Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1515 The truth to be concealed

Chapter 1515 The truth to be concealed

Chen Zhi put away his magnifying glass, patted the dust on his body and continued,

"I found out when I came in.

These murals date from the middle and late Tang Dynasty, and their skills are superb!The grinding force is very strong,
It's not that the human beings at that time couldn't achieve this kind of painting skills, but even if he had such skills, his body couldn't allow him to persist in the cave with such effort!

The main thing is that I smell a special smell on these murals...",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he glanced at Fat Wei and Ghost Sword with ulterior motives.

"Demigod?" Ghost Knife immediately said vigilantly.

"It's not!",
Chen Zhi said softly:
"It's more like something between a man and a beast, if anything.

I checked the information before, and all the murals in Dunhuang, including the Mogao Grottoes, have this characteristic.

The technique of painting is too superb and ingenious, and the force of painting is too strong, and the expressions and movements are a bit weird. These are not the characteristics of human paintings.

Also, why are these murals painted in these remote caves?

It is dark and humid here, which is not conducive to the preservation of paintings, and there are no Buddhist treasures enshrined, so there is no need to make this trouble.

Unless it is a living habit that makes them feel that it is normal to paint in caves, even living in caves for food, clothing, housing and transportation is in line with their habits.

But humans don't have this habit!
As far as I know, among wild beasts, especially some huge and ferocious beasts, they have been used to living in remote caves since ancient times,

They live in caves, do what they like, it's just in their nature..."

"You mean?" When Yang Wumao and the others heard this, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Mr. Chen, the real creators of the world-famous Dunhuang murals are some beasts?
This is unbelievable, if this matter is known to the press, the whole world will be horrified!
This is impossible!
We humans can paint, because I have no intelligence, how can low-level creatures like beasts be able to paint? "

"We can call it a beast, but it can also be said to be another creature!",
Chen Zhi looked at Yang Wumao's frightened pale face, and smiled softly,
"As a scientist, you should understand that there are no creatures like humans in this world, it's just that humans occupy the dominance of this earth!

In a sense, human beings themselves are a kind of beast, but we have our own language and civilization, which can express our civilization.

But this does not mean that other animals are not intelligent.

I have read a lot of literature before, and many scholars are looking for the real author of the Dunhuang murals, but they can't find any trace at all.

However, in the small caves near the Mogao Grottoes, traces of the life of some monks were found, which proves that during the creation of these murals, some monks lived there. They lived in the cave, chanted scriptures and meditated.

Apart from this, there are no other traces to be found. "

"You mean these monks...",
A very strange expression suddenly appeared on Fat Wei's face,
"Cheng Zi, please speak clearly, why did I suddenly have a very scary idea?
The monks living in the cave, could it be them?them……"

"That's my guess!

And it's not that scary! ", Chen Zhi replied with a light smile,

"We all know that the Tang Dynasty has entered the heyday of Chinese feudal civilization, and any major event will be recorded in history.

Things like compiling a dictionary will be recorded.

How could there be no record of such large-scale murals in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes and East Thousand Buddha Caves in history?

There is a possibility that this huge project does not belong to the history of mankind at all.

Let's think about it another way.

To be able to complete a large-scale creation like the Mogao Grottoes at that time, there must have been a large number of artificial gatherings, and there must have been causes and organizers.

If it was really done by human beings, then such a large project would definitely alarm the court, or be assigned by the government, or be undertaken by a local prince.

It is impossible to keep silent, without any records, and pass down without anyone noticing.

So I think, this is not a treasure of human art civilization at all, because these painters themselves are not human..."

"What happened to the traces of the monks found?",
Yang Wumao asked softly,

"Are those monks captured and imprisoned? Or are they used as food for wild animals?"

"Let's not think too badly of these beasts!"

Chen Zhi smiled slightly:

"Have you ever thought that Buddhism has no boundaries, who said that monks must be human beings?
Whether it is a human, a beast or a demon, as long as he can put down the butcher knife, he can become a Buddha immediately.

There are also legends in history that some wild beasts in the mountains converted to Buddhism after listening to Buddhist scriptures.Just like the famous legend of the white lady, the green snake and the white snake in the mountains had to listen to the Buddhist scriptures before they became spiritual.

These beasts, perhaps really like the legends, were enlightened by Buddhism because of some chance, and thus became monks.

Because of their own habits, they practiced in the cave, chanted scriptures, meditated, and then painted what they thought in their hearts on the cave wall.

If you think about it this way, it is actually a very natural thing! "

"Hmm! If you say that, it really makes sense!",
Fat Wei nodded thoughtfully, then raised his head and said,

"Oh~~, let me tell you, let's stop thinking about it now! What's the use of thinking about those things in the past?
We should think about it now, what should we do next?
These words have obviously been changed, and someone has pasted a piece of skin on it. Could it be possible to peel off the skin on this painting?
This thing is destroying cultural relics. I remember that there was a news one year. I didn’t know that idiot, who signed this mural and visited here, was later searched by human flesh!
I don't want to be a wicked ghost who destroys cultural relics! "

"If you want to do it, I won't let you do it!",
Chen Zhi replied to Fat Wei with a smile, then turned to look at Yang Wumao:

"Doctor Yang, it's your turn to appear now!

When I was dealing with that ancient corpse, I discovered that you are an expert in handling subtle matter.

When I came here, I also asked you to bring all the equipment, just to use it now.

I will leave the rest to you..."

Yang Wumao jumped up from the ground almost like a monkey, jumping more than three feet high:
"Who do you take me for?
Are you asking me to destroy cultural relics?It's against the law, I won't do it!
Really, I am a high-level intellectual, a person of quality...

I just evaluated the advanced team last year, and I am still an advanced team member!I am one of the [-] young scientists in the country, and I am still..."

"This number will be credited to your account later!",
Chen Zhi quickly typed a string of Arabic numbers on his mobile phone, and shook them in front of Yang Wumao.

Yang Wumao immediately calmed down, looked at the long string of zeros on the phone, and nodded seriously to Chen Zhi,
"When do you start?
The tools are readily available, I need lights and a quiet environment, no assistants..."

"Just tonight!",
Chen Zhi replied with a smile, then looked up at the cameras above,

"Don't worry, at night, you will be transparent in front of these things..."

 I'll add another chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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