Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1401 Self-recommended [Silver Alliance 4 More]

Chapter 1401 Self-recommended ([-]) [Silver Alliance Fourth Update]

Seeing such a scene, Chen Zhi already understood in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he still leaned on the rocking chair, picked up the cattail fan steadily, and fanned the wind on his chest.

He didn't pay attention to the burly figure kneeling outside the barrier.

And that figure just knelt like that, without Chen Zhi's order, neither stood up nor spoke.

After a stalemate like this for more than half an hour.

Chen Zhicai turned his head sideways, looking at the burly figure outside:

"Tell me about your history!
Don't lie, this is my most basic condition! "

"I'm a vulgar person, not good at talking..."

The burly voice outside was hoarse and dull, and it seemed that it had little contact with human society.

"I am stupid and dull, my maternal blood is very low, and I dare not disturb the patriarch.

But the patriarchal bloodline below has some connection with the patriarch's family, so he dare not stay alone in the mountains, so he came to find the patriarch and asked for a shelter. "

This guy's voice was buzzing, and it sounded a little piercing to the ears, just listen to him continue

"Zixia is the descendant of the Giant Spirit God and Wuji Baifeng. The ancestors of Zixia once had a contract with Jiang Shizun during King Wu's crusade against Zhou, and vowed never to bear each other.

Later, he was arrested by Anbu again. Although the new God of Hades continued to comfort him, he still missed the contract with his ancestors and was unwilling to repay him.

Ever since I met Patriarch Jiang in Wuhou Valley and beat the grandson of Vulcan to death with one whip, I have always admired him.

Today, I got rid of the shackles and came here on purpose, willing to lead the horse and throw the stirrups for the patriarch, and do my best! "

"The descendant of the Giant Spirit God is really amazing!"

Chen Zhi gently shook his fan, looking at the burly figure outside:

"I saw you when I was in Wuhou Valley,

But back then, you were not what you are now! "

"Reporting to the patriarch, this is just pretending to be a mortal!"

The tiger's paw replied thickly outside, with a buzzing sound, like a thunderstorm.
"My mother is also a bird in the mountains, because of her low status, she lives in the mountains all year round and dare not come out.

But my mother is good at illusion.

My mother often told me that after you became a righteous god, even though your blood has been scarce for several generations, you are still a righteous god!
There's nothing to be ashamed of, you shouldn't be with a beastman like me, you don't know the etiquette of the world, you don't know the way of a sage, you gradually become no different from a beast, and you've tarnished this bloodline!
You're supposed to go out and walk in the sun, but you're too big to go out and scare people to death, let's make you more human,

So my mother used the technique of illusion to make another look like this. This pair of belts that look like human beings are actually skins woven by my mother.

If the patriarch wants to see the true colors of the subordinates, I can immediately turn into the original colors! "

After the tiger finished speaking, he stood up and let out a long whistle to the sky. The sound was as loud as thunder, and his body began to grow rapidly.
"do not!

stop now! "

Chen Zhi ordered quickly, thinking of this descendant of the Giant Spirit God in his heart, he really deserved his reputation.

The giant spirit god is one of the heavenly generals in ancient legends. He is responsible for guarding the Tiangong and Tianmen. He is so powerful that he can move mountains and split boulders.

In ancient times, there was a flood in the human world. Due to the barrier of high mountains, the flood water could not be discharged smoothly into the East China Sea. Therefore, the flood flooded everywhere, and the world was suffering. It alarmed the heavens. The emperor of heaven ordered the giant spirit god to descend to the earth and move the mountains overnight to save the people. .

Although these legends are somewhat exaggerated, the meaning is generally unmistakable.

This kind of divine descendant, symbolized by strength and greatness, is simply a jewel under Chen Zhi's command.

To be honest, this is something Chen Zhi never dared to expect!

It seems that the battle in Marquis Wu's Valley has caused disturbances among the demigods.

And the giant spirit god is indeed quite related to his family, Chen Zhi once saw the totem of the giant spirit god on that yellowed piece of paper.

Jiang Ziya didn't describe too much about this gentleman, but it can be seen that the Juling God had a high status at that time, and he was a very trustworthy god. At that time, in front of Jiang Ziya, he was on the same level.

"Tiger, will you follow me?",
Chen Zhi slowly shook his fan, looked at the tiger outside, and then waved his hand to break the barrier.

"Come in, let me see you!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing Chen Zhi's words, that burly tiger was a little shy.

He was outside, after hesitating for a moment, he stepped in.

When he was two or three meters away from Chen Zhi, with the help of the faint moonlight, Chen Zhi finally saw the appearance of this descendant of the Giant Spirit God clearly.

Although this guy is said to have transformed into a human form, but his mother's transformation technique does not seem to be very clever, the head and face are basically square, and the height is about two meters.

The muscles of the upper body are a bit scary, and the legs are like two steel pillars on the ground.

His face is a bit foolish, his eyes are clear, it can be seen that he is a demigod with simple thinking.

But when Hu Ling saw Chen Zhi, he was extremely shy and even a little panicked. He buried his head deeply and knelt down on one leg again:
"I'm just a vulgar person, and a commoner at that.

Patriarch Jiang is so precious that he dare not raise his head for fear of dirtying his eyes.

But I have some brute force. In the future, when Patriarch Jiang gives an order, when encountering seas and boiling water, breaking mountains and taking roads, I will be willing to show my strengths for Patriarch Jiang.

Please Patriarch Jiang, don't dislike your subordinate's humbleness, and let him be your subordinate! "

"What did you say?
Concubine? "

Chen Zhi shook his cattail fan with a faint smile, and looked at the tiger pear kneeling on the ground.

The tiger answered with extreme shame, buried his head deeply, as if he had been asked the most humble place in his heart.

"It seems that you didn't do too much research before you came!"

Chen Zhi smiled lightly, looking at the simple and honest face of the tiger,

"Did you know that the Jiang patriarch in front of you is actually surnamed Chen!"


Tiger Pi didn't seem to understand, he raised his head and looked at Chen Zhi with inexplicable eyes,

"Please patriarch, please don't tease me!"

Chen Zhi suddenly felt a little funny, he looked at this rough and simple face.

"I didn't tease you.

In fact, like you, I am also a commoner, and I am a commoner from the matrilineal line, and I don't even have the surname Jiang.

how about it?
Are you still willing to follow me? "

The tiger's eyes widened, like a tiger's eyes, and looked at the Jiang clan chief in front of him in disbelief,

 Today is the daily update, if you are out of breath, go to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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