Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1507 Another Westward Traveler

Chapter 1507 Another Westward Traveler

Chen Zhi then asked Fat Wei to take two people to pick up Danxuan, saying that there was an urgent matter here, and let him put it aside no matter what.

After a while, Danxuan really came over, alone, without even bringing his apprentice with him!

After he came, Chen Zhi, Ghost Dao, Pang Wei, and Dan Xuan gathered in the closed room again.

This time, Chen Zhi directly expressed his thoughts to them:
"We're going to go to the area along the ancient Silk Road, that's tomorrow, and I've asked Uncle Jin to take care of everything!
Master Danxuan is ready to go with us! "

Danxuan was very surprised when he heard Chen Zhi's words, and stood there in a daze without reacting.

At this time, Fat Wei couldn't take it anymore:
"I said Chengzi, want to go to XJ? You think you are going downstairs to buy groceries, and leave as soon as you say?
I have tolerated you for a long time these two days, you have been nagging these two days, have you gone mad or something?
In fact, this matter is over here, and there is nothing to investigate.

Isn't it just the messy thing about men and women more than 1000 years ago? You are not a member of the ancient personal style committee, so why are you entangled like this? "

"No!" Chen Zhi took a serious look at Fat Wei,
"I must find out the person related to Princess Gao Yang!"

"Ouch, my mother!",
Fat Wei was so angry that he shook his head, expressing his incomprehension.

"You are really delusional.

Why do you have to find out this lover?Carry out ideological education?
Besides, do you need to go to the desert to find a lover?
What should we be busy with now?Don't you know what to do?Do you think we are still in the mood to do this in our current situation? "

"I went to the ancient Silk Road, of course I have my reasons, there must be clues there...",
Chen Zhi then confided all his thoughts...

"I've been reading that Tang Dynasty Book of the Western Regions over and over again these days.

It is recorded in the Tang Dynasty Records of the Western Regions that Xuanzang once fell into the highland desert outside Gaochang. Because of the unfortunate loss of his water bag, he did not have any water or rice for five days and five nights, and fell into a coma.

In his stupor, he also saw ghosts and ghosts, lit a lamp, and flickered around it.

But these words were later considered to be hallucinations that occurred when he was hungry and thirsty.

Then he miraculously spent five or six days in this desperate situation, escaped by luck, and came to the gate of Gaochang Kingdom safely to meet King Gaochang.

Is that so? "

"Yes!" Danxuan nodded, twisting the beads,

"The Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty, the poor monk can already memorize it backwards, and there is indeed this record!"

"He lied!" Chen Zhi said with certainty,
"We know that if a normal human being does not touch his teeth for five days and five nights, he is almost on the verge of death, and the organs and circulation of the whole body will stop working.

If he is not rescued in time, what awaits him is definitely death!There was no possibility of him leaving the desert alive, not even a single step!
Unless..., someone saved him! "

When Chen Zhi said this, he glanced around Fat Wei and Xuan Dan,

"Moreover, in terms of human body function, even if he leaves the desert alive, he will fall into a deep coma after this life-and-death struggle, and it will take a long period of medical treatment to recover.

So he should be in a coma for a period of time in Gaochang after that...

Therefore, the record in "Da Tang Western Regions" that was grandly greeted by King Gaochang at the gate of Gaochang City is simply impossible! "

When Chen Zhi said this, he watched everyone open a printed document:
"I've checked, and the desert of death above the ancient Gaochang is the prototype of the legendary Flame Mountain.

Due to geographical reasons, that desert is scorching hot all year round, and there is no grass growing. It is a desolate and uninhabited area.

In the early Tang Dynasty, it was an area where ghosts and ghosts often came and went, and there were many terrible legends.

In other words, before Xuanzang came here, all the records were true, but after arriving here, he lied!

Xuanzang is a devout Buddhist believer and a person who values ​​integrity. What is the reason for a person like him to tell lies.

I am making a guess now, maybe he was rescued by someone in this desert, and this person cannot be recorded in the history books.

This person sent him to Gaochang, and obtained the support of the king of Gaochang. From then on, he protected him all the way and embarked on the road to the west!

As for Gaochang..."
When Chen Zhi said this, he picked up the golden one again and exchanged it for the buckle:

"I have always had a suspicion that the reason why King Gaochang gave generously at that time was not out of personal emotion, but an exchange, an exchange to protect his country and life!
So Xuanzang actually has no relationship with King Gaochang, because he was probably in a coma for most of his time in Gaochang.

The one who really forged friendship with King Gaochang and made a promise to King Gaochang is probably the one who saved Xuanzang back then, that is, another westward traveler..."

After this conclusion was drawn, everyone was shocked!

Everyone looked at each other in silence, Fat Wei couldn't hold back at last:


Is this a bit too mysterious?

I know, it's a bit inappropriate to say this now.

But you know who I'm thinking of right now? ",
When Fat Wei said this, he burst out laughing.

"Well, please forgive me for not having much culture, and I haven't read any Tales of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty.

But you said that Great Master Xuanzang still has a companion, why did I remember... that Monkey King with the golden cudgel is here?
Don't tell me, the one who really made Princess Gao Yang's stomach bigger is Brother Monkey, right?Haha~~"

When Fat Wei said this, he suddenly saw Danxuan next to him, and saw Danxuan's face was ashen, knowing that he had slipped his words, he immediately shut up and stopped talking.

But this sentence was affirmed by Chen Zhi, Chen Zhi looked at everyone and nodded slightly,
"We all know that this historical allusion about Xuanzang's Journey to the West is known to everyone in the land of China.

But in fact, everyone really understands this matter not because of Tang Dynasty Records of the Western Regions, nor because of the real Xuanzang Westward Journey.

But because of a legendary novel handed down from the Ming Dynasty——"Journey to the West"

"Journey to the West" is the first full-length novel of gods and demons in ancient China. It has been widely circulated since the Ming Dynasty. Until now, it is known to everyone.

Up to now, the original author of Journey to the West is written as Wu Chengen in all the textbooks for primary and middle school students.

But in fact, this is just a guess. In the original version of Journey to the West that has been discovered, none of the existing [-]-chapter editions published in the Ming Dynasty bears the author's signature.

The real author of "Journey to the West" is still a mystery until now!

(End of this chapter)

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