Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1511 Little Sogdians

Chapter 1511 Little Sogdians
Because Dunhuang is a famous tourist city, there are a lot of people coming and going at the airport, and it is not uncommon to see blond foreigners.

However, the current local population of Dunhuang is mainly Han Chinese, and most of these Han people immigrated from the inland after the Qing Dynasty.

According to historical records, the ethnic group living in this area is the Sogdians.

Because of repeated heavy losses after the end of the Tang Dynasty, there was a large flow of ethnic groups. Now Dunhuang is an area dominated by Han people and other multi-ethnic groups.

The 27 ethnic minorities such as Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Miao, Manchu, Tu, Kazak, Dongxiang, and Yugu account for only 2.2% of the total population, and there is no trace of the Sogdians at all.

However, things are rare and expensive, and there are many people with characteristics of the Western Regions in the local area, who always claim to be the descendants of the Sogdians.

This Uyghur boy is like this, he speaks pure Mandarin, his eyes are piercing, his hair and eyeballs are light brown, and he is proud of himself as a descendant of the Sogdian people.

"Bosses, I just received your business order yesterday, so I rushed over immediately!

You guys are in a hurry, but you really have vision.

I am a local householder here, and I am an authentic descendant of the Sogdians. We Sogdians have been the masters of Dunhuang since ancient times. When it comes to the beauty of Dunhuang, no one knows so well except me..."

As soon as Pang Wei sees such a person, he becomes addicted to talking:

"What do you mean... you are a Sogdian?

No, how did I hear that when the Mongols destroyed Xixia, the Sogdians were all wiped out?
Even if a few survived by luck, they all ran into the customs and merged with us Han people. Now there are no Sogdians! "

"how come?
That's all nonsense, we Sogdians can't kill them all..."
The little Uyghur tour guide was full of seriousness, and began to talk about the glorious past of the Sogdians in Dunhuang.

"We Lite people used to be very prosperous. We had our own characters and civilization in Dunhuang.

By the way, there is another famous person, you Han people all know it, you know Anlu Mountain, right?The one who initiated the "Anshi Rebellion"!

You Han people call An Lushan a Hu, but in fact he is a Lite. The word Lushan means bright in the Lite language, and Lushan is the transliteration of the Lite language.

What do you think of Dunhuang now, do you think there are only murals here, but in fact, in the past, Dunhuang was the most prosperous communication center in the world, just like the metropolis of Paris now!
At that time, the common language here was Sogdian, just like the current English, and merchants from all over the Silk Road passed here.

Treasures from all over the world can be found here, palaces and pavilions are everywhere, and the most beautiful women in the world are gathered here, but now they are all covered by yellow sand!
Even the place name Dunhuang itself is a foreign language.

Dun means very big, and Huang means very prosperous, a very large and prosperous city.

The prosperous Dunhuang at that time was beyond the imagination of today's people!
Even the tens of thousands of murals in Dunhuang today are the result of the gods admiring us in Dunhuang and sending them down to paint. We people in Sogdia know all about these things. "

"Oh, my god, you guys can really blow...",
Fat Wei suddenly felt that his eloquence was suppressed by this kid,

"I guess a real god is not as godlike as you say! I think you are just a fake, pretending to be a Sogdian!"

"What he said may be true!",
Chen Zhi followed softly:
"Although the Sogdians have gone through wars, their population has been greatly destroyed.

But this nation is very tenacious, and there are still many people who survived. As far as I know, many of the current surnames An, Kang, He, and Mi are their descendants! "

"Hey! The boss really understands this smell!",
The little tour guide immediately seemed to be praised:
"My surname is Mi, and my name is Mi Kutucci, and everyone can call me Xiaomi!

You must have not eaten after getting off the plane like this. Now I will take you to eat the most famous mutton juice here!
That is the most frequented place by our locals, the most authentic.

In short, it’s right for you to come with me, I’m not like those black tour guides, I will provide you with good food and drink for the next few days, and have a good time!

Introduce more regular customers to me in the future! "

After Xiaomi finished speaking, he pointed to the parking lot ahead and took them to his van.

There are too many various means of transportation outside the airport. Although the van is used to pick up and drop off passengers, it is clean.

Yang Wumao and several scientific researchers were locked in the laboratory all day long, and they hadn't come out to play for a long time. After hearing these words, they were very happy, and they all got into the tourist bus.

Xiaomi acted as a driver for them and drove all the way to the city center.

Xiaomi told them in the car that the old somersault had already explained to him, this time there is no need to go to other places for sightseeing, all the way to Dunhuang East Thousand Buddha Caves!His task is to be a good companion.

After a while, they went to the most famous local Xiajiahe juice for breakfast, and then went directly to Guazhou by car.

This Xia's shop should be the most famous small shop in the area. Although the inside is a little crude, it is fragrant.

Xiaomi ordered the signature snack "Mutton Mixed Juice" for them. The combined juice is a bit like mutton powder soup. Fragrant, smooth and delicious, it is a famous snack in Dunhuang.

After eating breakfast, everyone feels warm on their bodies.

Xiaomi greeted everyone to get in the car and started the journey to Guazhou.

When passing by Guazhou Railway Station, Xiaomi deliberately parked the car there to let everyone take a look at the scenery there.

After arriving in this city, everyone felt that it really seemed to have entered the world more than 1000 years ago.

The buildings here all have strong Dunhuang characteristics. The Dunhuang Grottoes, the towers in the murals of the Han and Tang Dynasties and the sloping walls of the city walls are used, which makes people feel as if they have passed through, full of the spirit of the "Sui and Tang" Western Regions...

(End of this chapter)

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