Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1400 Self-recommended [Silver Alliance 3 Update]

Chapter 1400 Self-recommended

The moment Chen Zhi realized that something was coming, several black shadows had already rolled out on the ground. Those black shadows broke through the ground, revealing their blurred figures under the moonlight.

Those bodies were like melted candles, soft, winding on the ground, like oversized earthworms, approaching Chen Zhi quickly.

As soon as Chen Zhi frowned, a square glass tank enchantment immediately appeared a few meters away from his body.

This kind of enchantment is so hard that even bullets can't penetrate it, just blocking these big black earthworms outside.

At this moment, only a few very clear and crisp sounds were heard, and the sharp heads of those large earthworms all hit the barrier.

And Chen Zhi knew immediately, these demigods were by no means idle people, their heads were very hard, and they probably had sharp teeth and claws.

Soon, Chen Zhi's guess was confirmed. Those large earthworm-like shadows immediately began to bite at the edge of the barrier after discovering that there was a barrier around Chen Zhi. It sounded uncomfortable, which made Chen Zhi, who had a slight headache, even more troubled.

Chen Zhi knew that it was probably something sent by Anbu to test his reality. He wanted to see what Chen Zhi was doing now. There should be a lot of these things, which could hold back Chen Zhi's spells in large quantities, and then evaluate Chen Zhi's How much capacity, so it is very unwise to release energy now.

Chen Zhi closed his eyes and probed a little. The aura of these things was very barbaric, and there were extremely many of them, just like nests of earthworms.

Although this kind of thing has become a demigod, it is obvious that the blood of the orcs is more. They themselves will not shrink back because of fear, nor will they make choices because of thinking. They will only attack brutally, wave after wave.

Chen Zhi thought about his respective countermeasures. He didn't want to use airflow to kill them. If he guessed correctly, things like this would be killed like weeds, and there would be more and more of them.

And by that time, the yard will become a mess, and Chen Zhi will be forced to send out a lot of airflow, revealing his real hole cards.

However, if left alone, the teeth and claws of these things are very sharp, and Chen Zhi's hard barrier has already been scarred by them.

And in less than an hour, the entire transparent square barrier has been completely covered by these big earthworms, clumps of blackness, all over every surface of the square barrier, those dense wriggling appearances made Chen Zhi disgusted. .

And even though it was late at night, if someone happened to pass by and saw this appearance, the consequences would be very troublesome.

Chen Zhi muttered in his heart for a moment, a ball of fire burned instantly around the barrier, and then those wriggling things began to make sharp and piercing sounds, rolling continuously in the fire, and the burning smell came out.

This sound is very penetrating, and the night is very quiet. After this sound spread along the wind, Chen Zhi saw that the lights in several buildings around him had started to light up. It seemed that someone had heard it .

There was no other way, so Chen Zhi had no choice but to build a sound-proof double barrier outside the yard, trying to prevent the sound inside the barrier from being heard.

However, this kind of behavior made these earthworms even more crazy. These earthworms were long and fat, like little dragons.

Rolling and crawling out of the ground, after burning a batch to death, a new batch was dug up, on top of the charred corpses of their companions, they climbed onto Chen Zhi's barrier again.

However, Chen Zhi discovered that those charred bodies were not completely dead. After the charred outer shell cracked, two new bodies split out inside. That is to say, these big earthworms cannot be killed cleanly. This species has a special ability, one can become two, and two can become four. In an instant, the yard is full of such dense things, which makes it impossible to face!
"What a hassle!"

Chen Zhi gritted his teeth, his tired head was even more irritable now.

He thought about several plans, and wanted to use the Wind and Thunder Curse to turn all these things into coke. However, once these things died, they could be divided into several pieces like earthworms and revived again.

And they don't know fear, this is probably the scariest thing about orcs, their single-cell brains never know how to retreat, except for dealing with natural enemies, even if they see the corpses of their companions, they will not retreat.

And just when Chen Zhi was in his distress, he suddenly heard an earth-shattering thunder sound from the sky, followed by a downpour of rain.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and with a bang, a huge black shadow emerged from the ground.

This black figure was about half the height of a normal person. He was extremely tall and strong, and looked like Yao Ming from a distance.

However, he is obviously not human!

When he saw the black shadow falling, Chen Zhi turned over and stood up.

He knew that this new guy was not the earthworms dug up from the ground just now.

This is a true descendant of God, and his identity is absolutely extraordinary. The aura behind him shows colorful light, which is very close to the unique light of blood in the gods. In other words, the identity of this descendant of God is very precious.

Moreover, it can be seen from this guy's aura that his strength is great, far exceeding the limit of living things. If you make a bold estimate, this guy's power can simply overwhelm mountains and seas. It can make him fall down abruptly.

A demigod like this has always been very difficult to deal with. I didn't expect to fight a tough battle tonight.

Just when Chen Zhi threw down the cattail fan, transported out the airflow in his body, and prepared to form a phalanx to meet the enemy.

I saw that burly black shadow, suddenly grabbed a bunch of earthworms on the ground, and then opened its bloody mouth, ah~~
Swallowing those big earthworms in one gulp, he didn't seem to have eaten enough, and grabbed a few handfuls on the ground. After a while, he caught all the earthworms on the ground.

And the remaining big earthworms, as if seeing a natural enemy, instinctively dissipated, and quickly burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

And at this moment, I saw that burly figure, patted the dirt on his body, wiped his mouth clean, straightened his clothes, knelt down on one knee, and said in a very hoarse voice outside the barrier:
"Your Majesty, Tiger!

Meet the great patriarch of the Jiang family! "

(End of this chapter)

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