Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1502 The price of funding

Chapter 1502 The price of funding

"Such words are a little too much!",
When the fax of the Gaochang words came, Chen Zhi picked up the exchange for the quilt, and groped carefully.

"Hi-fiving is an oath, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven...

What kind of promise is it? As for saying it so seriously, it is even engraved on the quilt, it's a bit like... ",
Chen Zhi looked at the golden writing on the button, and found that the writing was very deep, as if it contained infinite obsession,
"It's like a contract signed to prevent the other party from breaching the contract.

Then this thing is really wrong...

If it is really as described in the history, Ju Wentai, the king of Gaochang at that time, appreciated Xuanzang's talent and devoted all the resources of the whole country to sponsor him to travel to the west.

There is no need to prove this kind of feeling with a contract!

There is no need to make such a vicious oath!

This sentence is simply a curse of evil words.

The meaning is actually to tell you that if you don't keep the promise you made, then you will be doomed!

This kind of behavior really doesn't look like an emotional support behavior.

"Have you ever thought that the sponsorship at that time may not be out of emotion, but out of exchange...",
Chen Zhi then raised his head and said to Fat Wei and Dan Xuan,
"More than 1300 years ago, King Ju Wentai of Gaochang devoted all his power to sponsoring Xuanzang's journey to the west, perhaps because Xuanzang agreed to a special request from him.

But Xuanzang changed his destiny from then on, Journey to the West was successful! "


There is indeed such a thing..."
Danxuan twirled the beads and said:

"Everyone who has read "Da Tang Western Regions" knows that after Ju Wentai and Xuanzang became brothers, Gaochang State used a lot of money to support Xuanzang's trip, but asked Xuanzang to give lectures in Gaochang for three years after returning from the journey to the west. , to help the king educate the people.

But when Xuanzang came back, he found that Gaochang had fallen into war, so this promise could not be fulfilled! "

"It is unlikely that such a quid pro quo...",
Chen Zhi shook his head lightly:
"I personally think that Xuan Zang didn't tell the truth in Da Tang Xi Yu Ji, or what he said was incomplete!

There are two reasons:

First, Ju Wentai, as the king of Gaochang Kingdom at that time, did not have so much leisure time. He cared about religious affairs such as preaching and preaching during the crisis of war and the crisis of his wealth and life.

We all know that the foundation of religion is based on the stability of the state regime!

At that time, the situation in Gaochang was very critical. The newly-emerged Tang Dynasty and the Turks, the overlords on the grasslands, tried to swallow Gaochang, and Ju Wentai's life might be taken away at any time.

So Ju Wentai's request at the time should not be about religion, but more about politics...

Second, if Xuanzang came back and found that Gaochang was in a political war, and Ju Wentai had been kind to him, he should go to rescue him at this time.

How could it be possible to sigh a few words and then leave?This is so unreasonable..."

"Okay, let's stop guessing now!",
Fat Wei suddenly interrupted Chen Zhi's words,
"Damn it, who the hell knows what happened more than 1000 years ago.

Moreover, even an uneducated old man like me knows that monks don't tell lies, so how can Master Xuanzang lie?

Besides, maybe the old king Ju Wentai may have a high level of ideological awareness, he doesn't care about the glory and wealth on these floating dust, he only cares about the early ascension to bliss, why are we so idle?

If you want me to say, don't think nonsense, it's more serious to finish the matter at hand quickly..."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he winked at Chen Zhi, and then looked at Danxuan next to him, which meant to stop talking about such a sensitive topic, lest Danxuan would be embarrassed.

Donor, it's okay..."
Danxuan clasped his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name and said,
"What does the benefactor think of the poor monk as waiting for others?

Monks are not allowed to lie, but even less coquettish and pretentious.

People in this world have greed and things they don't want to talk about, and so do monks.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also went to hell to wash away his sins. How can there be a perfect and sinless person in this world?
I think the same is true for Master Xuanzang 1000 years ago.

However, what Chen Benefactor said just now makes sense, and this matter is indeed a bit strange..."

"Master is open-minded!",
Chen Zhi politely nodded to Danxuan:

"But the matter has come to this point, there is indeed nowhere to investigate!
Genetic testing is a rigorous science, and the facts we see right now are indisputable.

Of course, I have also considered that after more than 1300 years of changes, your blood relationship may be weakened.

But just now the researchers have said that if there is a blood relationship, it will definitely reach more than 40%, and it can be seen even if it is diluted!
So the corpse under the underground palace of Tianfa Temple, and the mage Xuanzang more than 1300 years ago have nothing to do with you!

Now there is only one possibility left, that is, the legend in history is true, and the person who had a relationship with Princess Gao Yang at that time was indeed Bian Ji!
Our previous guesses were all misguided. "

Listening to Chen Zhi's words, Danxuan remained pale and silent for a while, as if still unwilling,
"The poor monk is obsessed and still has doubts.

I remember the benefactor said that seeing the image of the Tang Dynasty more than 1300 years ago, Princess Gaoyang had a relationship with a person in the underground palace, and that person was still handwriting "The Story of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty"

Isn’t that person Xuanzang himself? "

"Those images are not enough evidence!" Chen Zhi shook his head and said,

"Those are unreal feelings, maybe the person in the basement is not Xuanzang himself.

Or maybe, he was just being teased by Princess Gao Yang, and there was no real relationship.

You must know that Princess Gaoyang was young and flamboyant at that time, but Xuanzang was already over fifty years old, and she was a well-known eminent monk who was famous all over the world.

With his cultivation base and concentration, this matter itself is actually very unlikely.

As for the debate~~, he is more likely.

As for your genetic factors, perhaps the former monk Bianji was a demigod himself, possessing the ability to live a long life.

After the incident, he was cut in half in the city. The reason why he didn't resist was probably out of guilt or other reasons.

Anyway, other than that, there is no other possibility..."

"Is it really still like this..."
Danxuan still didn't believe it on his face, but in the end he stopped struggling,

"So be it!
Maybe from the beginning, I thought too much!
That's it! "

After Danxuan finished speaking, he silently recited a Buddhist name, then raised his head to look at Chen Zhi again:

"Benefactor Chen, I have one last request. I wonder if you can fulfill your wish?"

"Speak!" Chen Zhi replied softly:
"As long as I can do it! I will try my best!"

"The poor monk is ashamed...",
Danxuan silently twisted the beads,

"Although the poor monk is a monk, he is always greedy for mortal emotions. He has regretted his whole life. He has never had family affection. He doesn't know what his mother is!

Since my biological mother has long been lost, but I want to see what the matrilineal Princess Gaoyang looks like?

You once said that you used a special spell to borrow the eyes of the mummy to see the scene of that year!
Can you let me see for myself?
I want to see the Tang Dynasty when Buddhism first entered the Central Plains.

Also, what kind of person is Princess Gaoyang who brought me this fate! "

(End of this chapter)

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