limits.

I told you a long time ago that among the three Jiang's spells, the one that suits you the most is the Fierce Curse. Like your mother, you are good at manipulating things like silk threads.

But you are different, what makes you stronger than your mother is that you are better at calculating and memorizing, and you are as careful as a hair, and can bring these weaving spells to the extreme.

And my formula can make you even more powerful. As long as you are good at using it, you can turn the fierce curse into the most indestructible weapon in the world.

Let everything in the world, any god, any power be imprisoned by you. You want to be like the Buddha, no matter how powerful and fast he is, he will not be able to escape from your Wuzhi Mountain.

The place you said to be enclosed can immediately become your cage, and the prisoners in your cage, whether they are immortals or ghosts, are allowed to be killed by you! "

(End of this chapter)

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