Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1537 Flaming Mountain Underground Palace [Add more rewards for the 9-day imperial sword]

Chapter 1537 Flame Mountain Underground Palace

There is no doubt that Gaochang State is indeed a very devout Buddhist country.

But the history of this country's regime is full of killings and blood.

The earliest regime of Gaochang State was established in the Han Dynasty.

During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty, soldiers and their families were sent to farm in front of Cheshi, and they plowed and guarded. During the reign of Emperor Yuan, they built military barriers on the site. Because of "the terrain is high and open, the people are prosperous", it is called Gaochangbi, also known as Gaochang base.

This is the source of the earliest city of Gaochang Kingdom.

And since then, this wealthy small country in the Western Regions has started an ordinary regime change.

The king was killed, the slayer made himself king, and he was killed and replaced by the next king. The throne has been replaced for thousands of years.

It was not until later that the people of Gaochang elected their Ma Confucian chief, Shi Qujia, as king, and King Qujia made great efforts to govern, and the power of Gaochang Kingdom began to grow, and then gradually stabilized in the western frontier.

As the tour guide said, here is an introduction to the customs and customs of the ancient Gaochang country.

There are many portraits of ancient Gaochang women in this museum. It is estimated that they were painted by later generations based on their own understanding. They look very similar to the current Uyghur girls.

Chen Zhi remembered that the "Five Classics", the history of the past dynasties, and the collections of scholars described that Gaochang people looked like Gaoli, with braided hair hanging down their backs, long body and small sleeved gowns, and unadorned crotch hakama.The woman's hair is braided but does not hang down, and she wears brocade valance and Luo rings.

That is to say, girls in Gaochang wear a lot of braids, but they don't hang down and cover their faces with light gauze and brocade.

There are some similarities with the current Uyghur girls, but not completely.

In the exhibition hall, there are many cultural relics of ancient Gaochang, including wooden frames for building houses, clay pots for making salt, and many agricultural tools.

And more are the tools used for wine making. These wine making products are various, including stone plates, wooden grains, and a wide variety. It seems that they should be made of grape-type fruit wine. It can be seen that the workshop is not large, a bit It's like a country workshop.

And one thing that is strange is that there are several clothes called Gaochangguo here.

The colors are very bright, with bright lace on the edges, very much like the current Uyghur clothing.

"Hehe, you can really talk nonsense!" Fat Wei said with a smile beside him,
"If you say that the clothes of the ancients are as good as the sky and can be preserved for hundreds of years, then the quality is quite good.

If you tell me that these are clothes from the Tang Dynasty, I won't believe it to the death.

If the clothes of the people of Gaochang in the Tang Dynasty had been kept until now, they would have turned to gray long ago, and they still stand in front of you in colorful colors, how about it? "

"It's really nonsense..." Chen Zhi said softly in his heart, he already knew a lot about this so-called museum.

According to historical data, Gaochang State on the Silk Road had superb textile technology. Their textile industry did not need to raise silkworms, and its materials came from a local grass plant.

The plant grows once a year, and the result is like a cicada chrysalis. The silk threads spun are pure white and very delicate.

However, this special imitation cannot be dyed, and can only appear in the original color, that is to say, most people in Gaochang at that time wore white.

Chen Zhi remembered that there was a written description in the Later Tang Book:

"Gaochang is full of vegetation. The grass is as solid as a cocoon, and the silk in the cocoon is like a thin deer. It is called Baidizi. People in the country often weave it for cloth. The cloth is very soft and white, and it is sold in the market."

The description should be the white cloth of Gaochang at that time, and the colorful ancient clothes now are probably not excavated in the ancient Gaochang country.

After they leave the museum, there is a pedestrian street. There are many tourists here. Souvenirs are sold on both sides of the street, including the plantain fan of Princess Iron Fan, the golden cudgel of Monkey King, Xuanzang made into dolls, Zhu Bajie, etc. , quite lively.

Chen Zhi and his party didn't miss these merchants, and walked all the way down the escalator to the ground.

The middle of this underground palace seems to be a yard similar to a patio, above which is a large square, inside which stands a rather impressive sculpture, a huge thermometer made of a golden hoop.

A lot of thought has been put into this sculpture, and it is made of metal as a whole. It is said that it is the largest three-dimensional thermometer that has won the Guinness Book of World Records.

This is a super-large thermometer with a diameter of 0.65 meters and a three-dimensional shape of 12 meters high. It can actually measure the temperature within 100 degrees Celsius.

Next to it is a series of "Flame Mountain" monuments, as well as the statues of the Tang monk, master and apprentice, which are very beautiful together.

It seems that a lot of money was spent to build this scenic spot at that time.

Chen Zhi stood on the square and looked forward.

I saw the Huoyan Mountain in front of me, with numerous mountains and rolling mountains criss-crossing.The winding folds, under the direct sunlight, the heat waves are rolling, the clouds are lingering, and the ocher-brown mountain peaks are burning like raging flames, which really deserves the title of the Flame Mountain.

The local tour guide was sweating profusely and held a microphone to explain to everyone.

It is said that it is not the hottest time now. The Huoyan Mountain in summer is the hot hell. This is one of the hottest places in the country, and the climate is very dry. When you come here, you should bring plenty of drinking water, and prepare sun hats and sunglasses. Wait to avoid heat stroke.

The surrounding area is full of fire, and there is a huge stone carving in the desert directly in front of it, which is engraved with an interesting sentence from the original "Journey to the West":

"On the western road, there is the country of Shalli, which is the place where the sun sets, commonly known as the end of the sky. There is a flaming mountain here. There is no spring or autumn, and it is hot in all seasons. There is no grass growing around it.

If you cross a mountain, even your copper brain and iron body will turn into juice! "

Although the words in this novel are exaggerated, but at this moment, they seem very real. First of all, Fat Wei will not be able to stand it anymore.

"Fuck tnd, I can't take it anymore, this place is so fucking hot!"

From just now, Pang Wei's body seemed to be roasted by fire, and he kept sweating.

It was a little cooler in the underground palace just now, but now I can't stand it anymore immediately after I come out, and the sweat is streaming down my temples.

Chen Zhi also felt very stuffy, the clothes on his chest and back were all stuck to his body, and there were two sweat marks on the front and back.

Chen Zhi looked forward, and the desert in front of him was like a stove that lit a fire. The layers of folds stretched endlessly, and the red eyes were particularly magnificent under the clear blue sky, which made people feel dizzy.

A group of tourists gathered there, and the old men and women of their tour group gathered there to take pictures. The laughter and laughter just now were gone, and all of them were hot and flushed. It is estimated that the end of this journey is here. .

"There are too many people here now, it's too eye-catching for us to go straight into the desert!" Chen Zhi said softly,

"I think, we'd better go back to the underground palace, hide somewhere, and find a way to get out at night..."

"Go, go! I can't take it anymore!" Fat Wei yelled loudly, obviously he couldn't stay for a moment,

"Let's stay in the underground palace. There is air conditioning in there. If we stay for a while, we will become roast pigs..."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he wanted to run back, and Chen Zhi and the others followed suit.

And walking into this courtyard-like underground palace again, Chen Zhi felt more and more that the terrain here was very strange.

Combined with everything I saw in the museum just now.

Chen Zhi suddenly realized that this place is not a scenic spot chosen at random, but...

 [Add more rewards for the Nine Heavens Imperial Sword]

(End of this chapter)

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