Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1545

Chapter 1545
The figure was very strange at this time, he pressed his face against the rock wall there, stared at Chen Zhi with his eyes wide open.

Judging from the atmosphere at the scene at this time, this scene is very terrifying. It seems that through the darkness, the hideous heart of the figure can be seen.

That's not what people look like...

In fact, if it is the eyes of ordinary people, it cannot be seen at all, but the aura will always emit a unique light, which cannot escape Chen Zhi's eyes!

Chen Zhi turned on the small light next to him, and shook the flashlight forward, and an expected face appeared in front of him.

That's Fat Wei!

Fat Wei was leaning against the rock in front of him at this moment. His figure was strange, squatting on his knees, as if a little shy, hiding his face, only showing half of it.

His complexion at this time was extremely eerie and weird, and at some point, his eyeball slanted down, murmured, and moved around very flexibly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?",
Chen Zhi didn't show any abnormality, and asked very casually.

But Fat Wei still stood there, did not answer Chen Zhi's question,
Those strange eyes stared at Chen Zhi for a long time, and finally revealed his whole face from behind the stone wall.

His face seemed to be very itchy, he kept scratching his ears and cheeks, and his eyeballs rolled around uncontrollably.

"Is there something wrong?" Chen Zhi asked again, looking at him calmly,
"Speak up if you have something to say, and leave if you have nothing to do!

We have to go on the road tomorrow..."

"Going to Gaochang, what are you going to do?" Fat Wei suddenly asked in a very strange tone,
"Do you still miss it?
There is nothing but sand, not even dead people, no wine and women, why don't you go back! "

Chen Zhi silently listened to these words of Fat Wei, bowed his head in silence for a while, then smiled and raised his head:
"Go to bed! We have to hurry tomorrow, we still have a long way to go..."

"There is no way...",
Fat Wei's voice became more and more strange, and the speed of his speech was very fast, as if he was impatient to say it:
"That's it, you just stay here.

are you hungry?

Want to drink?Want a woman?Want fresh meat to eat? "

"No!" Chen Zhi calmly shook his head,
"Those are the primitive desires of animals, I am not an animal!"

"Desire?" Fat Wei was still talking, his tone still strange,
"Is lust a sin?

Shouldn't there be desire?

But I'm always hungry, what should I do?I still want to eat, are you willing to fulfill me? "

"Desire is not a sin!" Chen Zhi looked at Fat Wei and said,
"But not all desires have to be satisfied.

It's like being hungry and sure to kill!

If you want a woman, you don't have to rob!

People must learn to control, no matter how strong the original desire is, the desire must be checked and balanced by morality, otherwise people will become beasts.

In the same way, if beasts learn to control their desires and understand the meaning of morality, they will one day become advanced creatures!
Even become..., gods! "

Fat Wei listened carefully to Chen Zhi's words with his head sideways, his eyes no longer moving around, and he pointed with his finger at the position above Danxuan.

"That guy is really nasty, does he think he's neurotic?
He has been chanting something, but he can't hear clearly, since he can't hear clearly, why bother? "

"He is reading to his own heart!" Chen Zhi smiled and looked at Fat Wei and replied:
"Many of us can't see through our hearts! Can't really understand ourselves!

So I always misunderstand my own intentions, driven by primitive desires, and do things I shouldn't do!
But if the eyes of the heart are opened, you will see the world with the eyes of your heart, and you will know that the world will look different, and how merciful you are!How tolerant!
When you see compassion, the world will be different, and the things you were suffering and clinging to before will no longer exist! "

"You mean mercy?
Then will you be merciful? ",
Fat Wei suddenly flashed out from behind the rock wall, it felt like a flickering light and shadow, arriving in front of Chen Zhi at an extremely fast speed,
"You human beings say that compassion is good, and you say that gods and Buddhas are merciful!

So worship gods and Buddhas!
But now you are going to die, where is your god and Buddha?

If you are merciful, are you willing to use your body to satisfy my desire? ",
After Fat Wei finished speaking, his arm suddenly landed on Chen Zhi's shoulder like lightning. He didn't know when his arm strength became extremely strong, and Chen Zhi felt that his shoulder was crushed instantly!

But at this moment, suddenly there were a few crackling sounds, a burst of gravel fell, and the ghost knife jumped down from the top without making a sound.

This sudden appearance startled Fatty.

She quickly jumped away like a frightened wild animal, arched her body, her eyes flickered, looking at Ghost Knife, her eyes were full of hostility.

"What happened?",
Ghost Knife didn't draw the knife, and calmly looked at Fat Wei in front of him, and then at Chen Zhi.

"Patriarch, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Chen Zhi replied with a smile,
"He can't sleep at night and wants to come over and have a chat with me. Now that the chat is over, he should go back to sleep!"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Fat Wei,
"I'll tell you one thing, there are always some good actors among us humans, they can imitate others perfectly, although the face does not change, and no one doubts their performance.

So imitating others, imitating the face is not important, what is important is imitating the heart of the person.

Once you have a human heart, you will know what compassion is. Compassion is not just dedication!

Of course, these are all Buddhist words.

According to Buddhism, if you save people with kindness in your heart, all the people in the world will be kind!
I have never had much savvy, maybe you have.

Go back and think about it carefully, what is it that you came to see me for!Let's go back……"

Fat Wei has been listening to what Chen Zhi said, tilting his head, as if thinking about the meaning of these words.

At this time, Ghost Knife took a step forward and stood in front of Chen Zhi. The good thing unintentionally revealed the long knife at his waist, and then said,
"Let's go!
Don't come again tonight..."

(End of this chapter)

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