Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1514 East Buddha Cave

Chapter 1514 East Thousand Buddha Cave ([-])

Go straight all the way from the back, and the location on the north wall of the second cave is the most famous map of Xuanzang's Buddhist scriptures.

This part of the murals is obviously the exhibits at the bottom of the box here, and it seems to be the most important.

On the rock wall above the top of the mural, there are lighting lamps.There are also several cameras on both sides, which are the most high-end equipment here.

And the series of scripture-learning maps in front of them are also clearly displayed under the lighting.

Although it is said that there are six copies of Buddhist scriptures, only the first three are clear. The first one is still a line drawing, and most of the rest are blurred.

Xiaomi will introduce to you at this time:
"The Buddhist scripture map of the Thousand Buddha Caves is really a treasure. In the past, no one knew that there were these six murals here. The Mogao Grottoes have been famous for a long time. Tourists always go there when they come to Dunhuang. Few people know about the Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves.

It was not until two years ago that this stone wall rock formation suddenly experienced a large-scale landslide, and all the stone walls inside collapsed, leaving a big hole, and only then did the six murals behind it be exposed.
At that time, these paintings were bright and eye-catching, and after expert appraisal, they have the longest history.

The Dunhuang Academy then announced that these six murals are currently the earliest maps of Xuanzang's Buddhist scriptures in China. They were drawn in caves in the ancient Xixia era, and the outside was covered with stone walls, but the painters were still unpredictable.

These paintings have just come out, and there is not much publicity, so now no one knows the existence of these murals!

All the bosses can see this, it means that they are all understanding people! "

Xiao Min babbled there alone, while Chen Zhi and the others turned on the searchlights and looked at the murals carefully.

I saw that there was no protection in front of the mural, and you could touch it directly with your hands. The first one is a line draft, and the second and third ones are brighter in color, showing blue-green and orange-yellow as a whole. Not a stand-alone screen.

As for the content of the mural, it is actually similar to the photos on the Internet. Xuanzang is wearing cassock and monkey-headed Monkey King, holding a white horse, and Guanyin in front of him is guiding them.

All the pictures symbolically represent Xuanzang's arduous 17-year journey to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Chen Zhi once read on the Internet: There is a certain historical reason for the appearance of Xuanzang's Buddhist scriptures in the murals of the Dunhuang Grottoes.

According to the analysis of the Dunhuang Academy, in the documents unearthed from the Dunhuang Sutra Cave, there are many stories about Xuanzang's journey to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, and there are many records about Xuanzang himself.

It proves that Xuanzang has a great relationship with the people of this place.

"Da Tang Western Regions" clearly records that Xuanzang received adventurous help from local officials and people when he passed through Guazhou on his journey to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures.

In the legend of the local people, there is another point that is different from "Da Tang Western Regions".

According to the local legend, Xuanzang got the guidance from Guanyin here, told him the path of his journey to the west, and enlightened him to Sun Wukong as his apprentice. Dharma protector.

The third "Picture of Sutra Learning" on the north side of the west wall of Cave 2 shows this content. The Tang monk in cassock stands on the bank of the torrent, folds his hands together, and worships Avalokitesvara.

Behind him, the Monkey King with shawl hair and a golden hoop on his head, holds a white horse in one hand, and looks at Guanyin with the other raised in front of his forehead.

And when he looked carefully, Chen Zhi always felt that the colors of these murals were too muddy, layer upon layer, oxidized after years, and there were signs of color mixing.

We know that after blue is covered with yellow, no matter how bright the yellow is, green will always appear after time and wear, which is called the fusion of colors.

And when red is covered with yellow, orange will also appear. This painting is like this now, with many traces of superimposed colors on it.

In the following time, Chen Zhi asked Fat Wei to find a reason to drop Xiaomi and the two researchers into a nearby cave.

He stayed here, turned on his magnifying glasses, and took a closer look at the murals under the light.

The content of the next three murals is obviously different from the previous ones, and the colors are still muddy and superimposed, which is very mottled and difficult to distinguish.

It can probably be seen that in the painting, Master Xuanzang is standing sideways, with long eyebrows, eyes slightly closed, solemn expression, clasped hands, dressed in long robes and cassock, with a bald head.

Behind him is a person wearing a light blue blouse, brown trousers, blue leggings wrapped around his calves, flat shoes, and a cape wrapped around his neck. He is carrying a long stick on his left shoulder, and his head is turned to one side.

There is a tan horse behind him, the murals are mottled, but there should be nothing on the horse's back.

Although the contents of these three murals are the same as those of the previous ones, the characters and painting styles are far from each other, as if they were painted very deliberately.

Chen Zhi put it together carefully, and found that there are three doubtful points in these Buddhist scripture maps.

One is that the mural has traces of washing.The area where the figure is located is light in color, but the surrounding area is dark brown like smoke. You can also see "wiping" marks on the Shuiyue Guanyin statue. Someone must have scrubbed the picture deliberately, and the reason is unknown.

Second, behind the peeled-off part of the sutra drawing on the wall, the murals on the lower floor have been clearly exposed, and ink line ripples painted on stone green can be seen in the incomplete parts, which are similar to the color and painting method of the water waves painted in the previous murals.

Thirdly, which is the most important point, the skeleton of Avalokitesvara in this painting... is somewhat uneven.

"These paintings have been modified!" Chen Zhi said softly as he stuck to the murals at close range...

Fat Wei immediately put his face on the mural, and after carefully looking up and down, his face became very serious:
"Yes, indeed!

Absolutely he is.

We've seen this happen before, and it's picture-in-picture!

The ancients were very particular about thieves. Sometimes they believed in this god and were painted murals of gods or something. After a while, something went wrong and they had to hide these paintings.

Because I wanted to hide the content of the painting below, I added it later, so the colors and styles were messed up and couldn't match.

Because the top is simply a cover, and the bottom is the original version!
Damn, how can I be so awkward looking at these paintings?It turns out that tnd is a pirated version! "

"There must be something hidden in here!" Chen Zhi stared at those pictures and said,

"It's the original author of these words, hidden in the picture, something that I don't want the human world to know..."

(End of this chapter)

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