Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1508 Another Westward Traveler

Chapter 1508 Another Westward Journey ([-])
Chen Zhi then took out a stack of documents, which was a printed Ming version of "Journey to the West", pointed to some places with red lines and said,
"However, in this novel, it surprisingly matches all the details in Xuanzang Westward Journey.

Compared with the boring record text of Tang Dynasty Western Regions, the writing of the novel is more popular, and the characterization of the characters in it is also interesting, so it is easier to be accepted by the common people.

The content of the novel has not changed much. It is based on the historical event of "Tang Monk Seeking Buddhist Sutras" and through the author's artistic processing, it describes that after Sun Wukong was born, he met Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie and Drifting Monk, and accompanied Tang Sanzang on his journey westward to learn Buddhist scriptures. The story of subduing demons and subduing demons, going through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, and finally reaching the West Paradise to meet the Tathagata Buddha.

The difference is that the protagonist of this book is not Xuanzang, but another character—Monkey King! ",
When he said this, Chen Zhi put his hands on the table, and his voice was very serious:

"I am very interested in this character. I want to check the source of this character and see where this image comes from..."

"My mother, are you not crazy?" Fat Wei couldn't take it anymore this time,

"Chengzi, don't you believe me when I say you've gone mad?

The Monkey King was made up by that old boy Wu Chengen, a monkey jumping out of a crack in the rock, it's just a fiction, where can I find it?
Besides, do you really believe that there are monkeys jumping out of the cracks in the rocks?

The Journey to the West is too much, and then the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother and the Empress all came out, and there are three dozen bone spirits, and they are from the daughter country...

If we take everything that is said in the novel seriously and go to find places one by one, even if we are exhausted, we will never be able to find them! "

"Journey to the West is not necessarily just a novel, and it cannot be confirmed that it was written by Wu Chengen!",
Chen Zhi looked at Fat Wei and said:

"As I said just now, in all textbooks now, the author of Journey to the West is written as Wu Chengen, but in fact this is just a common saying.

This matter is not yet conclusive in academia.

As far as I know, Wu Cheng'en lived in the Ming Dynasty and was unsuccessful in officialdom, but he was upright and rigorous.

It is said that he resigned due to corruption in the officialdom, left his post and returned to his hometown in his later years, and was able to officially write "Journey to the West".

But in fact, the rare editions of Journey to the West in the Ming Dynasty that have been collected now have various layouts, none of which are signed, and some of them are far earlier than when he resigned.

Liu Cunren once doubted the authenticity of this incident. He once looked through religious history and investigated the sum of the sources of various versions of "Journey to the West".

It is concluded that the person who actually wrote "Journey to the West" should be in the early Song Dynasty.

And at that time, Wu Chengen was not born yet..."

"real or fake?",
After Fat Wei heard these words, his eyes widened: "

"Hey, I'm going to overthrow my primary school teacher! It turns out that all I read since I was a child are fake books!
So according to what you mean, this Journey to the West..."

"That's what I mean!",
Chen Zhi turned his head to look at Danxuan with some deep meaning:
"The Journey to the West we saw was revised by Wu Chengen! He is not the original author.

The original author of this book may have existed in the Tang and Song Dynasties!
At that time, it was not long before Bian Ji was cut in half, and there are still traces of what happened at that time.

He probably knew the truth of Xuanzang Westward Journey very well, recorded it, and reshaped the important characters hidden in it through artistic images.

In other words, this "Journey to the West" written by him is the real Tang Dynasty's Western Regions! "

"Ah...", Danxuan stared blankly after listening to Chen Zhi's words, as if he couldn't accept it for a while.

But Fat Wei was beside him, but he listened with gusto, and seemed to be interested:

"Then what shall we do now?

Even if Tang Seng really had a companion by his side when he was learning Buddhist scriptures, where can we find clues from the events of more than 1000 years?
You don't want me to go to Shuilian Cave to dig monkey tombs, do you? "

"Where is his tomb?",
Chen Zhi looked at the string of ancient Buddhist beads with mottled marks in his hand,
"If I'm not mistaken, this other traveler to the west was the one who was cut in half at the entrance of the downtown area 1300 years ago because of his sympathy with Princess Gaoyang!

He died in Chang'an City at that time, without leaving behind his identity and name, Xuanzang didn't dare to plead for him, and didn't even dare to admit his existence, so he let him take the name of his apprentice Bianji!
The real Bianji, bearing the stigma, died alone in the underground palace of Tianfa Temple, and did not dare to come out until he died!In order to maintain the fame and festivals of Buddhism as a whole.

All this proves one thing, the identity of this person is very special!
He would not be accepted by the people at that time, by the imperial court, or even by the entire human society.

He should..., not a human! "

"Not human? Demigod?",
Fat Wei's face immediately became serious, he turned his head to look at Danxuan, remembering what he said in the past, suddenly everything made sense.

Chen Zhi nodded lightly,
"To put it nicely, he is a demigod, but to put it bluntly, he is a monster.

At that time, the Tang Dynasty had just gone through war and was in a state of panic and confusion. The imperial court promoted Buddhism in order to maintain their political rule.

Buddhism excludes aliens. A non-human creature is the main member of Xixing. This makes Xuanzang, and even the entire Buddhist circle, slap their lips.

They cannot admit the existence of this person, otherwise the buddhism that has just emerged will be over.

This unknown westward traveler died silently under the knife in the face of someone else's identity.

Such a person was abandoned by the Buddhist world and completely abandoned by human society. Who would dare to build a tomb for him? "

"Then what should I do?" Fat Wei said with his eyes wide open, "Then where can I check now?"

"Take the road back to the west...",
Chen Zhi tightly held the broken string of old Buddha beads in his hand,
"If we want to find him, we must find his original prototype...

Many historians have come to conclusions. In fact, in the original "Journey to the West" legend, there are no such characters as Zhu Bajie and Drifting Monk.

In the beginning, Tang Seng had only one apprentice, who accompanied him all the way through thousands of rivers and mountains, and that was the monkey-shaped Monkey King!

Later, many historians believed that the image of Sun Wukong was real.

His prototype is a Huren apprentice that Tang Seng accepted on his way west!Or in Hinduism, a monkey god with boundless magic power!

But these explanations are very far-fetched. We don't have to be too imaginative now, but to look for the most original legends despite the shaping of these later generations.

That is the earliest mural in the world called "Xuanzang Sutra Learning Map" in the Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves in the ancient Xixia Kingdom..."

(End of this chapter)

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