Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1516 The Truth To Be Covered

Chapter 1516 The Truth To Be Covered ([-])

[Thanks to the Nine Heavens Yushen Sword for the rewards and updates]

What Chen Zhi and the others said here are actually strictly confidential, and it stands to reason that outsiders like Yang Wumao should not know.

But from the very beginning, Professor Liao told Chen Zhi that Yang Wumao was born in poverty, with a clean background, simple and simple thinking, and he respected Professor Liao very much and could be trusted.

During the time they were talking, Xiaomi and the other two researchers stayed in another cave, and they didn't know about all the conversations that happened here.

Xiaomi has been there since just now, explaining the history of Dunhuang to two scientific researchers, and after returning dry from the lecture, seeing Yang Wumao's pale and scary face, he was a little baffled:
"Bosses seem to be very interested in Xuanzang's Journey to the West!
In the final analysis, it is also the legend of your Han people.

Well, I’ve seen enough after watching for so long, it’s getting late, and the museum will be closed soon, let’s hurry up, the Gobi Desert is not a joke, after all, it’s more dangerous to walk in the desert at night!

Let's go back now, I will take you to eat, the most authentic mutton hot pot here!That's..."

"We're not leaving!",
Chen Zhi suddenly said something to Xiaomi,
"We are very interested in this place and are going to spend the night here today!
You take our two scientific researchers and go back to town together!Arrange a good place for them to stay, entertain them well, don't wrong them! "

When Xiaomi heard Chen Zhi's words, his surprised brown eyes almost popped out:

"Boss, are you talking in your sleep?
Where do you want to live in the outskirts of this great desert?

Let me tell you, there is no hotel in this place, and the old couple who are looking after the door are very eccentric and will never let you spend the night here!
If something happens to you, I can't bear the responsibility..."

"Don't worry!" Chen Zhi waved to him, expressing that there is no need to say any more.

"I've been running outside all year round, and I know it well, and this is our own business, you don't need to be responsible!
You go now, tomorrow morning, I will go outside to join you! "

"This...", Xiaomi wanted to say something else, but looked at Chen Zhi's eyes, and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Xiaomi naturally didn't understand, but he is a tour guide, and he was paid for doing things, so there is no need to do more useless work.

After a few grumbling instructions, he took the two researchers back to town.

But Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, Ghost Dao, and Yang Wumao stayed behind.

In the following time, Yang Wumao has been standing in front of the mural, carefully studying the colored spots on the mural, thinking about what chemicals to use to rub the superimposed colors without damaging the underlying color.

The final purpose is to show the true face of this mural.

It didn't take long before I heard a harsh cry from the horn, which sounded like a dying old donkey roaring.

It's the old man at the gate.

"Hey! Hey! It's closing time, let's go out!

If you don't go out after the time, we will lock the door, and you will be responsible for the consequences! "

The old man's tone was extremely rude and impatient.

After he talked for a while, the old lady seemed anxious, picked up the microphone and yelled into the air again.

"Go! Go! Go!

We are about to lock the door, we are locked here, and we are not responsible for freezing to death.

go! "

The old lady's voice was even sharper these days, like a duck whose tail had been trampled on, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

There are not many tourists in the Thousand Buddha Caves, and they are basically scholars with cameras.

After hearing these nasty roars, they all quickly walked towards the door.

Chen Zhi also followed them to that side, watching the old couple standing at the door and counting people from a distance.

The gate there is very simple, made of wood covered with iron sheets.

The old couple didn't know what was going on, they looked uglier than the other, and the wrinkles on their faces were as deep as the grooves on the wood.

He sent people off at the door with two old faces in black, with a rude look, as if he wanted to push people out all at once.

Chen Zhi glanced at them from a distance, scanned the two old guys up and down, then stretched out his arms to stop Fat Wei and the others.

"Let's not go out tonight, just stay here, otherwise it will be difficult to come in..."

"Then how?",
Yang Wumao immediately objected,
"The temperature in this grotto is extremely low at night, and people will be frozen to death..."

"You don't have to worry about that!",
Fat Wei pulled off Yang Wumao's sleeve forcefully, telling him not to speak.

In this way, the four quickly took a few steps back, hid behind the tourists, and then hid back in the grotto through the darkness.

Soon, the tourists in the grotto were evacuated.

The dark and damp grotto suddenly became colder and colder. The surrounding stone Buddha statues seemed to have changed in the darkness, with strange cold faces, and their eyes seemed to be looking at him.

And at this time, a snap was heard, and the few lights in the grotto began to go out one by one.

Within a few seconds, the entire cave became pitch black.

In the grottoes of the desert, this kind of extreme darkness makes people collapse, and the boundless unknown horror makes people full of fantasies about everything in the dark.

For Chen Zhi and the three of them, fear of the dark no longer existed. They all stood there silently in the darkness, as if they had long been used to blending into the darkness.

But Yang Wumao couldn't do it. After the lights went out, his legs kept shaking, and in the end he actually held Fat Wei's arm and refused to let go.

Fat Wei shook his arms in disgust and whispered.

"I said Dr. Yang, aren't you an outstanding young man? Why do you look like a girl now.

Can you stop putting your face on my shoulder, you fat man, I am a straight man, if you do this again, I will be forced to bend by you! "

"Hush!" Chen Zhi hissed seriously,

"Keep quiet, their ears are sharp!"

After a few people stood in this grotto for a while, they thought they were all right, just when they wanted to act.

Suddenly, I heard the door slam and it was pushed open forcefully, and the old woman's sharp voice sounded in the darkness,

"Damn it!
There are three left here! "

Then there was a creak~~creak~~ teeth grinding sound...

 [Thanks to the Nine Heavens Yushen Sword for the rewards and updates]

(End of this chapter)

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