Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1563 Request [adding updates to the 9-day Imperial Sword]

Chapter 1563 Request [adding updates to the Nine Heavens Imperial Sword]

"Sacrifice? Okay~~",
At this moment, Danxuan suddenly became very weeping, his eyebrows moved slightly, his eyes glistened with water, as if he would shed tears at any time,
"Human beings always have a lot of words. For your regime, you can sacrifice others in various ways. Do you think this is right?"

"I didn't say we were right!" Chen Zhi looked at Dan Xuan with both eyes, and said solemnly,

"But compared to these orcs, we are stronger, this is the law of the jungle!"

"Are you stronger?",
Danxuan's eyes suddenly became very cold at this time, he looked at Chen Zhi coldly, just like looking at a frivolous child,
"Descendants of Jiang Ziya, are you sure you understand what it means to be strong?

Do you think your spells are powerful?Or the weapon in the palm of your hand?

I'll tell you now..." Danxuan's eyes suddenly changed color at this time, and his voice became very deep,

"True power is invisible! It can exist in people's hearts, take root and sprout, boundless, and vast waves~~~"

After Danxuan finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, panted slowly, and endured the pain one after another.

After gritting his teeth to endure the pain for a while, he raised his glasses again and looked at Chen Zhi,

"Patriarch Chen, can I have a request?"

"Please tell me!" Chen Zhi nodded in response.

Danxuan lowered his eyes, pondered for a while, and then said in a very soft voice,
"My relationship with Dou Shengfo, I hope you can keep it a secret, and don't let that orc know.

And the life of that orc, please hang it on me, I will try to bewitch it and make him forget his hatred.

That is a very powerful orc with precious blood. If he survives, he will do a lot of good under your command in the future.

If it can't be educated, I will let you deal with it. Do you think it is okay? "

"...", Chen Zhi didn't know what to say for a moment.

In fact, before that, he had already thought about the outcome of the monkey, and he didn't want to save its life.

Chen Zhi is not a cruel person, on the contrary, he cares about life and sacrifice, and he also knows that for this monkey, maybe Xiqi owes it.

But after experiencing too much, Chen Zhi has gradually consumed his softness, and his thinking has already become very rational and accurate.

This monkey is wild and unruly, and the advantages of surviving outweigh the disadvantages, and the disadvantages are greater.

And this monkey is different from ordinary orcs, he is very smart, quick thinking, and gifted.

His potential is like a bottomless abyss, once it is fully stimulated, its power will be unimaginably strong, and it will be difficult to control at that time.

Chen Zhi hesitated for a long time, but finally looked at Danxuan's sad face, nodded seriously,

"I promise you!"

The sound of beatings outside was still coming. After a while, the fat man knocked on the door, showed his face through the crack of the door, and blinked at Chen Zhi, meaning to ask about the final result.

Chen Zhi whispered a few words in his ear, and Fat Wei went to work.

Chen Zhi came back and continued to sit by Danxuan's bed, lowered his voice and said,
"Master, I have agreed to your request.

But I also hope that you can promise me, after all, it happened more than 1000 years ago, you really don't have to worry about it anymore, and keep it secret for me.

With your current status, there are still many things you need to do. The current world is too impetuous and needs a true spiritual teacher like you.

There is no need to judge whether the past is right or wrong! "

"You are wrong~~",
Danxuan suddenly put his hands on Chen Zhi's shoulders, and in an instant, Chen Zhi felt that this arm weighed a thousand catties.

At this time, I heard Danxuan continue to say,
"It's been 1300 years, and the prosperous Gaochang Kingdom has already perished. No matter what I do to remedy it, it is impossible to change it. This is a debt I owe.

But you are different..."

After Danxuan finished speaking, he pointed in the direction of the monkey outside the door, and looked at Chen Zhi meaningfully:

"You still have a chance,

On this point, you are better than me...

Believe me, what I am doing now is the greatest achievement in my life! "

The monkey was beaten outside by Fat Wei and Ghost Dao all night, until it couldn't even scream.

However, the situation became the worst for Danxuan. Danxuan's physical condition could not withstand such trauma at all. After a large piece of flesh was removed from his left shoulder, Danxuan began to have a fever in pain.

Fever made people unconscious, and Danxuan went into shock several times.

Fortunately, the medicines organized by the organization had miraculous effects. At noon the next day, Danxuan's fever finally subsided.

There was no more bleeding from the mouth area, and new fat tissue began to grow slowly.

Chen Zhi helped him to the door, it was extremely hot outside, and the monkey was tied to the stone.

It was covered in blood, and the fur on its body was almost bald.

However, his body's recovery ability is really amazing. After suffering such a serious injury, he gradually recovered in just this morning, and the penetrating wound on his ribs has also scabbed over at this time.

When Chen Zhi supported Danxuan and walked over, the monkey looked at Danxuan with both eyes, not as fierce as yesterday.

"Master!" Fat Wei said loudly beside him,
"We did ideological education work for this splashing monkey last night, and after our special education, he has recognized his mistakes.

He said last night that he is willing to follow you to become a monk and worship you as his teacher from now on!

I won't do anything outrageous again in the future! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he kicked the monkey hard again.
"Damn monkey, let me tell you! Your life was saved by the master!

If you don't kneel down to worship the master, beg him to forgive you.

Let me tell you, the master just curls his lips, and the knife and I can tear you apart alive, do you believe it?
Get down on your knees! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he kicked a few more times.

The monkey was no longer so arrogant at this time, his eyes drooped, and he knelt down in front of Danxuan in submission,
"I am an ignorant beast, I offended you yesterday, Master Xie, spare my life!

From then on, I would like to worship Master as my teacher, pursue Buddhism, and be faithful! "

 [Add more updates to the Nine Heavens Yushen Sword]

(End of this chapter)

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