Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1501 The Same Back View

Chapter 1501 The Same Back View ([-])
Danxuan's behavior made everyone a little inexplicable.

Now that I have this kind of thinking, don't talk about things that are too late, it is such a ghostly place, anyone who wants to stay for a second is mentally abnormal.

However, Danxuan insisted on cleaning the place. This kind of fearless spirit is simply incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Chen Zhi looked at the dilapidated meditation rooms on the side, then came to Dao Danxuan, and said in a low voice:
"I remember you once said that the prisoners here are all heinous people.

They are forced to become ordained, and even to the last moment, they will not repent of what they have done.

People like this probably wouldn't even be merciful to the Buddha, so you don't have to pay attention to them anymore, you'd better go out with us quickly..."

"Almighty, you are wrong. My Buddha will never give up on anyone, even if they give up on themselves.",
Danxuan said softly, folded up the Buddhist beads in his hand, and put them in his bosom,
"My Buddha will not really blame anyone, because everyone in this world is guilty, everyone is like this, and no one is alone. No matter how heinous he was in life, after death, everything is over.

Everything in the world is connected, if one person is guilty, all living beings are guilty

One person is ruthless, and all beings are ruthless! "

After Danxuan finished speaking, he walked to the side of the courtyard alone and picked up the big broom placed there.

The broom didn't know what age it was. It was covered with thick dust and bird droppings, and the dust and dirt flew up when it was touched.

Danxuan didn't seem to dislike the dirty thing, but rolled up his sleeves, picked up the broom, and began to clean the feces and filth all over the place.

"Are all beings guilty..."
Chen Zhi stood there, looking at Danxuan's back, carefully pondering these two familiar words.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of what Xuanniao had said to him, the figure of the back of the knife who gently wiped off the ants on the knife, and the monk who was beheaded by the knife because of adultery with Princess Gaoyang, did he ever have such a thing? idea.

At this moment, Chen Zhi suddenly felt that the figure was very clear and very real.

All the staff left the yard first, and only Chen Zhi stayed behind.

Chen Zhi didn't bother Danxuan in the past, but looked at him silently...

Watching him clean up the entire courtyard unhurriedly, finally open the food box next to it, scrape off the thick bird droppings on it, pour clean water on it, and finally leave...

The way back was very smooth, and all levels were open to them.

The abbot of the Great Mercy Temple really kept his promise, Chen Zhi and the others left the Great Mercy Temple smoothly after completing the task.

But they also knew in their hearts that it was completely impossible to come back in the future, and the sacred stupa was also the last time they had the chance to see it.

After returning to the base, the staff immediately began to enter the busy state of data analysis and DNA matching.

Nowadays, biotechnology is advanced, but these retrieved samples are relatively difficult to analyze because of their age.

Moreover, Xuanzang's status in the Buddhist circle is too high, this matter is of great importance, and there must be no mistakes, so the process of testing cannot be too fast.

Professor Liao's senior apprentice finally gave a time, and it is estimated that the results should be available after 38 hours.

Danxuan also came to Chen Zhi's place. He never went back to Tianfa Temple these days, and has been waiting outside.

He didn't eat or drink, sat in meditation with his eyes closed and recited scriptures, and entered into a state of concentration, only waiting for the final result.

After more than [-] hours, after the joint efforts of several laboratory personnel, the final test results were finally obtained.

And the conclusion was not as simple as they imagined.
According to the most authoritative DNA bioassay method, the DNA chain on this skull completely belongs to ordinary humans.

And there is no blood relationship with Danxuan, and the matching result is 0%.

That is to say, even if the times change, Danxuan's family is passed down from generation to generation, and the genetic factors are weakened, there will be no half-money relationship with Xuanzang!
Danxuan is not a descendant of Xuanzang!

Xuanzang is really just an ordinary human being!
After the result came out, Chen Zhi felt that the doubts that had been tense in his mind became more intense, and Danxuan immediately fell into silence.

Danxuan didn't speak any more. That feeling was like the thing he had always believed in, the identity he had longed for, but was overthrown by one move, and all his emotions and spirit fell into hibernation.

After that, he didn't speak for a long time, as if he had settled down, and even his breath became very weak in the end.

His appearance made Fat Wei a little frightened, and he kept nagging, saying that this Buddhist eminent monk, don't let anything happen to them, otherwise they wouldn't be able to clean up even if they jumped into the Yellow River.

However, on the night of the third day, Danxuan suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw Chen Zhi, his first reaction was to drink water.

After drinking two large glasses of water, he finally said a word to Chen Zhi:

"Patriarch Chen, I must find him.

The person who gave me this blood, the person who gave me this destiny, I must know who he is!
Otherwise, I will die with regret.

Patriarch Chen, you must help me..."

Chen Zhi looked at Danxuan with serious eyes, and nodded solemnly,
"Don't worry! I will keep my promise!"

In the following time, another result was also sent by fax,

That was the result of the identification of the coin they found in the stupa.

After the identification of professional historians, this exchange was seized and indeed belonged to the early Tang Dynasty.

The buttons are all made of pure gold, custom-made by the royal family.

The engraved characters on the back of the buttons are indeed Tang characters, but the characters engraved on the front are unique characters created by a small country in the Western Regions at that time.

This small country in the Western Regions was Gaochang in the early Tang Dynasty!
After collective research and identification by experts, the overall meaning of these Gaochangwen has been determined.

The translation is:
"Pour the whole world to help you, Juncheng promises, high-fives as an oath, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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