Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1566 Later Gaochang

Chapter 1566 Later Gaochang

[Thanks: Wu Ranyan 50000 Grand Prize]

"Holy Buddha Crossing the Scroll Wall" is the mural that they saw in the East Thousand Buddha Cave describing the real scene of Journey to the West.

It was also the mural that made them find this place in the end.

It describes that Xuanzang and Doushengfo were guided by the God of White Clothes, signed a contract with the King of Gaochang, and accepted his funding, and then set out from Gaochang Kingdom, traveled westward to Tianzhu, and returned after learning scriptures.

But these contents are only the first half of the mural at this time.

However, what I see here now, there is still a follow-up half...

This follow-up picture is extremely rough and the colors are thick and foreshadowing. It is obvious that ordinary people imitated the master's handwriting in the later period.

And its content is what happened in the later period of Gaochang after Xuanzang's master and apprentice left.

After Xuanzang and Dou Shengfo left with Gaochang's huge resources, Gaochang entered a state of preparation for war with less food and clothing.

It can be seen on the screen that the prosperous capital of Gaochang has been closed, and the citizens refused the invitations of the businessmen who came and went.

Among these people, there was a man wearing a crown, he was about twenty years old, with a beard all over his face, he took off the royal robe inlaid with jewels, wore a monk's robe, held Buddhist beads, and led the people Devout worshiping the Buddha, chanting scriptures in the temple day and night.

And the scene after that is war...

In the following picture, countless brave soldiers wearing Tang Dynasty armor began to besiege the capital of Gaochang.

Holding long halberds, they mercilessly killed the people of Gaochang Kingdom.

The common people were all wearing white robes, with their hair disheveled and in agony, while the women hugged their children and howled under the city wall, begging the terracotta warriors outside for mercy.

But those soldiers with halberds still pierced their hearts cruelly!

Under this fierce attack, none of the soldiers in Gaochang came out to fight back. On the contrary, they all held prayer beads, clasped their palms together, and knelt down to wait for the mercy of God.

And the king wearing the crown was hiding in the small temple, wearing a white monk's robe, kneeling under the Buddha statue, trembling all over, begging the Lord Buddha's forgiveness...

I don't know how long this terrifying battle to seize the city has progressed, and every picture after that will add a lot of blood, which is enough to see the brutality of the massacre at that time.

And in the last picture, the whole city has turned red, like a blooming peony in the desert.

This Gaochang country with a long history, a treasure in the desert, was finally completely wiped out...

These images are vividly displayed on the scroll wall, and the massacre with the pious believers holding Buddhist beads is simply a satirical farce.

But this farce, in this icy darkness at this time, makes people tremble.

While Chen Zhi was looking at the wall, Fat Wei turned his gaze to Zhou.

And when he saw a position, he stopped suddenly, then patted Chen Zhi with his hand, put his finger on his mouth, and signaled him to keep quiet.

Fat Wei then pointed to the darkness ahead, where many shadows were hidden.

They are obviously human beings, leaning there, with their heads drooping and arms hanging down, they are obviously dead people.

Fat Wei then gestured to Chen Zhi and said a few words with his lips, the meaning was very clear:
"There are zongzi in front, be careful!"

Pang Wei then leaned against the stone wall with a handful of bloody glutinous rice in his mouth, and began to move forward very carefully.

His movements were very light, and when he finally reached in front of the black shadow, he suddenly hit the black shadow's neck at an extremely fast speed, pinned him to the ground neatly, and then stuffed a handful of blood glutinous rice into the black shadow's mouth!
What's strange is that the black shadow didn't tremble or struggle like a zombie should. On the contrary, he was pressed to the ground forcefully without making a sound.
Fat Wei felt very strange, so he turned the black shadow over and shone it with a searchlight, and then his face was full of astonishment.

Chen Zhi also walked over, using a searchlight to shake the black figure's face, only to see that it was a man covered in blood!
He is about forty or so years old. He is very strong and has a rough face. He should be born in manual labor.

He was wearing outdoor clothing, which was the clothing of modern people, but he must have been dead for a while, the flesh on his body was rotten and smelly, and his eyes were almost rotten.

Chen Zhi lifted the man's front shirt and flipped it over on his chest.

He found a work card in his arms, which read: Dongfeng Engineering Construction Group.

In addition, there are some professional certificates and business cards of construction material suppliers. It looks like it should be a foreman.

Pang Wei found all the dark shadows around him, all of them were the corpses of some modern people.

Some are industrial construction personnel, some are archaeologists, and they are all in the same team. They should be the people who lived in the iron house above.

"These people should have died after seeing something here~~" Chen Zhi said to Fat Wei with his lips,
"If this is the case, it proves that the murderer who killed them is still here!
Be careful! ".

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he made a gesture, and the two of them tacitly separated the east and west lanes, chose one each, and walked into the darkness.

After searching around, I didn't find anything strange, but there was a perennial lampstand in the middle of the ground.

Pang Wei made a fire into it, and with a "bang", the flame immediately burned, completely illuminating the place.

Everything in the underground temple can be seen at a glance. The golden light suddenly appears, and the aura is overwhelming. The decoration here is indeed very luxurious. Even the edges of the corners of the tables are inlaid with gemstones. There are so many gold medals and jade bowls. style.

Chen Zhi looked around, and it was indeed a small closed temple with all the utensils for worshiping Buddha.

In addition to Buddhist scriptures, there is a tall and frighteningly large Buddha statue directly in front of them. The Buddha statue is plated with gold, and its body is golden, shining under the firelight...

And the entire basement temple is spotless, except for a little dust that just drifted in from outside, there is not a single drop of accumulated dust.

This proves that for more than 1300 years, this place should have been completely sealed, and even the air did not come in.

After the ruins were developed, this hidden underground temple was accidentally opened...

 [Thanks: Wu Ranyan 50000 Grand Prize]

(End of this chapter)

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