Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1557 Enlightenment

Chapter 1557 Enlightenment ([-])

"Let him come over!"

After Chen Zhi listened to Danxuan's request, he nodded slightly.

Then he pointed to the rope that bound the monkey, and silently recited a few words, the rope fell off quickly, and the monkey fell to the ground immediately.

Danxuan immediately stood up and ran over to help the monkey up.

Although the monkey was very wild and tough, after a day of beatings and tossing, he was already exhausted.

He had scars all over his body, and there were severe penetrating wounds on his limbs, which made him unable to walk, and it was difficult to even lift his arms.

Danxuan picked it up little by little, helped her to find a clean place, wiped its wound with clean water, and helped him apply medicine.

Fat Wei glanced at them, laughed, and then pouted at Chen Zhi:
Regardless of when, the family is still towards the family~~, judging by the enthusiasm of the family, it is indeed an ancestor!

Let me tell you, let's be careful with this master, do you remember his face in the waterfall?

Good guy, it's scarier than this monkey now, it's just like a monkey demon.

Thinking about it carefully, his ancestor was also an orc after all, after all, he was still in the same group!We still have to be careful~~"

"Didn't you say you want to believe in Buddhism?",
Chen Zhi handed the water in his hand to Fat Wei,

"I remember hearing you say that you feel that you have dug too many graves and hurt your yin. In the future, you will believe in Buddhism and eat vegetarian food to detach yourself!
Now the opportunity is coming!

Buddhism says that all living beings are equal!Don't you share your food with that monkey? "

Fat Wei was squeezed by Chen Zhi and immediately raised his eyebrows and looked over there:
"To be honest, I really want to, but I'm afraid that the monkey will scratch my face.

If you are merciful, you can go, anyway, Fat Lord, I won’t put my hot face on that monkey’s ass, it’s just a shameless bastard, Pomon~~~”

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he turned around and opened his compressed biscuit, put beef jerky in it, and started to eat it with hot water.

Ghost Knife never liked to talk much, so after eating something casually, he went to find a big rock in the distance, leaned against it and closed his eyes to rest.

Sitting by the campfire, Chen Zhi looked at Danxuan and the monkey from a distance, carefully watching their appearance.

That monkey has been beaten badly, and its mouth is so swollen that it can't even open. It looks really horrible. If it didn't know that it had done so many rapes, robberies and outrageous things before, it would really make people think that Chen Zhi and the others were all These are cold-blooded animals with a hard heart.

But Danxuan was really patient. Seeing that the monkey couldn't open its mouth, he poured his own water into the bottle cap and fed it little by little.

The monkey was thirsty for a day, and when it encountered water, it was like a sweet spring, and it no longer resisted like that.

"Certainly~~," Fat Wei muttered to Chen Zhi in a low voice.

"Look at their intimacy, who would believe that they are not in the same group?
Come on, it's cold, don't let them stay there, it's like we abuse animals! ",
After Fat Wei finished speaking, he turned around and shouted at Master Danxuan.

"Hey~~, master, bring that monkey here! Come over here to enjoy the fire! I still have something to eat here, so I can feed him.

But let's get to the front of the ugly talk, you have to take care of it, don't scratch people after you come!My fat man still has this handsome face to look for a wife! "

Danxuan was obviously very happy when he heard Pangwei's invitation.

The monkey didn't seem to be immune to freezing, and because of the beating, the hair on its body had lost a lot. Now it was shaking all over, and it was almost frozen, and it urgently needed some fire and food.

Danxuan helped the monkey to walk this way, but it was already very difficult to walk. Danxuan held it very patiently and slowly moved to this side. It took a lot of effort to get to the side of the campfire.

The monkey seemed to have a lot of hostility towards Chen Zhi and Pang Wei, so he avoided it from a distance, but when he saw the biscuits and beef handed over by Pang Wei, he immediately grabbed it and stuffed it into his swollen mouth as if he had found a treasure.

"Hi! Eat slowly, don't choke, no one will grab you~~",
People's hearts are made of meat, Fat Wei looked at the monkey's appearance, and his heart really softened, he turned around with a smile and said,
"It's so weird!

If you want me to say that when this monkey got angry at me, no matter how I beat him, he wouldn't be relieved!

Seeing him like this now, I feel a little pity for him, hehe, what do you guys think is going on? "

Danxuan clasped his palms together and said a Buddha's name:
"Everyone has good thoughts and evil thoughts, and love and hate are on the line. Humans are like this, and so are beasts!
The jackal knows how to repay kindness, and the donor has kind thoughts in his heart, this is the fate of the Buddha~~"

"I want to bring up the Buddha's fate..."
Fat Wei blinked his eyes when he said this, obviously hesitating, but finally said it out.

"Master, I'm a rough person, and I want to discuss this Buddhist theory with you.

Of course I don't understand anything. If I say something wrong, it's not a crime, is it? "

Danxuan twisted the beads and said calmly:

"The benefactor is serious. Buddhism is tolerant. Those who don't know are innocent. Besides, it's just a discussion. The benefactor just says it's okay. The poor monk just listens!"

"Okay, then I'll say it openly! Ahem~~",
Fat Wei coughed twice and asked solemnly,

"I don't know much about other things, but I know that Buddhism is a place to do good deeds, and the emphasis is on being lenient to others and not doing evil things!

But do you know what kind of harm people have become in XZ, especially before liberation!

I heard that quite a lot of lamas treat their slaves as human servants, and even break off women's hands and feet, making them into hell kings riding corpses or something.

By the way, what other Buddha mother, Tantra..."

"Do you also know Tantra?" Chen Zhi glanced at Fat Wei, and saw that a few more firewood had been added to the bonfire, sparks immediately popped out.

"Why don't you know?" Fat Wei immediately stretched his neck and said,
"Then what kind of double cultivation is there in Tantra, in fact, it is to harm the little girls in their teens, and then help them practice Buddhism.

Doing such immoral things in the name of Buddhism, and then euphemistically calling her the Buddha's mother and concubine!
Damn, I have seen a lot of pious people, but I have never seen such a shameless one. Is this what we Buddhists should do? "

"You yourself said just now..." Chen Zhi said next to him,
"That's Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. The cultural situation in Tibet is very complicated. Many religions are tools of the chieftain's rule. Buddhism has changed forms there. This cannot be counted as orthodox Buddhism."

"Oh, I don't agree with that!" Fat Wei drank his saliva and said,
"A Buddha is a Buddha, no matter where he is, he is a Buddha.

Just like Buddhism in India, it came all the way to our land of China, and that is also a Buddha.

Why do you accept the good ones and not the bad ones!So how do we ordinary people tell the difference..."

Fat Wei, Chen Zhi and the others were talking enthusiastically here, but the captured monkey remained silent all this time.

He held a water glass in his hand, and stared at them with his eyes. He seemed to be very interested in this question, listening carefully to Fat Wei's words, waiting for Danxuan's answer...

(End of this chapter)

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