Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1565 The Ladder Left in the Dark

Chapter 1565 The Ladder Left in the Dark
The silver ladder appeared very abruptly in this abandoned temple.

Compared to the surrounding ruins, this ladder is too new. The color of sterling silver glistens in the sunlight, and the decorative gemstones on it exude a transparent luster.

This is a ladder that has not been oxidized, and the bottom leads directly into the darkness. From the structural point of view, it should be a small temple within a temple, a hidden space.

There are some wooden fragments around the ladder, as well as the remaining parts of the mechanism. It seems that this location was discovered not long ago...

Chen Zhi stepped on the sterling silver stairs inlaid with gemstones, and walked down step by step, a strange atmosphere slowly spread up from below.

This kind of atmosphere is very strange, dignified and solemn, full of strong Buddhist color.

Below this is a special space. It is estimated that when the temple was at its most prosperous, this underground temple was not open to the public. Only when the mechanism was opened, this space would be revealed to the outside.

It is estimated that it should be an area used exclusively by noble people, or even a separate Buddhist room for the king.

To be precise, this downward staircase is made of sterling silver mixed with polymetallic, with beautiful curves, like a blooming Western Region flower.

On each fork, there are pearls and gemstones inlaid, the workmanship is extremely exquisite, and the stairs are covered with gold leaf flowers.

It can be said that if such a well-preserved work of art is brought to the market, it will definitely shock the antique world, and it will be sold at an extremely high price at the auction!
And this kind of exquisite artwork should not be thrown here at will...

Chen Zhi has confirmed one thing at this time, that is, the staff in the iron house did not leave here because of the hot weather, but had other accidents,
Such exquisite ancient artworks would not be placed in the air like this, which would damage and oxidize the metal and gemstones on the surface.

Even if they are forced to leave here because of the working environment, the staff will protect this national treasure-level handicraft.

They will coat the surface of the ladder with a protective film, and even use wooden planks to form a frame around it. They will never let this ladder hang out easily and let it oxidize and corrode.

Unless, when those staff found this underground temple, there was an accident immediately...

This is a very simple logical deduction, not only Chen Zhi, but even Fat Wei was aware of this situation immediately.

They first entered the ground slowly along the ladder, and then did not act rashly, but each found a hidden hiding place to observe the situation in the darkness.

There is a very deep darkness in front of it, and there are shadows in the darkness. It seems that some Buddhist niches and cushions can be seen. It really is a place to visit Buddha!

And there is a stone screen at the very front, the surface of the stone screen is hidden in the darkness and cannot be seen clearly.

Around Shiping, some dark shadows could be seen, which seemed a little bit like human beings, but they didn't know what they were.

It's dark and quiet down here, and people's five senses are always very sensitive. The moment they entered, there was a strong smell of blood immediately.

This bloody smell is very fresh, it should be the bloody smell that just appeared within a few months.

Moreover, there is also a sour and rotten smell, which is the smell of fermentation after the fat of the corpse has rotted for a long time in the hot temperature.

"Don't talk..." After Fat Wei said something in a very low voice, he waved his hand to signal Chen Zhi and the others not to follow.

Then he walked into the darkness alone, pinching his hands and feet. Pang Wei's movements were so dexterous that his fat body didn't make a sound.

He walked to Shiping's seat very carefully, leaned sideways under the stone screen, and then lightly turned on the searchlight, a special kind of light shone out.

Chen Zhi knew this kind of light from Fat Wei, which he specially installed in the searchlight, called Yiguang, this kind of light can illuminate all the traces of blood, even if it is wiped off, it can still reveal the leakage come out.

Yi Guangguang shone on the ground, and in an instant, several footprints appeared on the ground!
Those are the footprints of adults, and the patterns on the footprints are easy to identify. They are common outdoor shoes now.

In other words, as Chen Zhi imagined before, the team that lived in the iron house did not leave.

They may have discovered this underground temple by accident, opened it, and finally disappeared here.
After taking photos of these shoe prints, Pang Wei leaned his hands on the stone screen and smelled them, and finally ran back on tiptoe, with a very serious expression on his face.

He didn't dare to make a sound anymore, but put the searchlight on his mouth and said with his lips,

"There must be zongzi in this place, they are alive, and they are not young! They are definitely not easy to deal with!
Don't go in rashly later, follow me behind, hold a handful of glutinous rice in your hand, if you can't do it, stuff it in your mouth, you must remember, this kind of old rice dumpling is very scary, no matter how disgusting it looks, Just plug it! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he took out a handful of blood glutinous rice from his arms and stuffed it into Chen Zhi's hand, but he didn't give it to the monkey.

Chen Zhi waved his hand slightly, telling the monkey to stay by the side of the ladder and not move around, and then put a restrictive airflow to bind it like a rope.

The monkey had already experienced Chen Zhi's ability before, so naturally he didn't dare to act rashly. He curled up obediently beside the ladder, stuck his eyes like a little hairy monkey, and watched them go inward.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei then walked inside along the darkness, and as the distance narrowed, the stone screen slowly appeared in front of their eyes.

It is a small stone screen. The left and right sides of the stone screen are exquisitely crafted, full of peony cloud patterns, and some places are decorated with pure gold. It can be seen that a lot of effort was put into the production. It has a typical early Tang style.

Chen Zhi and Fatty unscrewed the searchlight and placed it on the surface of the stone screen, which was a self-painted mural.

The so-called self-painted mural is to hollow out the middle of the stone screen and make it into a drawing board structure.

And the content on the drawing board can be drawn slowly, more and more until it is completed.

Some religious temples also use it as a wall for writing scriptures, and more and more scriptures are recorded on it, and finally it becomes a big project.

The first half of this mural is exactly the same as the "Scrolling Wall of the Holy Buddha's Crossing" in the East Thousand Buddha Cave.

But in the second half, there is a lot more content...

(End of this chapter)

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