Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1510 Traces of the Past

Chapter 1510 Traces of the Past
And Chen Zhi was looking at the screen of his mobile phone all the way. This is all the materials about the character Sun Wukong in the Thousand Buddha Grottoes that he combined all the materials during this period of time.

In fact, from ancient times to the present, especially with the rapid development of modern archaeological civilization, many people have become interested in the image of Monkey King.

In 11, some local villagers even claimed to have discovered the tomb of Monkey King, but it was later confirmed that it was just the same name and surname.

Looking through the literature from ancient times to the present, Monkey King has always been the main image in Journey to the West, and has taken on the most important task of the Journey to the West team.

Tang Xuanzang is a loyal believer in Buddhism. He went west to learn scriptures. Sun Wukong is an important messenger who exorcises demons and escorts Tang monks to learn scriptures. Compared with the gentle Tang Xuanzang, he acts as an image of a warrior.

Now in Chinese academic circles, a lot of research and speculation have been made on the origin of the image of Monkey King.

Some people think that he is an apprentice that Tang Xuanzang received after entering the Western Regions. This apprentice is a man named Shipantuo. So throw him away.

There is also a saying that Shi Wukong, an eminent monk who attained the Tao in the later period, was also a devout believer in Buddhism. He accompanied Tang Xuanzang on his westward journey in the later period, so this legend has been passed down.

But these arguments are very incomplete, especially the role of Shi Wukong, who was later proved to be more than 40 years later than Xuanzang, which is nothing at all.

And now there is definite historical evidence that Xuanzang at that time did indeed mix in with the victims and left Chang'an alone.

Therefore, Xuanzang must be the second westward traveler he met on the way westward. He may be from the Western Regions, but he did not abandon him like Shipantuo, but accompanied him all the way to India, and then accompanied him all the way back to Chang'an !

The deep friendship formed by the two is unimaginable to ordinary people.

There are certain historical reasons why "Xuan Zang Sutras and Sutras" appeared in the murals of the Dunhuang Grottoes.

According to the analysis of the Dunhuang Academy, these murals appeared in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, and there were no novels of Journey to the West at that time.

However, in the documents unearthed from the Buddhist scripture cave in Dunhuang, there are many records about the deeds of Xuanzang's journey to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures.

It includes when Xuanzang traveled westward to learn Buddhist scriptures and passed through Guazhou, he received adventurous help from local officials and people, and when he returned again, the local people greeted him.

That is to say, when Xuanzang came back from learning scriptures, he was accompanied by a companion. This incident was seen by many local people.

At that time, the people in the Western Regions did not use Chinese and were not good at written records, so they passed it on orally and sang praises from generation to generation.

Based on these handed down deeds, the painters of later generations used their artistic imagination to tell this story and painted the walls. Therefore, the murals that appeared at that time should be the most convincing.

Of course, there are also a series of murals from the Dunhuang Buddhist caves on the mobile phone, among which is the "Picture of Sutra Learning" mural on the north side of the west wall of Cave 2 in Yulin Grottoes.

In this mural, Tang Monk in cassock stands on the bank of the torrent, folds his hands together, and worships Avalokitesvara, very pious.

Behind him, Monkey King with shawl hair, wearing a golden hoop, holds a white horse in one hand, and looks at Guanyin in front of his forehead with the other hand.

But when you want to see the details, most of the mural is blurred.

These murals are not the most original version. They have been repaired to a certain extent in the late Qing Dynasty and the post-modern period, covering up many traces of the past.

Therefore, Chen Zhi needs to go to see the most original authentic works on the spot, so as to know the truth of history at that time, which is hidden behind this mural.

The journey this time was very long, and it took a night's flight to get there. There were a lot of people in the airport, and some people were covered with the sour smell of wool, as if they hadn't bathed for hundreds of years. Everyone didn't sleep well on the plane. .

Especially Chen Zhi, in the haze, dreamed of the dark desert again.

But this time in that desert, he saw the huge disc-shaped stone again, which was stained with blood and full of marks of knives and axes.

When she woke up again, the stewardess made a beautiful voice through the flashlight of the plane:
"Dear passengers, Dunhuang International Airport has arrived.

Dunhuang is a beautiful city, here is the world-famous Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, I wish you a happy trip, goodbye~~”

Following the soft farewell sound of the stewardess, they got off the plane one after another. When they got out, they found that it was already bright outside, and it was already more than five o'clock in the morning here.

And the people arranged by the old somersault are holding a big sign in the parking lot to welcome them.

Dunhuang City is affiliated to JQ City in Gansu Province. It is located at the westernmost end of the Hexi Corridor. It is a node city on the Silk Road. It is famous all over the world for "Dunhuang Grottoes" and "Dunhuang Murals".

However, most modern scholars believe that the etymology of the word "Dunhuang" is not Chinese, but a rare language from ancient times. That is to say, the city of Dunhuang appeared a long time ago in ancient times.

It is generally believed that "Dunxi" recorded in "Shan Hai Jing" is the earliest name of Dunhuang, and it is the Chinese transliteration of the local minority language.

Legend has it that since ancient times, this generation has been the most prosperous center of the Western Regions. There are various ethnic groups living here, and many strange people and strangers will appear here.

It is recorded in the Han Dynasty that during the period of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, people with eyes of various colors appeared here.

Some are covered with thick hair and have long tails behind them, just like monkeys.

Some are like falcons. They are ferocious by nature, brave and warlike, and their living habits are completely different from humans.Never interacted with the Han people in the Central Plains.There is no such thing as intermarriage.They often plunder the Central Plains women for adultery, and even eat them raw.

These strange phenomena did not disappear until the opening of the Silk Road.

During the Tang Dynasty, the Han nationality was strong, and many people in the Western Regions were Sinicized or trampled by the Turkic people. Therefore, most of the various ethnic groups were assimilated by the Central Plains people.

But this time, the person who came to pick them up was a curly-haired young man from a minority, probably in his twenties.

The old somersault said that this is a tour guide they asked an acquaintance to find in the local area. Although they are not very familiar with it, they are considered veterans in the tour guide industry, and the money is sufficient, so there should be no problem...

The old somersault said that this is a tour guide they asked an acquaintance to find in the local area. Although they are not very familiar with it, they are considered veterans in the tour guide industry, and the money is sufficient, so there should be no problem...

(End of this chapter)

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