Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556
Wanting to leave this underground cave is really no joke.

They have traveled more than 100 floors just now. If the normal distance is measured, it will take them two days to return to the surface.

In order to save time and ensure the safety of the journey, Chen Zhi still made an enchantment bubble, put everyone in it, and then slowly floated upward in a straight line.

The road here is very rugged, [-]% of the caves have a lot of mummified orc corpses, huge bodies, colorful furs, and some scenes are too bizarre to ignore.

But what is certain is that this orc lineage that has survived for thousands of years in the western frontier has been completely extinct except for this monkey.

It took them more than ten hours to completely ascend from the ground, and at this time, the sky outside was already dark.

After all, the underground is cooler, so Chen Zhi asked everyone to store more water in the Karez Well, and then sleep there, and continue on their way the next morning.

After the monkey's arm was connected by the ghost knife, it tied a big knot with a rope, and tied it firmly to a nearby rock.

Chen Zhi added spells to the rope to limit its ability to change. This time it really can't run anymore!
While sleeping, Chen Zhi quietly took out the headband that controlled the stone to have a look.

This pure divine iron is very precious, and there is still a unique smell of divine descendants on it. It is very likely that Jiang Ziya has played with it in the hands of Jiang Ziya.

The power of this headband is estimated to be very unusual, and this magic weapon was once described in the novel.

It is said that he can stretch freely, which is the weapon used by Tang Seng to subdue Monkey King. Every time he has an attack, it can make him have a splitting headache.

Later, people used it as a metaphor for something that binds people, that is, putting a golden hoop on you.

However, can the silver hoop in his hand really have that effect?Also, whose orders will this silver hoop obey?Is it an order from the owner?
Chen Zhi couldn't help but compared the silver hoop to the monkey's head.

And the monkey immediately raised its head as if it had a feeling, and grinned fiercely at Chen Zhi's eyes, wishing to swallow him alive.

And when she saw the silver hoop in Chen Zhi's hand, she was obviously afraid again.

Seeing this, Pang Wei walked over a few steps, seeing that the monkey was a brain cover, and then kicked it a few times, and then knocked down its arrogance...

But the monkey was still looking at Chen Zhi secretly, that kind of hatred was indescribable.

Chen Zhi suddenly called Ghost Saber.

Ghost Knife was stabbing in the corner, when he heard Chen Zhi call him, he stood up.

At this time, I heard Chen Zhi continue to say:

"Knife, starting tomorrow, you can train this monkey as you like.

As long as it doesn't hurt his life, there is no need for his subordinates to be cautious! "

Ghost Knife responded, turned to look at the monkey, and continued to sit back.

The monkey heard Chen Zhi's words clearly, and grinned at Chen Zhi even more angrily, as if he wanted to insult Chen Zhi in Sogdian.

However, before he could make a sound, he heard a "bang~~".

The ghost knife hit his temple with a punch, which was not light, the monkey immediately fell to the ground, gasping for breath, almost missed the back.

After that, everyone spent a peaceful night in the cave...

The next morning, the billowing scorching sun appeared on the desert again, and the whole piece of yellow sand once again showed an orange-red state, as if it was half burned.

In this hot furnace, they set off again.

This Flaming Mountain is really well-deserved of its reputation, the hotter it gets as you go forward, the closer you get to Gaochang Kingdom, the feeling is really burning like fire, it makes people crazy.

And this monkey is really wild and unruly. Even a lion and a tiger can't compare to such a wild beast.

As soon as its broken arm was attached, it immediately attacked again as if it didn't know the pain.

It's just that this monkey has learned to be good now, knowing that attacking Chen Zhi will suffer a lot, and he can't beat Ghost Saber, so he wholeheartedly attacks the weaker Danxuan~~
Danxuan's face was covered with blood stains from its claws, but this time he was exceptionally good-tempered, and he still led the monkey all the way without complaint.

At the same time, he patiently preached to him, his voice was so low that others could not hear him clearly.

But every time the monkey heard a sentence, it was as if it had been splashed with oil, and it was extremely disgusted. It screamed and roared without seeing any humanity, and then it would pounce on Danxuan again, and was beaten violently by the ghost knife.

Tossing like this until the afternoon, the monkey had no strength because it was so badly repaired by the ghost knife.

His face was swollen high like a bun, and his body was so bruised that even the hair had fallen out.

Because I didn't drink a drop of water this morning, and I spent a lot of energy, and now I hang my head in the sun, like a lost dog.

Fat Wei made the monkey very angry because of this journey, and was implicated and scratched his face again.

So I simply made a collar with a rope, tied it around its neck, and pulled him away~~
At night, the weather immediately became cold again, and perhaps because we were approaching Gaochang, we saw some relatively short shrubs on the road.

Although these woods are small, they are also very flammable when lit, and they can provide some warmth. Looking at the sparks, there will be some warmth in my heart.

After the fire was set up, everyone gathered around the campfire to keep warm, put the water box on the fire to heat up, prepared to eat some dry food, and then spread sleeping bags to sleep.

Chen Zhi and the others gathered around the campfire to talk, but Danxuan squinted at the monkey tied next to him, and finally said,
"Call him over here!

He hasn't drunk water for a day, he will die of thirst, tell him to come here, give him some water to drink! "

"Master, don't be too soft-hearted," Fat Wei said, putting his hands on the bonfire and roasting.
"You treat him as a living thing, and he treats us as appetizers.

You forgot how he caught you along the way, let me tell you, this monkey is not a thing at all!

Didn't you see the records of those warriors in Meijiu Village?
This dead monkey ate a lot of people, and even snatched the woman back and ruined it! Why don't you dare to do it?

You have the heart of a Buddha to him now, and when the day he has fun, he dares to dig out your intestines!
You believe me!
The wicked want bad governance, and he is retribution now, so there is no need to be so merciful to him! "

"Amitabha!", Danxuan said the Buddha's name again, and then continued to say to Chen Zhi,
"Benefactor, you should know that good and evil are inherently blurred, and if it is said that good and evil are rewarded, he is not the only one who needs to be punished?
It's cold tonight, I don't think there's any need to delve into it!
Call it here, I will let him drink my water, I will take care of it..."

(End of this chapter)

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