Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1500 The Same Back View

Chapter 1500 The Same Back View

"Maybe..., is it specially reserved for us?",
Chen Zhi took the golden piece of pure gold in exchange for the quilt, looked at it repeatedly, and stroked the densely packed text patterns on it with his hands, as if he was touching that unknown period of history.

The pattern on this buckle is very strange, and the shape is very simple. It seems to be a text evolved from Tang Dynasty Chinese characters, and the radicals and strokes are not particular. It should be used in a small area and not widely circulated.

"Master Danxuan..."
Chen Zhi looked at the shiny gold coin and said softly:
"Have you ever thought, maybe..., all our previous speculations were all wrong..."

"What do you mean by that?" Danxuan's whole body trembled, and he frowned and looked at Chen Zhi.

"Mr. Chen!", Professor Liao's senior apprentice suddenly shouted a word, interrupting the conversation between Chen Zhi and Danxuan,

"Mr. Chen, we are done!

We have taken out all the DNA factors of this skeleton, and prepared the color-changing film. After bringing it back to the laboratory, we can draw a conclusion within 48 hours.

We can go now! "

The eldest apprentice's voice was very urgent, obviously he didn't want to stay in this ghost place for a minute.

Chen Zhi looked back at them, only to find that their faces were all ashen.

Sure enough, this 1000-year-old Tianlinggai skull looks very ordinary if it does not emit light.

And against the background of this silent midnight, this skull covered with crystals looks even more indescribably eerie.

They were hanging high on the top of the mountain at this time, and the cold wind was howling, crackling and flapping against the glazed window wall, and the deep mountains below were like dark abyss, staring at them deeply.

In this atmosphere, everything around seems to be haunted. After staying in this place for a long time, it would be a lie to say that I am not afraid.

Especially these staff who have no experience in the world, they have no capacity to bear it, and they are already trying their best to calm down.

"Let's go first!

Let's go back and talk about something..."
Chen Zhi patted Danxuan on the shoulder, then turned around and gestured to the staff, indicating that everyone can leave.

Danxuan didn't say much, but he seemed very reluctant to part with the piece of relic in front of him, and kept looking at it.

Finally, he cautiously took a few steps forward, stopped only seven or eight meters away from the relic, put his palms together solemnly, and bowed deeply.


Chen Zhi could see clearly from behind. When Danxuan was bowing, the Buddhist beads in his hands were trembling all the time, and his whole body was trembling with excitement inside his wide monk robe...

They went back down the tower according to the original route. This sapphire staircase, which was originally very flat, seemed much more dangerous at this time.

Maybe it's for anti-theft. The sapphire steps are very slippery when going down, so they have to be very careful with every step they take.

And there is no handrail on the edge, once you stumble and fall, it is no joke!
After they walked down with difficulty for a while, they finally reached the first stage of the stupa, which was the gate.

But the scene here is frightening. I don't know when, those blind monks are like a group of crazy beasts, blocking the door of this stupa tightly.

Although the life and death of these monks cannot be judged, most of them should have turned into zombies, and some even have hair growing on their bodies.

Stimulated by the flesh and blood of the living in the tower, these zombies reveal their original appearance.

Their sauce-purple skin, sharp teeth, and sharp claws were all exposed. They were frantically scratching and biting outside the gate, wishing to tear Chen Zhi and the others into pieces.

However, for some unknown reason, they did not dare to enter the stupa, and they did not even dare to approach it within one meter of the gate, nor did they dare to throw away the Buddhist beads in their hands, as if it was their only life-saving talisman.

These guys have been gathering outside for a long time and refused to leave, as if they were waiting for Chen Zhi and the others to come out.

These scientific researchers have never seen such a scene before, and they are already scared out of their wits.

But Danxuan was very calm, put his hands together in front of his chest, closed his eyes, and slowly twisted the beads.

Chen Zhi glanced at the corner of the sky, only to see that the sky there had already started to light up.

"Wait a little while!",
Chen Zhi said softly to the staff,
"Don't worry, everyone, we will go out safely in a while!"

Afterwards, Chen Zhi stopped talking, and just stared at the gradually brightening cloud in the corner of the sky.

It was already past four o'clock in the morning, and the rising of the sun was unstoppable.

Soon, the clouds in the sky began to brighten gradually, and a ray of warm sunshine shone over.

And when the sun shines in, the glazed tiles on the top of the stupa begin to shine.

These blindfolded zongzi seemed to be on fire, covered their heads with their arms, and quickly fled to those meditation rooms one by one. Even though they fled in such a haste, they still didn't dare to throw away the Buddhist beads in their hands.

After a while, the open space outside was clean.
"let's go!",
Chen Zhi said to the people behind him, and started to take the lead to walk into the yard.

Only then did the scientific researchers feel relieved, and followed Chen Zhi quickly to the avenue, wishing they could fly out of the courtyard in one step.

When they walked into the yard, they realized that there were really living people in the yard.

There are some people tied up in some meditation rooms. Those people are ragged, out of breath, blindfolded with cloth and wearing shackles.

There are some feeding bowls outside, which are covered with bird droppings and marl, very dirty.

Taking advantage of the newly rising sunlight, when I carefully looked at the entire courtyard, I realized that the inside was really terrible.

But the yard is full of excrement deposits, broken utensils, bird droppings, and some rotten and smelly things that don't know what they are.

It's not a place for people to stay at all.

Just when Chen Zhi and the others were about to walk towards the gate, Danxuan stood upright, and then said softly behind,
"Benefactor, you go first, I will stay and clean the courtyard before leaving!"

(End of this chapter)

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