Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1564 Quick tour of Gaochang Kingdom

Chapter 1564 Quick tour of Gaochang Kingdom

Seeing the monkey's distressed appearance, Danxuan seemed to be very distressed. Regardless of his injury, he bravely walked over and helped the monkey up.

"No need to say that, it's okay, it's really okay~~"

Danxuan's enthusiastic attitude towards the monkey was a bit uncharacteristic, which made Fat Wei a little bit unacceptable, and kept curling his lips at Chen Zhi.

Then he looked at Danxuan and smiled,
"That~~, I think the master is almost fine!

It's getting late, let's go into the ruins and have a look, after all, after so much tossing and running over thousands of miles, this is a serious matter!

Since Master Danxuan was injured, why not stay here for now, the place inside is not big, we can step on it twice in a while, and let you go in together when it is safe! "

"No no, I want to go too!",
Danxuan struggled to stand up, and looked at the ruins of the ancient city in front of him with slightly profound eyes:
"I'm the one who should go in!

More than 1300 years ago, this was an extremely prosperous capital, full of traffic and crowds, but now..."

Danxuan sighed softly,
"Everything is gone~~
I should go back and have a look~~"

Danxuan's emotions were very natural, obviously from his heart, but his words aroused Chen Zhi's vigilance.

The three of them glanced at each other and were speechless. Finally, the fat man smiled and said to Danxuan,

I said master, please stop talking like that, we are very scared~~
What do you say, like you've been here?He even knew what the place was like.

Don't say that again, I'm cowardly, I dare not go in because of what you said..."

After hearing what Fat Wei said, Danxuan smiled faintly and said nothing.

Chen Zhi's original intention was to let Danxuan rest in the metal room outside. He was wounded, and carrying it was also a burden.

However, Danxuan was very insistent that he wanted to go in with them, and in the end they decided to enter this ancient city together and go in and out together.

The final destination is at hand, and there is really no need to delay now.

So after a simple lunch, they entered the ancient city of Gaochang in the afternoon.

And here, it really is a piece of ruins submerged in the yellow sand. Everything in the past is fully displayed here, including that period of history that no one knows...

In fact, in the morning, Chen Zhi had already stood on the hillside and assessed the general terrain of the ancient city.

This ancient city can be divided into three parts: the outer city, the inner city and the palace city. The city has a wide area, and architectural ruins are scattered in all directions, especially in the southwest, which should belong to residential areas in the past.

And under the telescope, there are also many large landmark buildings. Those buildings are well preserved. Streets run through the city, and every area is vivid.

Chen Zhi and the others are very familiar with this kind of ancient architectural city, especially in such a small country, the internal structure is generally very complete.

They drew several passages in the city on the electronic version, and after planning the route, they chose the shortest road to walk into the city.

The depths of the desert are very quiet during the day, perhaps due to the geographical environment here, Gaochang City is no longer as hot as outside.

Ancient vegetation can be seen everywhere, as well as some scattered pots and utensils. It seems that a long time ago, this place was also a very lush oasis.

Every oasis must have a source of water, but now the source of fresh water is nowhere to be found.

This kind of thing is also common in history. Water in the desert is very scarce, and the water source may have been exhausted, or it may not have gone anywhere at all.

After walking in through the city gate, I realized that the ruins, which looked low and low in front, looked so tall up close.

The ancient city of Gaochang has a towering city wall, vertical and horizontal streets, remnants of the moat, and the city wall is basically well preserved. It is very magnificent when viewed from a close distance, and it is very rich in the style of the Western Regions.

The outer city is roughly square, with a thickness of about 12 meters and a circumference of nearly 5 kilometers. It is a rammed earth slab building, and some parts are repaired with adobe. The door is very well designed.

These city gates have basically been destroyed, and the gates to the west and north are the best preserved. There are winding urns on both sides, and the inner city is in the middle of the outer city.

Most of the southwestern city walls are well preserved, with a circumference of about 3 kilometers. The palace city is rectangular and is located in the north of the city.

As for the north palace wall, which is the north wall of the outer city, there are still many 3-4 meter high platforms in this area, which are much higher than the ground. Judging from this style, it should have been the seat of the Gaochang court.

When they continued to walk inward, they found a high platform in the north of the inner city with an adobe square tower more than 15 meters high.

This kind of building was very common in the Western Regions in ancient times. This kind of square tower is commonly known as "Khan Fort", which means royal palace.

Chen Zhi and the others walked down the west side, and there was a two-storey building above ground and underground, surrounded by a lot of gold lacquer and silver carvings, which may be the ruins of an ancient palace.

After coming here, Danxuan's physical strength was obviously failing, big drops of sweat fell from his forehead, and his clothes were soaked, as if he had taken a bath.

Chen Zhi and the others didn't dare to take him any further, so they asked Ghost Knife to stay and watch him, while he and Fat Wei took the monkey and continued to walk inside.

The road after that was quite good. The desert is such a place. Although it is hot, the sun makes the road very clean and there is no slippery surface.

When they were walking towards the outer city, they found a large monastery in the southwest.

This temple is the most prominent building in the whole ruins, and the wall color is different from that of the surrounding buildings, so it should be built later.

Fat Wei and Chen Zhi walked around the temple, it was indeed a very big temple.

The gate of the temple alone is about 15 meters long, 90 meters wide from north to south, and covers an area of ​​nearly 1 square meters. This scale is definitely no less than any large temple in the Central Plains.

There are still remnants of handicraft workshops and market sites near the temple. It seems that there were once incense gatherings and it was very lively.

They walked in along the gate, and after entering, they found that the temple was very clean, as if the outside wind and dust hadn't gotten in.

The temple is composed of mountain gate, courtyard, lecture hall, scripture building, main hall, monk's room, etc. There are all kinds of utensils, and the colorful Buddha statues are still vivid, but most of them are incomplete.

Chen Zhi took a closer look, only to find that most of the Buddha statues had flaws, which were forcibly damaged by hard objects such as iron objects.

This is the temple is really too big, you can't see the end at a glance, walking along the temple, there is an amazing discovery!

It turns out that this is a temple in the Chinese style, and there is a downward ladder in the center of the temple. The ladder is made of silverware, and it is inlaid with gemstone cat's eyes, which is very gorgeous.

Going down the ladder, you soon find a small monastery.

The courtyard of the small room is carefully furnished, the stone bricks on the floor are very well-crafted, and the walls and ceiling have traces of gold leaf inlays, which seems to be a place for the royal family and nobles to pray alone.

And here, there is a horizontal stone wall.

On this stone wall, they saw the magnificent "Scrolling Wall of St. Buddha's Crossing" again.

Only this time, there is more content on the wall...

 One by one.During this time, I have classes in the morning and evening.One day from morning to night.Monday to Friday.

  Really tired and stupid.It will be completely liberated in about ten days.You pity me.

(End of this chapter)

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