Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1526 Unexpected Good Luck

Chapter 1526 Unexpected Good Luck ([-])
When talking to Xiaomi, Chen Zhi tried his best to appear natural and flat, Fat Wei also seemed to be okay, reading a newspaper, both of them looked very casual.

This Xiaomi obviously didn't think much about it. He took Chen Zhi's note, took it over and looked at it repeatedly, and then smiled embarrassedly.

"Oh! I'm sorry, boss.

In fact, I was showing off a bit just now. When I was young, my family really forced me to learn some Sogdian, but because I was too playful, I basically didn’t learn a few words, so I gave up.

The last time I saw the word "", the reason why I recognized it was because I could always see it on the box when I worshiped the ancestors, so I always remembered it in my mind.

I don't even know the others! "

"So it's like this..." Chen Zhi nodded slightly, still very calm, as if he was just asking unintentionally,

"Then do you know anyone else who knows this Sogdian language?

Knowing a few words is also good. "

Xiaomi scratched his head and said in a bit of embarrassment,

"To be honest, this kind of broken script should have been used by no one for a long time, and my father was still a treasure when he was alive.

I just remembered that when you mentioned it, my dad forced me to learn it when I was a child, saying that I must not forget my ancestors. I really hate it.

But he said that if I don't inherit this language, I'm afraid it will become extinct in the future, but I think this shit can't be exchanged for money, so it will be extinct if it is extinct!There is nothing to miss.

If you ask anyone who knows this language... probably only my great-grandmother, but he is already demented, so I don't know how much he can remember. ",
When Xiaomi said this, he spread his hands and smiled,
"Let me tell you, the two bosses, stop messing around with these outdated things, what do we modern people still care about the past?
Why don't you follow me to the souvenir shop, that's the real good stuff..."

"Well, we must buy some of those local products!",
Chen Zhi put down his cup at this moment, and looked at Xiaomi seriously:
"But I am dissatisfied with you, my interest is not here!
As I said just now, I am somewhat interested in archaeology, and now I am very fascinated by the history of Guazhou. I want to write a thesis to introduce the ancient Sogdian culture in Guazhou.

We have to talk about these languages. If you can introduce your great-grandmother to translate for us, I can pay you for the translation! "

"This fee...",
When Chen Zhi said this, he thought about it for a while, thinking that the fee should not be too much, so as not to let the little tour guide notice something, and not too little, so that he would not be interested.

"If she can translate it, I am willing to pay you 8000 yuan for the translation!

Of course... if this job is done well, I can add more! "

When Xiaomi heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately,

"The boss is really polite. Although it is easy to do, few people really know this old symbol. I'm not bragging. Except for my grandma, no one really knows!

How about this, I'll take you back, I'll talk to her and see if she can translate for you,
But let's talk about it first. I have to work all day long. I have labor costs and gas costs. My family lives far away. No matter whether the translation is translated or not, you all have to give me this errand money. Woolen cloth! "

"Oh, don't worry!",
Pang Wei put down the newspaper, pretended not to care and said to the little tour guide:
"Looking at your money-losing look, you fall in love with my fat man.

Even if you can’t translate it, I’ll give you 3000, and if it’s translated, I’ll give you more. This time, will it work?

To tell you the truth, if it weren't for my buddies who have nothing to do and insist on studying old-fashioned things, I wouldn't care about such nonsense.

Just like you said, what are you doing studying these crap, you're just full..."

"All right, all right!",
The little tour guide nodded a series of times:
"The boss is a man of culture, and all he does is great! To carry forward our national culture in Guazhou, everyone is responsible, everyone is responsible!
The two bosses have dinner first, and I will take you there in the afternoon..."

Xiaomi went down happily afterwards, while Chen Zhi and Fat Wei glanced at each other, and the stone in their hearts fell to the ground.

Happiness always comes so suddenly!

Xiaomi came to tell them in the afternoon that he just made a phone call. His great-grandmother's spirit is very good today. Not only did she recognize who he is, but she can also remember his childhood. It is estimated that there will be unexpected gains today!

So, in the afternoon, they got into Xiaomi's van and headed for Xiaomi's hometown, Hulin Town, a suburb of Guazhou City.

Xiaomi really didn't talk nonsense, this small town is really remote and poor, at the last turn, Chen Zhi and others were confused.

Fat Wei even wondered for a while, did this kid eat black money and was going to sell them or something?
Finally, after passing through two dirt roads with almost no people, they entered the town of Hulin.

This Hulin Town, although the name is a town, is actually only a village in size, and it looks very poor, without even a decent road.

Most of the people walking back and forth in the village had dark complexions, soiled clothes, obvious curly hair, and not very dark eyes, which are the characteristics of the blood of people from the Western Regions.

The village is located in a remote place, and it is rare to see a car on weekdays. After seeing them enter the village, there are children chasing after them.

Xiaomi waved frequently in the car, talking to the villagers on the side of the road without knowing what to say, looking very beautiful.

In the end, they turned around and turned around, and finally arrived at their home.

It can be seen that Xiaomi is considered a promising young man in this village, and his family is considered well-off here.

Among the many old houses, their house is the most decent. Although it is not a two-story building, it has a large yard and the walls have been renovated.

And in front of the gate of the house, you can see an extremely old lady from a distance, leaning on a walking stick, the wrinkles on her face are so accumulated that she can't see her eyes, she is welcoming them at the gate...

(End of this chapter)

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