Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1527 The Old Sogdian Woman

Chapter 1527 The Old Sogdian Woman

To be honest, if it weren't for something special, Chen Zhi would never have talked to such an old lady.

This old lady looks even scarier than the big witch Ni Ya, the wrinkles all over her old body are pinched together, like bun folds.

However, the most important thing is not being old, but that the dress is too scary, and I don’t know if it’s the preference of people from the Western Regions. It is two centimeters high.

She has white hair all over her head. Even though she is old, her hair is thick. It is full of strands and strands of braids. like a dance god

Fortunately, the flowers and plants in the braids have been put in there for some lifetime, and the hair is full of fleas and maggots. It looks like it has never been washed in this life. A rotten smell can be smelled from a distance, which makes people feel sick.

Seeing his great-grandmother very happy, Xiaomi walked over and hugged the old lady in her arms.

The old lady really had obvious dementia and had very severe cataracts.

With trembling hands and blurred eyes, she carefully identified her great-grandson, and it took a long time before she recognized it.

Chen Zhi and the others also followed, greeted politely, and gave the gift to the old lady. The old lady didn't seem to understand etiquette. When she saw Chen Zhi's pastry, she reached out to grab it, but was stopped by Xiaomi. .

Xiaomi said loudly to the old lady,

"Grandma, these bosses are my friends, they are people who are educated, we are here specially for you this time.

Come on, let's go into the house, they have something to ask for your help! "

After Xiaomi finished speaking, he beckoned to the back and let Chen Zhi and Pang Wei's people in.

Ghost Knife did not go in with them, but stood at the gate of the compound, always paying attention to the movement outside.

Along the way, Fat Wei's mouth was extremely sweet, with a grandma on the left and an old lady on the right, hoping to be more flattering and flattering, and to do more things later.

However, the old lady couldn't understand these words at all, she just stared at the pastries in their hands in a daze.

Finally, he entered the house, and after several rooms, he entered the house where the old lady lived.

I don't know if this is the habit of the Sogdians. In the innermost room, there is a mat covered with carpets. The inside is pitch black and smells of strange incense.

There are several cotton mats in the middle of the kang mat, and the cotton mats have not been washed for many lifetimes, and the oil-stained twists emit an unpleasant smell.

But when the old lady saw it, she greedily climbed up it as if she saw the best place, and lay down on the cotton pad, panting.

Chen Zhi only saw it at this moment, and it is estimated that the old lady usually stays in the house, eating and drinking, Zhou Wei smells like feces and urine, and the mat is also full of food residues.

After entering the house, Xiaomi handed over the fruit he had brought.

The old lady seemed to like sweets, and immediately stuffed a lot of fruit into her mouth to eat, the residue splashed, and the surroundings were in a mess. She looked very embarrassed...

Xiaomi sighed helplessly, with a sad voice,

"Great-grandmother is getting old, she doesn't remember things, and she is confused on weekdays. After all, she is already 107!"

"Is this a long life?",
Chen Zhi responded politely, and glanced at the old lady, only to find that the old lady's bones were basically curled up, her body was full of signs of aging, but her joints were still flexible.

It seems that the old lady is very healthy. Although she is already suffering from dementia, she should have no problem living for a few more years.

In the following time, Chen Zhi was not in a hurry to ask questions, but casually said some polite words.

It turns out that according to the seniority of the Han people, this old lady is Xiaomi's wife and grandma, that is, Grandpa Xiaomi's grandma.

The state has policies for ethnic minorities, and the marriage system has been relaxed. Most of them are used to early marriage and early childbearing.

Thinking of his grandma's generation, girls who were fourteen or fifteen years old gave birth to children, and became mothers-in-law at 27 or [-], and there were many people who became grandmas in their early forties.

But the identity of his wife and grandma is indeed different. I heard that when she was young, she was very prestigious in the local area. Every year when there was a famine, he would be invited to come out to do disaster relief. She was a bit like a local wizard.

But what it is, Xiaomi can't tell, after all, it's been too long...

Although the old lady is more than 100 years old, her health is surprisingly good. It is said that she did some good deeds when she was young, so she has the blessing of living together for several generations.

Now there are only his grandfather and grandson left in the family. For the sake of convenience, Xiaomi has always called her "Grandma!"

Xiaomi said that when it comes to the meaning of those ancient Sogdian languages, in fact, his deceased father and grandfather didn't understand it very well. The one who really understood was his great-grandmother.

Sogdian can only be learned at home, and cannot be spoken outside.

It is said that Xiaomi's father and grandfather were taught by his grandma.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, Chen Zhi asked Xiaomi to prepare some home-cooked meals on the pretext that he was hungry, and also said that if there were grapes and fruits in the local area, he would bring some, so that they could try something fresh.

The two of them are here to chat with grandma. As for the writing, look at grandma's state, as much as you can think of~~
An old lady has nothing to worry about here, Xiaomi didn't think too much, got up and went out after agreeing.

Afterwards, only Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, and Grandma were left in the room.

This old lady had cataracts and suffered from Alzheimer's disease. She didn't notice that her great-grandson was leaving, and she ignored the two strangers. She only knew how to stuff fruit into her mouth desperately. Her hands and face were all greasy. .

After Chen Zhi watched Xiaomi go away, he quickly stood up and walked over, put his hands on the old lady's eyelids, and turned them up to look at her eyes~~
Then Chen Zhi turned his head and whispered to Fat Wei:
"Her cataracts are very serious, and things should be blurry, and the dementia in her brain is not something that happened in a year or two!

I will use a spell later to remove the cataracts in his eyes, and then make her regain consciousness in a short time!
But this spell has a certain stimulating effect, and when the power is transmitted, it will make people twitch slightly.

If the old lady is in shock, you must give her artificial respiration immediately, otherwise you will be in trouble..."

(End of this chapter)

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