Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1542 The Last Word 300 Years Ago

Chapter 1542 The Last Word 300 Years Ago ([-])
On the last letter, the handwriting was very scribbled, and it was obvious that the warriors were in a very messy mood at that time.

The warriors are a specially trained group. Even in the face of death, they will be very calm. It is absolutely abnormal to make their mood fluctuate so much!
"This subordinate is ashamed to be a Xiqi samurai...

He was not skilled in art since he was a child, and now his life is in danger!

We wanted to resist desperately and hand over all the letters to a samurai to take them back to Xiqi.

Unexpectedly, after the warrior entered the desert, he came back that night!
He told us that the desert is vast and boundless, and we can't get out of it in our whole life. Don't think about going back, it's better to stay here and be with him!

Since then, he has been in a strange shape, does not keep company with us, and often hides in the dark to spy on us. His complexion is dark, only half of his face is exposed, his eyes are slanted, and he sometimes scratches his ears and cheeks, like a monkey!

We were suspicious and tried many times, but he finally showed his true colors, and his appearance was indescribably ferocious!
Only then did he know that he is not the real body, but a monkey-man change, and the real warrior has long since died!
This orc is the head of all beasts. Although he is short in stature, he is strong and invisible, and his hands are blunt, making it impossible to grasp his bones.

The two samurai were killed instantly.

Before facing huge monsters in the sand, we were all fearless, even if they overwhelm mountains and seas, covering the sky and covering the earth, we would just die.

Facing this monkey-shaped orc, I felt fear in my heart, because it was extremely weird and frightening!
This orc can speak human words, is thoughtful, lustful and vicious, and his wisdom is absolutely superior to other orcs.

For some reason, he hates us to the bone. He knows that there is Xiqi on the land of China, and there are two gods and emperors of Ji and Jiang. He hates Jiang Shang gods very much, and vowed to eat the flesh of his descendants!
He was not in a hurry to kill us, but slaughtered all the villagers in the village, tortured women, and sat on their corpses for fun...

We know that we are not alive, and we have no way of escaping. If we are buried in the belly of a monkey, it will be a great disgrace, and we will not die with peace in our eyes.

We put this letter and our hair in a jar and hide it under the dirt.

For thousands of years, Xiqi will last forever!
If you come across it later, you will know how stubborn we are in resisting, remember our hard work, and bring our hair back to our hometown! "

The last handwriting was terribly scribbled. It seemed that the situation at that time was very critical. They didn't have much time, so they wrote quickly in a tight time.

And after leaving these last words, these warriors seem to have been killed. Perhaps, as he explained, they will eventually be buried in the belly of the monkey man.
Ghost Knife looked at these words, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his eyes stood sideways, as if he saw the scene of the battle at that time.

"Have you found the bodies of these people?" Chen Zhi rewound the letters.

"No!" Ghost Knife gently shook his head,
"There is no corpse in this village. The bones of those warriors are definitely not here!"

"That's right..." Chen Zhi replied lightly,
"Knife, do you think the situation is as they said, how will they choose in the end?"

"They will kill themselves...",
Ghost knife replied,

"The most important thing in a warrior's life is his reputation. If he is buried in the belly of a wild beast, it is the greatest shame for a warrior.

When unable to resist, Xiqi samurai will definitely find a way to kill himself.

But as long as there is a chance, they will protect their corpses and prevent wild beasts from poisoning them. If their bones cannot be found here, maybe they chose another way to die at that time. This is a good thing!
Chen Zhi nodded slightly, raised his hand and patted Ghost Knife's shoulder,

"The lifespan of orcs varies greatly, some are very long, while others are very short. As far as I know, some small orcs have a lifespan that is not even as long as humans.

This hairy monkey from hundreds of years ago looks very powerful, but after so long, it is estimated that it has become gray now~~
But if he is still alive, you must be careful! "

"Yes!" Ghost Knife bowed his head in obedience,

After they took out the papers, they found that there was still a lot of hair in the clay pot.

The hair was already withered and withered, it was divided into four parts and tied with thin thread, probably it was left by those warriors.

This is a tradition of Xiqi long ago. Samurai have always been fighters on the battlefield since ancient times. Although they are powerful, they rarely die.

Many of their corpses were left outside, but their hair returned to Xiqi, and their souls returned to Xiqi.

Ghost Knife bound up the hair, put it in his arms, and handed it to the elders' house when he was about to go back.

And Dan Xuan had been listening to what they said silently during the process just now. When he heard what the monkey man did, his expression was very ugly, and he was speechless in the end.

He walked to the ruins without saying a word, put the Buddhist beads on the ground, knelt on the ground, folded his palms together, and softly recited the mantra of rebirth.

The sound of chanting was continuously introduced into this darkness, and there was a kind of indescribable sadness.

On this ancient desert, in this piece of ruins that have been abandoned for more than 300 years, this belated curse of rebirth seems endlessly emotional at this time.It contains thousands of meanings, and those who have not been there in person cannot feel it.

After Danxuan finished reciting scriptures, they left there.

Chen Yiyang grasped the timing of the hypnosis very accurately. When they arrived at the door, they found that the gatekeepers hadn't recovered yet.

They successfully returned to the ground and returned to the surface of the desert. At this time, the square outside the underground palace was already empty.

In the darkness, the huge golden cudgel stood in the middle of the square like that, so tall and so lonely.

It seems to silently witness the past that happened in this desert, and the future that will happen.

They had all prepared their equipment before, and they had already stored water in the underground palace just now. Now they tied the treasure bag on their bodies, packed lightly, and began to walk towards the desert.

The night in Huoyanshan is very cold, but when you step on the desert, you can still feel the scalding temperature.

At this moment, Chen Zhi suddenly felt that everything in that dream had become a reality. He was walking on the road that Xuanzang had walked before, with yellow sand everywhere and thousands of miles of sadness.

And walking forward, Xuanzang will lose his water bag, run out of ammunition and food, and when he has only his last breath left, he meets the monkey man who changed his fate, that is, the later Fighting Victory Buddha...

(End of this chapter)

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