Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1517 Orcs

Chapter 1517 Orcs
At this time, all the tourists in the cave were gone, and the surroundings were dark and cold. The murals of Buddha statues in the cave became strange in the darkness, which made people feel chills.

But this old couple, for some reason, turned back...

The attitude of the old couple was very fierce, and the sound of footsteps resounded clearly in the dark grotto.

Tap~~, tap~~, tap~~
The sound of these footsteps was indescribably strange, as if a person couldn't walk well and was walking hard with his heels.

And at this moment, I heard the voice of the old man resounding in this silent grotto, the voice was hoarse as if someone had broken his vocal cords, it sounded very harsh and uncomfortable,
"Are you sure there are three missing?
What a hassle! "

"That's right~~", the old woman replied hoarsely,

"There are definitely three missing, I checked the number when I came in.

Of the last group of people who came, three did not go out.


These rambling rats.

Find them fast, damn it! "

When the old lady said this, she gritted her teeth bitterly~~cheak~~.

That kind of feeling is creepy, like a beast gritting its teeth fiercely when facing its prey.

This kind of eerie scene frightened Yang Wumao to death.

When he was trembling and almost shouted, Fat Wei covered his mouth and pressed his throat.

At this time, two swishing sounds were heard, and these two old fellows suddenly jumped into this grotto from nowhere.

Their eyes glowed emerald green in the dark, and their voices were those of howling beasts.

"Where? Come out~~
Come out soon~~
Stay in this cave overnight, you will freeze to death! ",
Following a burst of roars, the sensor light in the hole immediately lit up.

Then the faces of the two old guys were clearly visible under the light.

They still look like humans, but their faces have become extremely ferocious, with all the wrinkles on their faces gathered together, their eyes upside down, and the eyeballs are green like wolves.

The body leans forward, the pale hair sticks to the face, like a beast with a human body.

"Ah!", Yang Wumao finally couldn't take it anymore, screamed in Pangwei's hands, and fell to the ground, his personnel unknown.

Even though Fat Wei covered his mouth, the adult still made a sound when he fell to the ground.

And these two old guys didn't seem to hear anything. They looked around vigilantly under the light, and looked at the six Buddhist scripture maps with strange eyes, then turned and left.

After a while, a heavy bang was heard, the door was shut heavily, and darkness and silence returned to the grotto.

At this time, Chen Zhicai waved his hand and canceled the curse barrier protecting them.

This is the barrier that Chen Zhi has been covering outside of them since just now.

This kind of protective curse barrier is very thick, and can completely invisible the things inside the barrier.

You can't see anything inside, you can't hear any sound, you can't even feel the breath.

So those two old guys from the family searched here for so long just now, but they didn't see anything.

At this time, Yang Wumao was completely paralyzed by fright, lying on the ground with clenched teeth, his face livid.

Fat Wei helped him up, poured some water into him, and then shook him desperately among those who strangled him.

"Dr. Yang, Dr. Yang
Wumao, brother Wumao...

Wake up quickly, the big bad wolf has already left, so don't faint..."
But no matter how much Fat Wei yelled or shook, Yang Wumao just fell into a coma, and Fat Wei made him very helpless. He looked up at Chen Zhi and said with a smile,

"This buddy, it's just a piece of paper, it hasn't been dripped yet, and it's memorized in one go!

What should we do now? "

Chen Zhi knelt down and looked at Yang Wumao, shaking his head,

"No way, give him some awakening spells.

Time is limited, we can't let him faint like this! ",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he took out the medicine bottle from the treasure bag, opened the lid, and passed under Yang Wumao's nose, and then said to Fat Wei,

"Pay attention to cover his mouth, don't let him shout again, this process is a bit troublesome, he may struggle!"

"Hey, no need." Fat Wei said with a smile,
"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, I know how to deal with him."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he approached Yang Wumao's ear and whispered something.

"Doctor Yang, have you fainted?

Then you don't want the money?Forget it, I'm going to find those two people!The money was divided among them..."

Yang Wumao had actually closed his eyes tightly just now, and was in a deadly coma.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Pang Wei's words fell, he opened his eyes suddenly and woke up immediately.

"I want I want!

Don't ask others, I can earn this money myself! "

Immediately after Yang Wumao finished speaking, he regained his energy, got up from the ground neatly, and recovered miraculously.

Fat Wei looked at Yang Wumao and grinned.

"Hey~~, I said Dr. Yang!

Your brain nerves are linked to the economy?
I've seen someone who is greedy for money, and it's the first time I've seen someone who is so greedy and refined!

How about it?Did you see those two guys know each other just now?Is this the first time you've seen a living monster? "

"Oh my God!",
Hearing what Fat Wei said, Yang Wumao finally came to his senses. Thinking of the scene just now, his face turned blue with fright, and his eyebrows flew upwards.

"What the hell was that just now!

Oh my God……

There is something wrong with those two old men and old ladies, they are not human, could it be..., are they the beasts in your mouth?

It was terrible!That looks really terrible!If they find us, will they..., will they eat us? "

"You'd better not call them beasts," Chen Zhi said with a faint smile,
"If you want to call them, call them orcs!

They are also a kind of living beings, with primitive and barbaric thinking, and a longer lifespan than human beings. There are many types, and they have lived on this land of China for a long time.

As far as I know, they are not very good-tempered, and they hate it when others occupy their territory.

So we try our best to make a quick decision, move lightly, and try not to wake them up! "

Yang Wumao immediately agreed and took out his little flower handkerchief, desperately wiping the sweat off his face.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, his face turned livid with fright again.

"No, Mr. Chen, the two old men said just now that there are three people left in the cave!

But there are obviously four of us, why is there one less?
Do you say, do you say...

Could it be that one of the four of us is a ghost? "

 Recommend a military book that will take you into the world of mercenaries and learn about real mercenaries, "20 Years of Mercenaries"


(End of this chapter)

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