Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1538 Flaming Mountain Underground Palace

Chapter 1538 Flame Mountain Underground Palace ([-])
The underground palace as a whole is a courtyard structure, that is to say, like a bean paste bun, a hole is opened in the middle of the big circle, and a square is built in the hole.

From an architectural point of view, this is a process of asking for trouble, not to mention a waste of manpower and material resources, but also a waste of land area, because the lower part is hollow, and the overall stability of the building will also be weakened.

If the purpose of this design is to increase aesthetics or promote unique style, that's all, but there is no such shadow here.

The design of this overall scenic area is obviously carried out by professional architects. The overall style is biased towards mythology, and there is no special style that needs to be unconventional.

Every color and every design here is incompatible with this weird geographical structure.

That is to say, before the construction of this scenic area, this courtyard-like location already existed.

Chen Zhi and the others walked down the escalator. Although they were sweating profusely just now, the cold air below the underground palace immediately swept their bodies.

When people are hot, they need air conditioning very much. The refreshing feeling is like eating 1 watermelons in three or nine days, and the sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

But this kind of coolness made Chen Zhi's thinking more delicate, and he paid more attention to the architectural structure here.

All the businesses here are designed around the center, and there is a stairway in the middle that leads directly to the bottom, which looks like an awl.

Chen Zhi recalled this type of building. Generally speaking, there are certain reasons why buildings are designed in this style.

There is a well-known public fountain pool in Northwest China, which is designed with this patio structure.

The reason at that time was to develop the Great Northwest, but an underground lake was discovered below.

The water in the lake is not shallow, and some of the surrounding collapsed caves are full of backlog of ore and old mines, which is difficult to clean up for a while, so this kind of patio shape was designed, using reinforced concrete to wrap the underground lake below.

The following designs of this type are basically for this reason.

Because there is a blank area below, or it is difficult to clean, or for other reasons, it cannot be exposed to the outside.

So a shell was baked on it, cement was poured, and then a building was built on it as the basic line.

Based on this situation, the underside of the underground palace should also be empty. Although the specifics are not clear, there must be some blank areas hidden.

Chen Zhi said softly to Fat Wei next to him: "I suspect that there is something hidden under here. It cannot be seen from the surface, and tourists are not allowed to enter there."

"Ah? And this thing..."
Since Pang Wei came in and got the air-conditioning, he seemed to have been reborn. He bought a large can of iced Coke and filled half of the bottle.

"Can there be a universe under this ghostly place? What could it be?"

"I don't know!" Chen Zhi shook his head lightly,
"This place is really too hot, there are not many things that can hide near this hot flaming mountain!

Even if it is a tomb, it will not be built here.

But I always feel that the things below are very important, maybe related to the purpose of our trip.

So we have to find a way to go down and have a look..."

After hearing what Chen Zhi said, Fat Wei wiped his mouth and observed the surrounding environment carefully.

Although he doesn't understand architecture, he is an old man who has studied in the cemetery after all, and he has a natural sensitivity to underground buildings.

He looked around, then at his feet, and pondered for a while:

"Yes!" Fat Wei said with certainty,
"There must be something down here!
And the years can't be shorter!

If this underground palace is not built, the things below must be exposed outside the desert~~
Damn, there are so many surprises!
It's like adding a layer of skin to the meat stuffing, you can't see what the stuffing is, we're still on it and walking as if nothing happened..."

"If you can't see the stuffing, then open the skin and get in to have a look!",
Chen Zhi said softly, scanned left and right, then lowered his voice, and said to Ghost Saber,
"Knife, go down to the bottom and see if there is someone with a handle there!"

"Yes!" After Ghost Knife responded, he stood up lightly, as if he was walking normally, and naturally blended into the crowd.

But after only a few seconds, it disappeared.

After a while, Ghost Knife returned from a corner in another direction. He walked up to Chen Zhi and lowered his voice:
"Patriarch! It's the same as you think!
There is a barrier on the last floor below the basement, and there is a hollow door there.

I jumped in from there. It turned out that there was another floor below. After I went in, I found a control room, which was guarded.

There is a heavy door next to it, there are many high-scoring cameras on both sides, and there are armed guards at the door! "

"Armed guard?",
Chen Zhi turned his head to look at Ghost Knife, a little hard to believe what he just said.

This is something that Chen Zhi never expected. TLF is different from other places. Some issues here are very sensitive.

The state has always maintained a special policy for ethnic minorities and does not participate too much.

There is little direct control over this kind of local scenic area, and it is even more impossible to send armed police to guard it when the benefits are ignored.

So these armed guards must be private mercenaries, and the mercenaries should be locals.

It seems that there is something really hidden under here, so that it will be protected by such a big fight.

"Did they find you just now?",
Chen Zhi asked Ghost Knife softly,

"Did you leave a mark in front of the camera?"

"No~~", Ghost Saber replied very positively,

"I'm very careful, the camera can't catch me, don't worry!

But those people below, do I need to take care of them?I move fast and they don't make a sound! "

"No!" Chen Zhi said in a deep voice,
"This place is different from other places. Once an accident occurs, we will go to war! At that time, the government will also come forward, and we will be very passive. This kind of trouble cannot be left~~
Better to keep things simple and let us in through some means.

In fact, this matter is not difficult. In the final analysis, it is just the gatekeeper's own business!
As long as they loosen it up and let us in, everything will be settled... ",
When Chen Zhi said this, he immediately thought of something, then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his father on WeChat.

"I need a hypnotic pattern that can hypnotize three adults instantly!
Letting him let us in without pressure will not leave a memory..."

(End of this chapter)

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