Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1503 The scene 1300 years ago

Chapter 1503 The scene 1300 years ago

Danxuan's request was very difficult.

Chen Zhi once used the technique of dialysis to throw himself into the mummy in the underground palace of Tianfa Temple, and saw everything that the mummy saw in the eyes of the Tang Dynasty.

But dialysis itself is a mental spell, which can only be seen by the caster himself, and cannot be projected into the eyes of others.

But after research, this is not impossible.

If you use the thinking of modern screen projection technology to do it, it may be much easier.

In the following time, Chen Zhi used dialysis again to dialysis the bystander's body, and then used the quick-freezing method to freeze this image.

Then through the medium, it is expressed in the curse chart.

In principle, this is equivalent to the current image reverse screen technology.

But the implementation of this set of spells is much more complicated.

This involves a series of small incantations, including illusion, breaking spells, and psychic traction.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Chen Zhi had already memorized the little spells in Jiang's library, and with a little experimentation, he could finally implement them.

After dozens of failures and hard work, finally, this miraculous scene came true!

They found a room alone, and Chen Zhi recited the mantra, displaying the diagram of the powerful spell in the air.

When the scene of the old Tang Dynasty appeared in front of them, Pangwei and Danxuan were very excited, and even Ghost Saber watched very seriously from behind.

The Tang Dynasty is really too prosperous, hundreds of times more prosperous than what is recorded in historical books and imagined now!
There are blooming flowers everywhere, colorful, as if the flowers will never be invincible.

Women at that time were very free, and they wore low-cut dresses, revealing their snow-white chests.

The whole body is covered with bright gauze and thick powder, colorful, the luxury is indescribable, full of enthusiasm and hope...

And all these scenes were seen through the eyes of this mummy.

The status of this bystander should not be low at that time, and he was an important monk.

He would often stand at the gate of the temple with the young monk, watching the pilgrims coming and going in Tianfa Temple and the bustling Tang Dynasty scene.

And this bystander is a very strict monk, he rises and rests regularly, is self-disciplined and orderly, what he sees in his eyes and what he touches in his hands are all within the moral norms of a monk, and he has never transgressed in the slightest .

In the fragmented and chaotic images, they saw a woman in full dress, who often talked to bystanders, as if begging him for something.

From the address of the maid next to her, it can be heard that this well-dressed woman has a very high status. She was the jewel in the palm of Tang Taizong at that time, Princess Gaoyang!
Princess Gaoyang's attire was quite luxurious, with pearls and emeralds all over her hair, and she jingled when she walked.

The rouge on her face was very thick, and it was all smeared on her cheeks. It was flushed red, and her lips were painted in the shape of cherries. This kind of dress cannot be understood by modern aesthetics.

But this princess is actually very beautiful, and she is very young and lively, with a sense of pride on her face, as if everything in this world should succumb to her skirt.

But one thing is very clear, she has no ambiguous relationship with this bystander.

Because it was late at night when they met, and the bystanders were conveying another man's token for Princess Gao Yang.

The onlooker was very flustered at the time, his hands were trembling all the time, and he handed a handwritten copy of "Da Tang Western Regions" to Princess Gao Yang, along with a hand-held Buddhist beads.

This string of Buddhist beads is obviously used by men. It is larger than ordinary ones. It is made of ordinary wood with colorful wear marks on it, which seems to have gone through many vicissitudes.

When Princess Gaoyang received this token, she was obviously very happy, and she bowed down to express her gratitude to the bystanders.

Then something came out of my mouth...

The words, which seemed unimportant to the onlooker, were erased from his memory, so they are now inaudible in the video.

"right here!",
Chen Zhi pointed to the string of Buddhist beads in the picture and said:

"This is the token that was given to Princess Gao Yang by her lover at that time, and it was forwarded by this bystander.

In particular, it can be seen that her lover must be a Buddhist, and her status must be higher than that of onlookers.

If all our previous inferences were presumptuous, then the owner of this string of beads is likely to be Bian Ji.

It's a pity that I couldn't hear Princess Gao Yang's last words, if I heard it, I can confirm this matter..."

"I think it's the same thing!",
Fat Wei beside him nodded with interest,

"But things like this between a man and a woman, you can't rely on guesswork, maybe this Princess Gaoyang is just wishful thinking, maybe she had other lovers before.

Can't you think of a way to understand the following sentence?
I always feel that this sentence can have a little meaning..."


"No more!",
Chen Zhi shook his head:
"This spell is not based on imagination, and requires a certain medium to realize it.

If there is anything at that time, even a hair falling on the ground, it can help me to analyze the scene at that time.

But now more than 1300 years have passed, and nothing of that time can be found! "

Danxuan has been in a daze since he saw the image just now, and he was even more stunned after hearing what Chen Zhi said.

He looked at the Buddhist bead in the image and said softly:

If the benefactor can see the scene more than 1000 years ago through this token, maybe the poor monk can help! "

"What do you mean?" Chen Zhi turned his head to look at Danxuan in disbelief.

"I mean to say...",
When Danxuan said this, he hesitated a bit. He looked at the Tang Dynasty woman in the picture, and then at the string of Buddhist beads he took in his hand. He turned his head and said affirmatively to Chen Zhi,

"Benefactor, the poor monk thought it was a trivial matter, so he didn't mention it.

The string of keepsakes that appear on your screen actually still exist now.

It, together with the jade butterfly that proves the identity of the poor monk, has been handed down from the ancestors.

It is said that it was Princess Gaoyang's favorite thing during her lifetime, and she was still holding it before she died, so it was left by future generations as a thought.

Later, it was passed down from generation to generation and passed down to me.

Now, it's on the poor monk's body! "

(End of this chapter)

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