Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1555

Chapter 1555
The monkey obviously came prepared this time, it moved swiftly and fiercely, and its face was extremely ferocious, as if all the resentment in the world had gathered on him.

It aimed at the seat closest to Chen Zhi, and slammed down viciously at an extremely fast speed. Its claws went straight to Chen Zhi's Tianling cover, wishing to grab Chen Zhi's brain away at once, to see his brain splashed out, and his body on the spot. Torn apart!
It stands to reason that with such a distance and speed, it is impossible for the attack to fail.

However, in front of Ghost Saber, the speed never has a fixed value.

At the moment when the monkey's paw was about to touch Chen Zhi, the ghost knife grabbed the monkey's arms with absolute speed.

Then, like folding wings, it folded back, and with two sounds of "Gaba~~Gaba~~", the monkey's arms were pulled and dislocated.

The monkey was also torn off abruptly and fell heavily into the pool.

This is a monkey and it is indeed a savage. After being torn off, he was extremely unwilling, and suddenly rolled on the spot without knowing the pain.

After the two arms were dislocated, they were swinging powerlessly on both sides. It was wet all over, and its orange-yellow fur began to change color. It was just about to transform into a beast, but was stabbed in the hind leg bone by the ghost knife, and died. Nailed to the ground.

The great pain and the amputation of limbs plunged the monkey into great pain and anger, and he could no longer struggle.

But still stubbornly kneeling on the ground with one leg, staring at Chen Zhi with blood red eyes, baring his fangs, expressing infinite resentment and resistance!
"I fuck tnnd, scared me to death!",
It was only at this moment that Fat Wei realized that the moment just now was too fast, a flash of lightning appeared in front of his eyes, splashing water all over his body, so that he could not be thrown into the pool by him.

Fat Wei wiped his face, walked over and kicked the monkey hard.

"Tmd, you dead monkey.

I was so surprised that I almost scared me to death!
What did we do to you? Did we kill your father or rob your wife? You tnd hate us so much?Want to tear us apart?

Look at your little eyes, they are red and red, what's the matter?The whole world is mad at you?
What a fucking monkey~~",
Fat Wei scolded the monkey here, but the monkey seemed to have no interest in him at all, but looked at Chen Zhi with bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth, and finally popped out a word.

+%*** (Sogdian)

spit! "

"What are you talking about?",
Fat Wei was a little puzzled.

"Betrayal? Is it someone who doesn't count?

Who do you call a betrayer?orange?

I haven't seen you before, so why did you believe me?
What do you mean by the last two sentences?Are you scolding us?

Damn, if you have the ability to speak human language, don't talk nonsense..."

The monkey spat again viciously:
"You Huaxia people don't believe what you say, you are not even as good as wild animals, what do you need this language for?
I don't speak your language! "

After the monkey finished speaking, he really turned his head aside and didn't say a word.

This time, Fat Wei was so angry that he wanted to force the monkey's face back, but the monkey was really not easy to mess with, he just took a few bites and almost bit off his hand.

The fat man was so angry that he kicked him hard again, but the monkey's body was as rigid as a rock, and it didn't hurt when kicked. Fat Wei's leg almost broke.

Afterwards, those who gave Fatty arrogance wanted to cut his flesh with a knife.

Seeing Fat Wei picking up the monkey there, Chen Zhi's heart was extremely empty at this moment, and his heart was beating wildly.

That feeling is very different, it's not fear, but a guilty conscience.

Chen Zhi subconsciously rubbed the letter into a ball with his hands, as if he wanted to hide it for fear of being seen by others, but his hands were trembling, and he didn't know what to do for a while, so he stood there for a long time.

But Danxuan next to him saw it all, approached him and reminded him gently,
"Donor, no matter what is written in this letter, it is still not easy to make it public.

It's wet in the water hole, so it's better to put it in the bag first! "

"Hmm..., good!", Chen Zhi reacted immediately after being reminded.

He spread out the letter again, then neatly folded it up and put it in the envelope, stuffing it into his treasure bag.

Looking at the front again, Fat Wei and the stubborn monkey were about to fall into a ball, both of them were dripping wet, thumping in the pool.

But that monkey really has a bit of a temper, stiff neck, no matter how Fat Wei and Ghost Sword deal with him?Just don't say a word...

Ghost knife came over with the knife in hand, and said to Chen Zhi,
This orc is too wild to be tamed!

And according to the rules of the organization, if he dared to attack the Jiang family's patriarch, it would be a capital offense! !

And we already know that there are many lives on his body, including those of us in Xiqi, so killing him is not considered an injustice.

His subordinates suggested that he should be executed on the spot. It was too powerful for ordinary warriors to deal with him, but once he escaped, it would be very troublesome! "

Danxuan suddenly took Ghost Saber's words,

"My Buddha is merciful, the life of an ant is a pity, let alone such a living life.

Since the donor's purpose this time is not the monkey, let's save his life for the time being!

After the journey, if you are tired, the poor monk is willing to guard the monkey and take it on the road!
If you can teach it, it can be regarded as a merit! "

After Danxuan finished speaking, Xiang put his palms together and bowed to Chen Zhi to thank him.

Both Ghost Saber and Fat Wei looked at Chen Zhi, asking what he meant.

In fact, since Danxuan's monkey head was reflected in the waterfall just now, Fat Wei no longer trusts Danxuan so much.

At this time, he asked to take the orc with him, which obviously aroused even more suspicion. Fat Wei's eyes expressed clearly, don't get these two people together!
But Chen Zhi lowered his head, thought for a while, then glanced at the wet monkey in the water, and finally said:
"Let's continue on the road, take it with us, and let Master Danxuan take care of him!

I hope that after Master Danxuan's guidance.

He can tell me in Chinese, what exactly does it know..."

(End of this chapter)

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