Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1544

Chapter 1544

According to the records of the ancient Western Regions, it takes about half a month to travel in the desert from the Flame Mountain to the ancient Gaochang Kingdom.

In the middle, you will pass through 7 caves and 16 caves, where there are groups of demons and ghosts, and each cave has its own king. They devour the passing merchants on the way, and they are extremely ferocious!
These ancient materials are full of superstition. Excluding these exaggerated myths, judging from the current geographical orientation map, it does take fifteen days for a normal adult to walk from the Flame Mountain to the former ancient Gaochang Kingdom about time.

But Chen Zhi and the others traveled very fast, they didn't stop in between, they only ate one meal at night, drank water at noon, and slept five to six hours a day.

So this time is saved, and it is estimated that there are only eight or nine days of travel.

During this time, they deliberately relaxed their guard during the night, and everyone got into their sleeping bags and slept soundly, revealing all their flaws.

However, nothing unexpected happened, and nothing strange was seen.

But in the morning, Ghost Knife will often find some very thin footprints far away.

Those shallow footprints are like a piece of paper, and the sand will disappear after a little movement.

By the fourth day, they had already walked into the very center of the desert, where the yellow sand was everywhere, glowing orange-red like magma under the scorching sun, and the billowing heat flowed all over their bodies, it was indeed so hot that it made people crazy.

They put some compressed food and some half-raw meat products in their treasure bags.

In this place, they don't even need an oven, they just dig a hole in the sand, stuff food into it, and it doesn't take long for it to cook.

When a person takes a break in the middle, a sleeping bag must be spread underneath, otherwise he will not stay in the hot desert for a long time and think about leaving.

This is definitely an uninhabited wild land, and the government has not yet developed such a far-reaching desert area.

Along the way, there is no trace of any human beings. Even adventurers would not choose such an uninhabited place.

The hot temperature every day made people's spirits gradually collapse. When Chen Zhi was on his way, he felt that his skin and flesh had already stuck to his clothes.

After the sweat flowed all over the body, it was blown by the sand wind and turned into mud. After a few days, the whole body smelled sour.

Everyone's face began to suffer from dry and cracked skin, even Danxuan's fair and tender face was not spared, his lips were cracked, his face was red and swollen, and he kept coughing, all of which were heatstroke reactions!

However, even so, Danxuan did not take the next step, and did not utter a single complaint...

In stark contrast, Fat Wei suddenly became unbearable.

He was very anxious at first, complaining non-stop, saying that he shouldn't come to this muddy water, coming to this ghost place is pure madness and so on!
Then he became very agitated and spoke violently, and even had conflicts with Chen Zhi several times, and ran far away by himself.

Finally, one time, he complained of a stomachache, and after having a tuba in the distance, he came back completely changed, his face was ugly, so he didn't look into people's eyes, and he didn't say a word anymore.

The subsequent journey was quite boring, and everyone kept moving forward in silence. It seemed that this process was more important than the destination ahead.

Since then, Pang Wei has become very weird. He always hangs his feet weakly on the yellow sand, as if his legs have been broken, but he walks very fast.

He is no longer willing to communicate with others, nor will he quarrel, but it seems that he will always be hungry and thirsty. Always want fresh water to drink!

At night, he often leans against the rocks, staring at the starry sky with his eyes. It's hard to describe that kind of eyes, it seems that there is a lot of resentment,

But on this day, they suddenly found a deep underground cave with a large area.

This cave was very abrupt in the desert. After careful observation, Chen Zhi thought it might be a Karez.

Karez means "well hole", that is, a large cave dug to find water.

It was recorded as early as in "Historical Records", and it was called "jingqu" at that time, which is a special irrigation system in desert areas.

It is said that this kind of thing originated in the foreign kingdom of God in the earliest times, and it is more common in the XJTLF area of ​​China.

Because the desert covers a large area here, in order to survive in the desert, the common people use this kind of thing to develop and utilize groundwater and water crops.

This Karez well is very crude, and the caves inside are more like natural formations, without any artificial traces. It seems that they were not built by humans, but their age is very old, and the source cannot be verified.

When they got into the well, they immediately felt refreshed. It was like a paradise in this scorching desert. There is water.

Seeing the clean water flowing gently, everyone's hearts seemed to be moistened.

This is the center of the desert, and the trip has already been halfway through, and if we walk forward for a few days, it is estimated that it will be the ancient Gaochang country.

Chen Zhi ordered to stop and rest, save up some fresh water, then take a good wash, and at night, go outside to warm up by the fire.

The underground caves of this Karez are connected with each other. The deeper the temperature, the cooler the temperature, and the cold water makes the whole body comfortable.

They used the water here to cleanse their bodies. After trekking in the desert during this period, it is estimated that they could wash away three catties of sand and mud!
After everyone packed up, they set up a bonfire on the sand outside and buried their food in the sand under the bonfire.

After the trip for the past few days, everyone was extremely exhausted and wished to find a safe place to have a good sleep.

After eating, Ghost Saber went out to check the surroundings as usual, while Danxuan found a place to meditate on the first floor, twiddled his prayer beads with his eyes closed, and recited scriptures silently.

On the other hand, Chen Zhi found a place near the water on the second floor, charged his phone with an automatic charger, and then checked the information on the phone.

This underground well is really a strange place. When it becomes cold outside at night, this underground well is actually warm and comfortable. It is a good place.

But the atmosphere here is very strange, quiet, dark, and has a smell of death!

After Chen Zhi flipped through some materials, he turned off the light, closed his eyes, and let himself blend into the darkness here.

There is a strange smell in this cave, sour and rotten, like a place where animals have lived for a long time, and these animals should have died a long, long time ago. The ancient bloody smell still seems to be pungent.

The surroundings were dark and strange, and there seemed to be strange things hidden behind all the stones.

Chen Zhi opened his eyes, allowing his eyes to gradually adapt to the darkness.

At this time, he saw a shadow slowly appearing from behind the rock wall in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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