Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1543 Desert Night Walk

Chapter 1543 Desert Night Walk
[Thanks to Brother Monstrous, another 10 rewards]

Not far ahead is the continuous and winding mountain of Huoyan Mountain. This section of rock looks extremely hot during the day, like a burning fire belt.

But at night, it seems that he can calm down a little bit. The journey that is so close is not so close at this time.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is huge, and the temperature at night is freezing cold, but the desert under your feet can feel scalding and hot, which makes people's heart pounding.

Their speed is very fast, moving forward at an extremely fast speed all the way across the desert.

Chen Zhi and the others walked through the great desert of Egypt. Years of experience in performing missions allowed their bodies to adapt to various environments. Naturally, this journey was no problem for them.

And Danxuan is not inferior to Chen Zhi and the others. He is not a clumsy person. Perhaps because of his blood, his resilience is much stronger than ordinary humans.

He seldom spoke during this journey, his brows were frowned, and his face was solemn. For him, this desert was a nightmare that he had been recurring since he was a child...

After a period of rapid trekking, they soon walked into the flaming mountain ahead.

The Flame Mountain, which looks red in the distance, looks very spectacular up close.

This is a mountain range with a rocky boulder structure. The mountain range is winding and the rocks are bare and sharp, as if they were cut into pieces of stone flakes by a sharp knife.

The formation of the Huoyan Mountain has its unique geographical conditions. The Huoyan Mountain is also called Chishi Mountain, which means bare red stones.

The mountain is more than 100 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide at its widest point. It is about 500 meters above sea level, and the main peak is 831.7 meters above sea level.

Such a huge rock, whose history cannot be traced back, is estimated to have existed when this land was formed.

According to many ancient records, Huoyanshan Tongshan is a bald mountain with no grass and no birds. In midsummer, when the red sun is in the sky, the reddish-brown mountain is illuminated by the scorching sun, and the sandstone is scorching and shining. sky.

After so many years, the old scene may not be there anymore, but Huoyanshan is still Huoyanshan.

In the hot summer, the temperature of the exposed surface layer can reach 75°C under the baking of the sun, and the heat wave is tumbling, making people breathless. People who stay inside for a long time will definitely be in danger of life.

Chen Zhi looked at the bare mountain in front of him, looked at the rock formation corroded by high temperature, and imagined the stories it had experienced.

1300 years ago, I don't know what kind of perseverance Xuanzang used to cross such a terrifying desert, but one thing is certain, what he encountered here was definitely not something his human body could bear!
Although the temperature of the Huoyan Mountain at night is low, it is still difficult to walk. Due to the relatively horizontal accumulation of the stratum and the soft and hard rock strata, after years of rain erosion, gullies have been formed along the slope.

The material eroded from the mountain forms a red alluvial fan skirt in front of the foot of the mountain, and the front edge of the fan skirt forms countless polygonal cracks in the arid environment, which looks like teeth and claws in the dark, which is particularly eye-catching.

They were silent all the way, focusing on their own feet, walking carefully step by step, and finally passed through this bare flaming mountain.

And after that, there is an aimless desert.

I don't know if it's because the daytime is too hot, but the desert here has an orange-red color in the night, which looks like burning magma.

When I stretched out my hand to the center of the desert, I could immediately feel the heat inside the desert. It is estimated that an egg is buried in the sand now, and the egg will be cooked in a while.

The scenic spot has been getting farther and farther before, and it is completely invisible in the end.

Now they are in a primitive desert. In the middle of the night, the silence in this desert is chilling.

There were no shadows around, no plants in sight, nothing but sand on the ground, as far as the eye could see, it was barren!
"This tnd is the desert of the old Western Regions, it really wasn't built..." Fat Wei walked all the way here without saying a word, and finally opened his mouth.

"I've heard people say that in ancient times, money on the Silk Road was exchanged for their lives. There are a lot of traders who lost their lives here. I guess tnd ghosts are also indispensable!

If you want me to say, let's not take it lightly, spend the night here, and go on the road tomorrow during the day, otherwise it won't last long! "

Fat Wei's suggestion was approved by Chen Zhi. It is indeed cool to travel in the dark at night, but it is a big taboo in the desert.

People have to sleep, this billowing desert is like a furnace, the sun is scorching in the sky, there is not even a place to hide, it is impossible to sleep during the day, you still have to sleep for a while when it is dark!

There is no shortage of bare rocks in this desert. Although the rocks look hideous, they are cool in texture and can be rested on.

Even a mouse would starve to death in this uninhabited ghostly place, and there was no sign of any wild beasts around, and there was no need to keep people out.

Several people spread out the sleeping bags on the ground, and then got into the sleeping bags.

Ghost Knife has always been alert, he is not used to sleeping in a sleeping bag, he just sat on it, then leaned his back against the rock, closed his eyes while holding the long knife.

This day's itinerary was very exhausting, they fell asleep quickly, and the next morning, what woke them up was not the warm sunshine, but the scorching sun!
This desert is really like a child's face, changing at will, the air that was freezing cold a few hours ago suddenly became like a raging fire.

When Chen Zhi opened his eyes in a daze, he saw that the surrounding sunlight almost instantly turned the desert all over the place into orange red.

When they reacted, the surroundings were already as hot as an oven, and their bodies began to twitch rapidly, facing the sudden rise in temperature, they instinctively began to sweat.

A few people got up quickly, put away their sleeping bags, then replenished a large amount of salt water, splashed their faces with clean water at will, and started to prepare for the departure.

At this time, Chen Zhi discovered that Ghost Knife had been standing not far in front of him since some time, holding the knife in both hands, facing the desert in front of him with an extremely powerful aura.

It feels like showing your strength in front of the enemy.

"What's wrong?" Chen Zhi walked over and patted him behind.

However, Ghost Saber did not answer, but looked at the desert in front of him warily, as if something was hidden in the transparent air under the scorching sun, and then said softly to Chen Zhi,
"Since last night, there has been something staring at us~~
But he is very smart and dare not come here easily.

We have to find a way to lure him out..."

 [Thanks to Brother Monstrous, another 10 rewards] But I still have to sleep now, so I can only change it once.

  Please don't pick on me during this time.It was very tiring to take the big class with continuous rotation, and I became stupid.Computers are left in the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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